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  1. Thank you for the responses. I didn't know about the new DCD coming in 3.0 so now I'm excited for that. I would still like to see something for the threat generation for tanks. all the dps buffs making people do 4k + dps is going to be really hard to hold aggro. Something as simple as changing the threat generated by ion cell (and th other tanking stances) could easily work instead of actual dps increase for the tank classes. But I'm sure that there is a plan for that somewhere.
  2. So i never have posted here but i like to venture on and take a look at whats being said every now and then. i get to see a lot of what people are talking about and problems or ideas they have found. well i guess ill join in on just a few of my thoughts on things mainly pve related. 1. i noticed a thread on the single taunt having a delay and how it should be removed. though i do agree completely that it puts us at a slightly unfair advantage i don't think that it is terrible and needs to be changed.... though i really wouldn't mind it at times. 2. i've been tanking for some time now and i would like to think that i'm a good tank or at least experienced. i like how the vanguard plays and gears but the biggest thing that i think we can use is another mitigation cooldown. now what that would be i have no idea cause when i said this a person in voip kinda asked what it would even be and i have no answer. we have a shorter accuracy debuf that we can place on the boss, insane self healing, and the reactive shield which is really nice (even though it has a regrettably long cd). i don't know what new thing i would want or if i would be just fine with a shorter cd on the Reactive shield. but i would like something done. the other classes have cooldowns that can allow them to ignore mechanics. the shadows have the resilience and the guardian have saber reflect(that said this one doesn't do nearly as much as resilience. the main thing i pull this from is hm Xenoanalyst). im not sure if having the mobility from hold the line is a good enough reason to not have something like this or if thats even a reason for it. 3. this was just recently brought up in a conversation but thinking about it the dps in general have been getting boost regularly... which means their threat is getting boosted regularly. Tanks, though we do have taunts, have not been getting any kind of boost to our threat generation. not saying we necessarily need it yet but its certainly something that may need to be addressed down the line should this trend continue. 4.(edited... i thought of something.) the pull for vanguards.. im not sure if it is supposed to do the same threat as the shadow pull or not but it would be nice. if not then okay. and i want to just make sure but the threat generated from that is something like a stockstrike, yeah? 5. actually i got nothing. but if you have something else you would like to bring up or just some comments to whats been said i would like to see what you have on your mind
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