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10 Good
  1. thanks, i didnt know that was an option.... just resets it, eh? i knew that logging off afk during the choice portion would reset it... but thanks =) that is a fine remedy for my problem... if esc backs it up, i got no prob hearing the starting dialogue 15-20 times... thanks
  2. I got something you can implement... I play a trooper and a jedi, but i play them in a dynamic environment, irl. Sometimes i have to leave the comp, and end up having to miss dialogue and such. i want a pause feature... for the dialogue bits... is that even possible? I know that each little cutscene is prolly tough.... but sucks to finish a mission and while you are listening to dialogue the pizza arrives and you have to man the door. what was i doing? who was i talking to? *** is my speeder? OMG who took apart my droid?!? implement it... or i will totally unsub* thanks PS boom! the last bastion of mmorpg forum defense!!! you must care now! I am teh b3sat! feer me! 4 i r tu padre!
  3. i will throw in my 2creds o/ I too am enjoying this game. Looking through the forums you see the same kinds of thoughts being thrown out that always inundate the forums after release. I came to SW,TOR with a group of friends, and we have formed a guild. Some of us have families, others not so much, some work, others no.... so we are leveling at different paces... but all of us are taking it kinda lackadaisically. There really is no rush to get to 50 asap, other than to experience the end game, which i am assuming will be there for a long time. Our guild is populated by raiders from other games, and even some pvp gurus from other games as well. We all had diversified (wow, eq2, eve) as the last few years left us with a variety of choices for our mmorpg fun. Sometimes the games just don't jive the same with different people (we have a great raid tank that works with SWAT, but hates pvp) and so this new game, as we are playing it, will be new... and we will grow with it. On a positive note, i really like the storyline choices you can make for your toon, and the flashpoint rolling system that randomly awards one of the party to make a selection. We play repub, but some of the guildies wanted empire, so they are disgruntled and going dark repub =) i think it was most notable when our sage /sigh'd after our group vented the engineers into space in that first FP that you run b4 Coruscant. The fact that he could throw his character's character into the mix with more than just text was fabulous. The questing is very immersive with choices, and even though i have seen some complaining about limited options, or too black and white, still it seems really fun at the inception. So far as the lack of implementation issues, i think that the Devs are working in the right direction... mainly, they are starting with a sort of MMORPG tabula rasa. Dungeon Finder, crazy pvp, 3rd party parsers and helpful addons can all come later... right now there is something to be said for playing the bare bones of the game. The story and fun of learning a new game in a new world is what brought us to this game, and so far Bioware (yes its classic BWare style) has brought their own flavor to the game (such as 4 person party). This might change to conform more with what the community wants later, but for now.... That's part of the fun of learning the system given. Its not perfect, but nothing is. The best milkshake on earth will make you fat. At least the sights and sounds are really cool, and the gameplay is good enough that we can look forward to improvements, and still enjoy the game while we are playing it in its infancy. I look forward to seeing the future of this game. The world is awesome, and has some really neat features that can only improve with time (space fights!). As for the naysayers, well... they are still playing, aren't they? hehe Vornskr ftw
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