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Everything posted by relilimex

  1. i would change the plot in the 3 prequal movies and make so jar jar binks never existed. no gun guns, no count duko, darth maul would have been epic if he would have been in the movies up until the 3rd chapter and then had a battle between anakin and obi wan. anakin is question his aligance to the dark side and maul makes anakin see the what teh dark side can offer so he betrayes obi wan and attack him. in the meentime maul has now 2 duel bladed lightsabers and jump to finish off qui gon jinn, yes he is not dead yet becouse qui gon had far better history then any other old jedi knights. maul and he has there final confrontation and with one strike maul is hit and fall down to the ground. obi wan and qui gon ries to calm him down but anakin force choke padme to teh death and obi wan and qui gon jump of to save her but fails.
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