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Everything posted by godgravity

  1. It's not cooldowns, it's casting times that Alacrity directly affects. Just a point of order here on the matter.
  2. I fully agree with an earlier poster. I find this to be partially your fault to some degree. Try looking into an upgrade or two for your system. Maybe look into disabling some background processes that are unnecessary to be running while in this very system-intensive game? I have absolutely no problems whatsoever with any of this game's engine functions except the occasional UI glitch, that I am typically able to retrace as myself doing something 'unexepected' to the point where I wouldn't (as a software analyst) know to prepare the engine for such behavior. *I* did something weird, let *me* fix it. Aside from that, no major problems overall with performance, loading, or gameplay. I've found this to be spawning issues, where they spawn partially inside the framework of another structure or rock. I can see part of the item in many cases, but not in its entirety, and this makes it unusable. Relax. I'm sure it's 'on the list.' QQ more. Honestly. Do you not realize that it's just as open for your team to do the same? If you think this was a balancing problem, you're sadly mistaken - try coming up with more clever approaches to utilizing these threats for yourself instead of whining without recognizing the creativity and usefulness their presence provides. This has always been an issue in just about every MMO I've played. Why? Typically because of the lag that you complained about above (that I've yet to see myself). If your cast time isn't completely done and called up, try not moving. ? There are so many blind accusations in here and assumptions in these two paragraphs that they convinced me to call you out and officially post a reply to this thread. You're *actually* saying that something you *assume* must have been present (without knowing for a fact) is *unacceptable that you would (ever) have anything that compromising.* Seriously? Consider that rationale for a moment. That's just how IRRATIONAL I feel you are being. I'm disappointed in your lack of patience or even a minor semblance of constructive criticism. Seriously, provide some feedback in a positive way instead of wagging ones finger around screaming of hellfire and damnation. You're not helping things in this manner.
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