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Posts posted by Sethuriel

  1. I am happy to return to SWTOR after this much time.


    I am surprised to see my Arsenal BH barely changed and got some nice utility skills. From all MMOs I have played, I can say by far that SWTOR PvP is the most fun, regardless if a match is won or lost.


    As soon I heard Baron Deathmark again, a smile that I have not felt in several years showed up on my face.


    It's good to be back!

  2. Howdy, I returned to the game recently (stopped playing before 1.2) and me and my gf would like a payed intercontinental transfer as well since most of our friends playing in the US stopped and as we live in Europe the time difference don't let us enjoy the full potential of the game(Operations in a decent time schedule for example), please make this happen!
  3. This isn't a zomg why nerf tracer missile thread. This thread is about "combat with adrenaline" as the devs want Arsenal BH to have...So, we got nerfed on 2 of the skills we have to avoid/reduce damage(Jet Boost and Power Barrier), so now we will tank damage even more... My question is...Why do bounty hunters need to have the worst mobility of this game? Why can't we get a nice anti-gap skill to allow us to escape meeles and damage like most of the other advanced classes can(sprint, camouflage). What is our utility in pvp? I feel completely useless on a huttsball game when the enemy ball carrier is already on the ramp to jump down and sprint through the vent, I don''t even a ranged slow, i just sit there, watching, feeling powerless to do anything about it. My point is, mercenaries are very, very limited on utilities, and we have a freaking jetpack on our backs...Can't we get a nice utility skill to help our teammates or escape damage for a bit like something similar to a WoW mage's blink(where we choose with an area cursor where to land)?
  4. Seeing Mercs, specially arsenal specced mercs, are very limited at pvp without slows and interrupts, wouldn't be nice if mercs could get some kinda jetpack teleporting ability(like choosing an area in the ground that the mercenary can move to with his jetpack within a medium yard distance) to get away from enemies? I find myself tanking damage most of the time or sitting around with my thumb in my mouth while the enemy ball carrier is years away from me and i can't do jack on him since my knock-back slow needs to be on meele range, so a way to avoid the hundreds of gap closers and being helpful to my team in this game would be pretty neat...

    I mean, my jetpack is pretty useless as it is now....

  5. geez you guys make the game look like The Sims in space, why bother about what she mailed you if she never interacts with you again. I'd suggest you do what the other guy said in the first page and disable the LS/DS visualization for the choices so you can play the BH as you feel like.
  6. Any chance we can dizim--- i mean fight against Gungans in the future in this game? It could work like WoW's Zul X instances. I am pretty sure the comunity wouldn't mind. Actually most would love it and the subs would increase even more.
  7. Pretty sure mako approved some dark side choices such as the killing of that bartender in balmorra(since he was a *******). In any case, just gift her and use another companion for dark side choices dialogues and summon her again after the cinematic is over
  8. Some people are just new to the game or the MMORPG concept at all. I lost a Aim/Endurance gloves to a Sith Juggernaut because he didn't know that Aim was my bounty hunter main stat. He understood that politely and avoid rolling on BH gear and all was fine. Some people don't take your loot because they're grievers.
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