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Posts posted by Kanana

  1. Do you understand the concept of MMO? It's about building your character up not just getting instant gratification from everything. Then again what would you know? Your first MMO was probably WoW cata.


    LOL. I started with EQ1, right when it opened. I remember when they changed it so killstealers had to outdamage an entire group, and not just the individuals in a group to get exp and loot, and when last names at level 20 were still awarded by a GM after a ticket. Exp loss on death, including level loss, corpse runs (before the summon corpse spell for necros was put in), hell levels that took 4 times the exp to progress... the list goes on.


    And you know what? That stuff sucked. There's a reason we don't have those mechanics anymore today. A game is supposed to be fun, not work.

  2. I freaking hate this gear system.


    People hit 50 and 3 days later have full battlemaster. What's the sense in being equal to a fresh 50 when I've busted my *** getting valor lvl 75?


    I'd love to see 60 valor required for BM and 70 for war hero gear, seems fair to me.


    You should be able to defeat a fresh 50 because of your experience and skill, not because of some gear advantage. This is PvP, not PvE. Ideally, all would have the same gear, allowing for fair matches.

  3. PvP needs to reward time spent in it as PvE does. XP and credits no matter if you lose or win, just so 15 minutes in a WZ are not wasted compared to 15 minutes spent questing.


    Comms need to be rewarded more generously regardless of the outcome so people have an incentive to stick it out.

  4. PvP is best when lots of people are active. When there are instant games, and different players. And for that you must reward participating, not just winning.


    Love PvP? Make it so win or lose, you get decent rewards - comms, credits, and XP. None of that piddly 15 comms and 0 credits.

  5. Perfect stuns? You mean flashbang and debilitate? Have you actually played an Ops? I guess not. My guess is you've been ganged up by half a team and just blame the operative who was healing since months ago one operative killed you in a stunlock once. Newsflash: All Operative stuns got pretty nerfed loooon ago.
  6. Very good proposal. The rewards for playing must be increased so people queue up and stay in games. Fighting for 15 minutes should at least pay out 7K and comms above 50. When compared to pve rewards, the credit rewards look pathetic and ruin the pvp playstyle.


    And for those concerned about repair costs: Get real. Repair costs are no concern when doing solo quests or space, both which nets you far more credits for less work than pvp.

  7. That's rather unfair though to an 8v8 (i.e. the same people all starting and finishing the match) situation where people then come even closer to that 'being given medals just for showing up' status.


    It's a game. PvP needs as many players participating as you can get, which means, yes, you should get a reward just for showing up.

  8. The biggest mistake the development team has made here is that they have tried to punish failure. Not only is punishing failure impossible to do without hurting some people, it breaks the Golden Rule of Gaming: Games are supposed to be FUN. You shouldn't have to worry about whether or not you "did enough" to get rewarded. MMO's are not mid-term exams; they're videogames, and we play them to enjoy ourselves.


    Prior to these changes, I could drop into a Warzone, have some fun, and come away with some rewards. Now there's all this pressure to perform, this knowledge that if I fail to make some arbitrary mark of contribution I will get NOTHING.


    Where this hurts the most...and this may cause permanent, long-lasting damage to the game's PvP base...is in the casual player. I am not a hardcore PvPer. I just like to drop in and have some lightsaber duels with the Sith every now and again. Though that's still fun, it's hard to justify doing that in this game when grinding mobs and repeating quests will not only allow me to do the same thing, but will give me some kind of tangible benefit for doing so.


    Changing the medals down to one is a good start, but frankly it will not be good enough. For every one AFKer you successfully deny, there will be ten players who dropped in late, didn't know what they were doing, or are simply not very good at PvP, and they will get nothing. I would much, much rather see a couple of lazy players exploit the system for easy gain than hear about even one honest, fun-loving player getting turned off from PvP play in this game because there's a penalty for failure.


    Punishing those who exploit the system is a noble goal, but if even one player is falsely affected by these rules, then the system as a whole fails. And that, unfortunately, is the case here.


    Very good post. Games should be fun, not work. I know some people all want a challenge and compeition and whatever, but that's what rated is for. Normal PvP zones should be fun for everyone involved, win or lose.


    Increase the credit and comm rewards for losers and winners, so more people will pvp.

  9. These changes have turned me into what i hated the most a quitter as well, if i get off to a slow start, or we are getting owned to sit through that only to get 0 anything is a waste of time and effort. I never thought id quit a game, and before 1.2 i took some solids loses before and stuck it out, because atleast you got something worth the pounding to stick it out.


    Same here.

  10. Giving more incentive to stay is easy, more rewards even when losing and bring back a daily that rewards one for playing warzones regardless how they end... so basically all the stuff they removed with Patch 1.2 (and for ranked warzones it will count as a lost game when you leave, but even that might not stop people from leaving, so better make it worthwhile to stick with your team).


    Some players will leave anyway, even with a deserter penalty, but if BioWare add a deserter penalty to the game as it is now after patch 1.2, I am pretty sure even more people would stop to play the warzone alltogether.


    This. It's a game, punishments make people stop playing pvp or the game.

  11. Quitting doesn't teach you how to play better, Quitting forces someone else that is solo queing to suffer in your stead.


    Quitting makes you bad. Quitting makes sure you never ever learn how to work WITH a team.


    Quitter NEVER win. Quitters are the worst case of losers, and shall never grow in knowledge or skill.


    You still get 3 tokens towards the weekly, some tokens towards your loot, and HEY if you were paying attention to the GOALS of the scenario, you were earning more medals. Fancy that.


    It's rare that I see less than 90 commendations even in a losing match. Wonder why that is...;)


    There's no more weekly or daily participation quest. If you're getting stomped you won't get the 3 medals to even get any paltry reward, no matter how much you focus on obejctives.


    90 for a losing match? You're full of it.

  12. Pre 1.2 there was the same thing, mass quitting to find a carrier team so not sure how that's help us.


    There should be some kind of penalty to discourage bailing as soon as it goes bad. We don't bribe ppl to keep to the law, we punish those who break it, sometimes u need discipline.


    You are aware of the difference between a game and real life, are you? You don't punish people in a game, nit if you want them to keep playing.


    If you want everyone to bail from the game, and not just from warzones, keep ranting about punishments.


    If you want everyone to pvp, make it worth their while, win or lose.

  13. I don't disagree with the notion that it's a bad idea. But if you don't solo que because you might get stuck on a short handed team, you really need to sack up.


    I never quit WZs before 1.2, no matter how bad we were losing. But after 1.2? Getting stomped is no fun, and if there's no reward for sticking it out, why should I bother with it?


    If the fighting is not fun - and getting stomped is not, contrary to closer matches - and there's no reward at the end, smart people will bail.


    BW really needs to revert pvp rewards to pre-1.2, and readd the participation dailies/weeklies. That is if they want more people to pvp.


    If they want pvp to die they can simply continue like they are.

  14. Yeah, it's a stupid system. The PvP reward nerf now means pvp is not a viable way to level anymore, nor a good way to keep playing the game at 50 if you are doing aynthing else that costs credits as well.


    BW's 1.2 could be named "We hate PvPers".

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