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Posts posted by Lywald

  1. So let's compare with WoW 2005 instead.


    WoW 2005:

    - Massive 40+ sometimes 80+ people mounted raids in the Crossroads, in Ashenvale

    - Night and day PvP in Tarren Mill, in the Plaguelands, in Tyr and Light's hope chapel (Vurtne's videos)

    - Constant guerilla warfare in Stranglethorn (Nesingwary's expedition)

    - 10 hours long 40vs40 Alterac, with epic fights on the alliance bridge

    - Blackrock mountain, where PvE Raids and PvP people attacked each other every day to go to MC

    - 40-man PvE guilds attacking each other in front of world bosses (Azuregos, Kazzak)

    - Skirmishes in Gadgetzan (Tanaris), in Booty bay, and in front of capitals where people duel

    - Occasional skirmishes in front of WSG entrances

    - 80-man large scale raids on capitals, and stealth 40-man raids to Thunderbluff/Darnassus bosses

    - Occasional stealth commandos in enemy capital streets (with annoying rogues killing the AH Npcs)

    - Improvised open PvP in any attacked city thanks to the Global defense channel



    TOR 2012:

    - 8-man Huttball

  2. Acim:

    Indeed. People think it's about "skill" when it's all numbers and probability. Everything is. I wish it were obvious.

    Even skill is a function of time, anyway. It's primitive behavior to try and showcase your genetic worth.

    Republic players are not "bad". Maybe PvP players are biased toward Empire, but the impact is probably insignificant compared to the impact of demography. When one faction has twice as many players than the other, then factions are not mirrored anymore.

    I already shown in the previous page that one factor is the proportion of lv50, which is lower in Republic. This is impacting their win/loss ratio. And I say that while playing Empire.

    Anyway it was Bioware's responsibility to balance the factions and they didn't even try.

  3. I'm pretty sure from reading patch notes that Battlemaster Bags will still most frequently contain Champion Commendations, with a chance for a Battlemaster Commendation. From the sound of it, and I might be mistaken, a Battlemaster Commendation (1 of them) will be able to purchase any single Battlemaster Gear. It sounds like a universal token, so to speak.


    That makes sense and it would be cool but they would have used another word than "commendation" I think.

    You never buy stuff with 1 commendation.

  4. It's better than the random mechanism. They had to eventually make it happen.

    It doesn't matter if a few other guys were lucky beforehand. Stop being jealous.

    Anyway you either have fun in the game or you don't, if you want to stop because loot doesn't come fast enough then yeah you should stop because obviously you're not having fun.


    Now, if the battlemaster commendations are random too, that's some ******** indeed. They don't really say.

  5. If people lack material to get mad about, here's why I quit:

    • No lv50 PvP content. Ilum could be about PvP if factions were balanced, but it's a Empire zergfest and will stay one forever. It's also 50km long.
    • Factions are not balanced. Potential solutions were numerous. They implemented none.
    • No algorithm whatsoever to balance the amount of healers, premades, gear or lv50 in WZ. Nothing. When it's random draw, they mean it. It's 2012. I guess they need a PhD to do the math: (3+1)/2 = 2
    • PvP gear is both random and unrewarding. You just have to play a lot. No skill required. I don't see the point.
      And once you're done farming, you're done. Nothing left to do. Wut. People will get bored fast.
      They tried to do something like honor ranks, but you actually had to win to reach r14 and stay there.
      And yeah, randomness sucks. Randomness is nice on secondary bonuses, not on main rewards (battlemaster).
    • Only one WZ if you're Empire: Huttball. It's small and ugly. The voice is annoying.
      Cold War is also ugly and boring. The speeder is annoying.
    • All there is to do once lv50 is farming bags in these small and ugly places for hours. Maybe they'll add new warzones over time.
      They'll still be ugly and boring because obviously they suck at design, or they're anticipating a Wii port.
    • PvP guilds can't tag as a full team and compete. Casuals still get farmed by 4-man teams. The worst of both worlds. Genius.
    • Even though ColdWar looks like total **** your FPS still drops with a 6950 because the engine sucks balls.
      Designers can't design, CMs can't manage, and coders can't code.
    • No search function on the boards. Webmasters can't webmast.
    • Can't attack enemy fleet or any civilian places. It is forbidden to have fun. Cities are empty anyway and guards are worldboss.
    • There is no strategy at all in XvsX. You hit people until they die, and try to LoS sometimes. A zergfest. That's it.
      Can't kite unless sniper. Can't keep people out of the fight because crowd controls are 4sec single-target.
      They tried to do something fast-paced. Well, it's a fast-paced zergfest.
    • Gameplay is fundamentally okay, but it's laggy and buggy. They said they'll fix it. One day. I don't buy it. It'll still suck.
    • GCD is too long. And not enough skills usable on GCD, so the gameplay is not dynamic. I guess the servers would explode under the load.
    • Healing sucks. Not rewarding enough, too static, doesn't heal enough. Raid frames suck. Debuff icons suck.
    • No macros, no add-on, fixed UI. 2012.
    • All the classes are the same. Boring. All the races are the same. I wanted to play a snail thing, they're cool.
    • And the userbase: worse than WoW. Worse than everything except maybe GW.
      No strategic communication, chat is full of angry little kids blaming low levels and everyone else but themselves.

    Don't tell me they need a few months to "sort it out".

    The single player RPG experience was great but there's nothing to stay for, PvP-wise.

    Nice try. Should have made Kotor3 instead.

  6. It is obviously ********.

    But for now not many people are aware of that so few are taking advantage of it.

    But Sith inqui have a spammable 15sec 30m range dot which is only dispellable by other inqui.

    IA Lethality spec has a 21sec AoE dot only dispellable by Ope/merc.

    Good luck having the right people at the right time to dispell your **** when everyone will be spamming them in a few weeks/months when people will know what they're doing and start playing good.

    I welcome the fact that it adds some skill depth for healers but it's still a disproportionate PITA.

    But anyway it's a minor problem compared to the other stuff.

  7. The Ability lag is already announced to have a fix by patch 1.2 set to release in March.


    March? Hahahaha. I'm not waiting that long. Should have fixed it before release.

    But they decided to make tons of money with Christmas. So be it. Their choice.

    Anyway it's one problem among many.

    And WoW had bugs but it had no competition.

    If TOR can't compete, it can't compete.

    People won't stay just "to be fair".

  8. So there are tons of +52endu relics for dark5/light5, but none for neutral? Where are they?

    And by neutral I don't mean light0 but also light2 or dark2, ect...

    Am I being punished for playing RP and thinking about my choices? That's nice.

    Do they really want people to play herp Light or derp Dark all the time?


    Alignment should just have an impact on dialogs and appearance, ect... Not stats.

    Or players are going to farm lightV/darkV for items and alignment is now meaningless.

    Game design 101.


    Also during the entire leveling I couldn't buy lightsabers because they require Dark5/light5 all the freaking time.

    Though I could get the PvP one so I didn't care. But the PvP relics *********** suck.


    1k HP is a big deal in PvP. It's like, a huge big *********** deal.

  9. I don't know how you guys do it.

    I tried a lv11 operative and I had to keybind target-next-ally because

    1) it's freaking impossible to click on someone, the hitboxes are a freakin' mess.

    2) The raid frame doesn't update? sometimes people are lowlife near me and it shows them full

    Also I was total useless, it doesn't heal enough. Will I stop being useless if I go lv20?

    Don't have time to level another 50.

  10. 70 bags, 12 relics, 1 implant, 1 head, 1 belt, 1 offhand.


    I'm drowning in centurion commendation....sticking to my pve gear since centurion is a downgrade from it, need to trade centurion for champion ASAP.


    12 relics. It's tough. I think I'd have unsubscribed by then.

  11. because you spent some token for example ... the 25 belt. 25 + 47 = 72 .... a multiple of 3.


    It could be a solution but I bought nothing with them.

    I have no centurion gear. I'm saving up for the lightsaber.

    Anyway I didn't do a lot of dailys so 47 is near what I should have, not more.

    So it's pretty mysterious.


    edit: I just asked a friend, and when there's an item we get 1 instead of 3.

    So I got 2 items... 47 - 2 = 45. A multiple of 3. Mystery solved. :3

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