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Everything posted by brillodome

  1. OK, so i can't seem to queue for any flashpoints on my low level characters. Am I missing something? I was able to queue for 2 of them on my lvl 35, but nothing on my lvl 20 sentinel or 25 shadow even though I am in the recommended level range for Hammer station and Athiss. Am i missing something?
  2. Inspired by this thread: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=51951 I thought it would be a good idea to ask around and see what "quick fixes" people want. The idea here is to list a few ideas that you honestly feel would take less than "5 man hours" to develop. Obviously "cross realm LFG" and "UI mods" does not qualify, those take mountains of time to implement. Here are my ideas, please add yours. Try to keep them neutral and things that have no downside to other players. I should add that I am really enjoying the game, and i dont think the game needs any seriously huge changes. I'm just listing a few quality of life changes while im at work and unable to play :-( 1. Remove the "Auto use quickslot button 1 on right click": Obviously this would be an interface option to enable or disable. But in a game without auto attack, the current implementation is crazy and took me until level 10 to figure out that that is why i was randomly doing that AOE force shockwave thing on my consular. 2. Global search on auction house: I feel like I'm missing something... does it already let me do this and messing something up? 3. Global UI Scaling: I do not click my buttons other than long term buffs, and right now a HUGE amount of the screen is being covered by thumb sized buttons that could be 1/4th the size and accomplish the same goal of alerting me when their cooldown is done. Also, on a 16x10 monitor there isnt enough room to put the chat window in the bottom left, a place i have grown accustom to seeing it. What are your thoughts? Remember to only list simple changes...
  3. Awesome thanks! We were looking at probably a smuggler/trooper combo, so that's good news.
  4. My wife and I each just bought the game, we would like to play as a duo as soon as possible. Does picking the same race let you play as a team earlier? How about base class? Is there a way to warp to each other if we chose different starting paths? Or do we have to wait until our stories coincide? Thanks for any info!
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