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Posts posted by RangerBeo

  1. We need server mergers yesterday...and yes I am going to keep bumping threads regarding this topic until it happens...your game is dying Bioware....we want to have fun....and are not able to....you are failing to provide your customers with the product you promised...this is a MMO right?
  2. The good part will be the announcement of 1.3 coming "sooner" than planned (with more details on an exact date coming soon) and lots of thank you's for all our patience. The bad part will be the announcement of the game losing subs at an unsustainable rate and the game being shut down completely by Labor Day. In a related note.....GW2 just announced they doubled the number of servers they will have available for this coming Beta weekend :)
  3. Its very simple to have elements of both in a number of ways. Theme park while leveling and then sandbox at end game....or any combination thereof. The entire game does not have to be one style. I believe you need to look no further than Guild Wars 2 and its approach toward moving MMO's away from conventional thinking. Yes there are many things about GW2 which are indeed like other MMO's but ...its the variety and appeal that it will have to many types of players in so many different ways that will make it a very great success in my opinion :)
  4. In my opinion, the truly great games in the future will have both. I prefer sandbox allowing the players to drive the community rather than being led around from quest giver to quest giver and isolated in instances. I like MMO's that feel like living worlds with constant change coming from what the players are doing in the game rather than everyone just waiting for new content from the Developers to drive thier enjoyment. I do think however the most successful games in the future will provide the flexibility to appeal players who enjoy to both aspects of MMO's.
  5. The only thing I know for sure is there had better be server transfers/mergers of some type and soon. Otherwise the people who "are" interested in the game right now......will no longer be interested and will have moved on to a better gameplay experience. Playing on dead servers is not the gaming experience most people look for in an MMO. Bioware has to know this...I just do not understand how it takes this long to implement transfers/mergers. They are hurting thier own game and the company bottomline...not to mention doing a disservice to thier customers. We will not wait forever..there are too many great options available now or in the near future :)
  6. I love Bioware and I loathe EA....I hope somehow Bioware can some day separate themselves from EA. I must remember to never ever purchase any product EA touches. Thank god there are still some good companies out there publishing great games. I want the Bioware Republic to succeed despite the EA Evil Emperor and I hope the layoffs will not impact thier Rebel Alliance plans for the game in any way. I am sure it will but I hope that it will not for thier sake. They are good people regardless of all the negativity aimed at them.
  7. I simply can not believe all the posts regarding this topic and other similar unhappy posts......sub.... unsub.....class nerf whines (when all the clases are great in my opinion...both pve and pvp)...unhappy with this ...unhappy with that.....just enjoy the game and have fun...if you do not enjoy the game then please find something else constructive to help you define your life.

    Some people sound like thier sole existence on the planet depends upon being endlessly catered to:)

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