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Everything posted by andreas_barth

  1. Sorry but this is inaccurate... Subs are acctually on the RISE... PLAYED TIME went down, yes, thats normal (normal people dont spend entire days playing the game as they might have done the first week, when it also were holidays). Btw, look at likes on facebook, 940 000+ as we speak, closing in on WoWs 1 040 000. its formally exploded since release. New players are flowing into the game...fact!
  2. Well youre one of the people that said "TOR will have about 500k subs at launch and drop after that" a year back... Even now that the game is a huge sucess and getting more and more subs every day you cant admitt that you were DEAD WRONG. Noone would have even dreamed of 2million sold games at this point. Sure time will tell us more...but atleast admitt you were all wrong about how popular this game would be at this point.
  3. Dont bother with the forums, go in the game and enjoy yourself with the rest of us Look, the popular threads here gets like 10k views or somthing... Why dont you join us ~1 990 000 that are in game and having a great time instead We have cookies
  4. I dont agree with anything you say. Im fully enjoying this game as an MMO, even more than I did with WoW 5 years back. The goal for me in this game is not just to reach 50. Btw... Did you: Max out Valor? Social points? Affection with all companions? Max out gear for all companions and spaceship? Get all Datacrons? Legacy points? Beat all flashpoints and operations? Uncover all maps? Beat all world bosses? Play thruogh all three acts for all classes? Mmmmkay...thought so.
  5. Hmm yeah I guess that was a big weakness...you HAD to gest past Kara to advance... :S
  6. A 8-man operation with 10-15 bosses, 7-day lockout, NO easy mode, a unique atmosphere with hard bosses that require weeks and weeks of grinding for non-hardcore players to beat. Karazhan is the instances that made many, many people fall in love with WoW once a long, long time ago... Something like this would be a great idea for SWTOR. To make an awesome game even better Just sayin'
  7. Bioware didn't take these decisions over a coffee break, they are well thought through. 1. SPACE. "This is a story based MMORPG, not a flight simulator", thats their main reason for limited space at this time. Of course they want, and will(!) do more space in expansions, but there was no way it could have made it for launch. Remember, this game will stick around for many, many year to come and we will see new features over time. Patiens 2. Same thing with HOUSING, for now the ship is your house. It's a pretty decent solution but they have stated that housing might be a possibility for the future. Polls say that players that have in-game housing stay longer in the game. The world is NOT made for people to put houses where they want, its just not possible and it would ruin the beautiful world. Expect a solution like LOTRO. And of course Guild Captial Ships. 3. RACES. Human-like characters is a must for now due to mainly two things: - The cut scenes. It was obviously a hell of a job for them to implement the twilek heads in the different situations and for the scenes to run smooth no matter what race you pick this was the best solutions for now. We wanted this game before the end of 2011, not 2012 and this is one of the prices we had to pay for it. - The story. Some races dont speak basic, so they cant be playable for that reason. Some races would not fit in to the story romances so there goes a whole other bunch. Bioware wanted everything in this game to live up to a certain quality, and if it couldnt be achieved at this time they put it up for future expansions and patches (what they call "The Great Wall of Crazy), I fully understand this. Keep asking for things you want in the game, cause they will go for it if enough people demand it. But also try to understand the reasons behind their decisions See you in game
  8. Ppl dont feel the urge to play 10h a day anymore. Its a healthy sign.
  9. Great game indeed Most people are playing it atm, a minority are trolling the forums with bashing instead. They will be out by the end of the month, thank god. (btw swtor has +700k likes on facebook already, WoW has 990k, comming strong).
  10. Game is great, will only get better. It completly blows me away with new content every day and all the people I play with feel the same.
  11. Sorry can't relate to anything said by these people that rush the game. Your words are pointless in my opinion, we're simply very different kinds of players. Noone can go to 50 that fast without playing the game "on rails".
  12. Just curious... What games with this world size is OP comparing with? Sure the areas could be more "living" but I think they have done a great job so far. Its a hell lot of work adding VO, NPCs react to precense and that dont just stand around.
  13. 19.000 XP for a round of Voidstar, rly? Enjoy your lvl cap, you didnt earn it. EDIT: 41:15 into this video, if you were wondering what i was refering to. http://sv.twitch.tv/semajoja/b/302978893
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