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Everything posted by Kaadan

  1. I've encountered something a couple of times now, and I'm curious to know what the rest of the community thinks about this sort of behavior. Let me first be very clear that I do not think it is a direct violation of any rules, but I do somewhat feel it is not what the developers had intended. This is what I have encountered: Player X levels a character to lvl 49. Before hitting 49 they do a lot of pvp, and purchase multiple versions of the highest sub-50 pvp weapons, from which they extract the expertise mods and add to every piece of their armor, which is also fully augmented. Player X then proceeds to run around in the 1-49 battlegrounds with 16-17k+ health and two-shot everyone else who has not done the same thing they have, and then makes sure to always leave the warzone in the last 10-15 seconds to avoid getting any xp, thereby staying at lvl 49 permanently. I know this is a common occurrence in other MMOs, and luckily so far it's not something that I've encountered all that much in swtor, but given that the next patch will allow for even more augment slots this will make players doing this even more ridiculous to face in the pre-50s warzones. As I said earlier I do not think that these players are violating any rules, but I also do not think that this makes for fun warzones, and if this sort of thing is allowed then I'm sure before long every server will have it's group of twinked out lvl 49 pyrotechs running around insta-killing everything and there will be no point in 1-49 warzones anymore. What do the rest of you all think?
  2. Before the last patch I was getting advanced neural augmentors on average every 6-8 missions, which corresponded nicely with the supposed ~20% chance to get them, given that I never have luck with that sort of thing. Since the last patch I have not gotten a single one from now over 60 mission attempts. Unless my maths is completely off then the chance of me just being that unlucky is about 0.00015% which even for someone like me who usually does have bad luck with these sort of things still seems somewhat excessive. There also seem to be a shortage of augmentors available on the GTN, which would indicate I'm not the only one not getting them anymore. Has anyone else noticed this change, or am I just on a massive losing-streak when it comes to this?
  3. I'm glad that you enjoy playing that way, and I'm happy for you that you will enjoy the changes that are forthcoming. In no way whatsoever do I wish to stop you, or anyone else, from being able to do so. I would however ask that you understand and accept that not everyone feels the same way you do, and that others, like myself, do not enjoy this and would like to be given the option to avoid it.
  4. Your queue time would be unchanged unless you checked the box. The only difference for you from now will be that you can fight other imperials in the other warzones once the patch hits.
  5. Does anyone else really dislike playing against their own faction in warzones? I don't mind hutball all that much as long as I get to play it against the republic (being imperial myself), but same faction warzones are just a mess. I'll be fighting someone and suddenly were both in the middle of a big red imperial symbol and I have no idea if I’m about to get help or be killed, and that's only in hutball. Imagine what that will be like in voidstar... is that my teammate covering me while I try and plant a bomb or is it an enemy stopping me planting it? More than only the confusion aspect of it though, I just really don't enjoy or want to play against my own faction. If I am going to fight then I want to fight the ”enemy”. To me it's the same as in sports, sure it's ok to divide a team into two and play against eachother, but it's much more fun to play against a rival team. Now that the devs seem intent on making every warzone playable against your own faction, I'm curious if there are any other people who feel like I do, and who would appreciate it if while they are redoing the queuing system for warzones anyway they could include a small checkbox for ”Do not queue for same faction warzones”. I'm sure a lot of people don't have a problem with fighting their own faction and just want faster queue times, and that's fine, I don't want to take that option away from anyone who wants it, but I would like the option to avoid it myself, even though it would mean potentially queuing for longer myself.
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