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Posts posted by JWinkler

  1. Well, there's your problem. Who says it's "PVE content"? If something is set in the PVP area of Ilum, then it's not "PVE content". Apparently, people think any event where there are rewards is automatically PVE content. That's not the case.


    This, a thousand times this!


    I actually felt the same way about HK-51. You don't NEED HK-51 at all, your existing companions can do a perfectly adequate job. If people were so adamant that there should be no PvP element, no one was FORCING them to enter Outlaw's Den. The way I see it, HK was a reward for players who embrace the entirety of the game. Update 1.7 looks to be along the same lines, and I personally am looking forward to it!

  2. ...Also I don't think you have to kill a single mob unless you want to, so I don't see your point.


    This is so true! Excellent point! If one wanted to ONLY do PvP, there are ways that they can do so without ever engaging a single mob (well, once they reach level 10 anyway). By the same token, if you absolutely do not want to engage in PvP, you can simply not go to Ilum. It is entirely your decision!


    Personally, the absolute most fun I ever had in this game was on Ilum, when large groups would contest the middle section of the PvP area. Of course, that also accounts for the most boring times too... Who remembers running around in circle on your speeder racing your compatriots for armaments, hoping beyond hope that some brave (and stupid) soul from the opposing faction would turn up so you could get a kill?

  3. I'll come out of some WZs feeling the same way. Raging about how ineffective I was and getting so many glow-sticks shoved up my arse. I'll log onto an alt to cool off. Later, I'll PvP some more and dominate and feel like a Commando ******. Did anything change in my skill or gear between those two points in time? Nope. But the other team and my team changed, and that makes all the difference in the world. If your team stinks and the opponent does not, you are going to have some bad WZs no matter your class. When the tables are turned, you will be burning dudes down like it's cool.


    So relax, do something else for a while, re-queue and hope your team is better and the other team is worse. I have worked myself into an ideal position in that I have a 50 on each side. If I find myself losing a ton on one side, I'll switch to my other toon.


    I couldn't agree more with THIS post! My main since early access is a Sentinel, and I've stuck with her from the early days when everyone claimed they were underpowered, through 1.2 when the NERF SENT/MARA threads began. There are times when I feel like the overpowered God-class you read about on the forums... And there are times when I feel like I'm made of tissue paper. Team skill and composition is everything!

  4. Wow, I figured 5 minutes was enough to iron out any inconsistencies in my own performance, but your numbers suggest I should either do more tests or go for longer! Will post more after some more tests, but probably won't remod again... At 15k to remove a single mod, it starts adding up!
  5. I've been running with mostly Power augments, and decided to run a few tests on my ship's combat dummy. Each test was 5 minutes long, and I popped Inspiration once per test (except one where I forgot, which I note below).


    Here are my results:


    PVE TESTS ON OPERATIONS DUMMY: Mix of Rakata, Campaign, Black Hole.

    Test 1: 11 Power Augs, 3 Strength Augs. Total DPS: 1471

    Test 2: 8 Power Augs, 6 Strength Augs. Total DPS: 1424 (BUT forgot Inspiration. Whoops!)

    Test 3: 14 Power Augs, 0 Strenght Augs. Total DPS: 1541


    In this final configuration, my stats were 1777 Strength, 1227 Power. My mainhand hits for 993-1155, Force Bonus is 1004.8, Crit is 26.43%, and Crit Multiplier is 78.37%.


    PVP TESTS ON WARZONE DUMMY: Mix of War Hero, Battlemaster (because I can't stand the War Hero belt!)

    Test 1: 12 Power Augs, 2 Strength Augs. Total DPS: 1625

    Test 2: 14 Power Augs, 0 Strength Augs. Total DPS: 1672 (BUT got a little distracted by Guildchat, which threw off my concentration and rotation for a few seconds!)


    In this final configuration, my stats were 1520 Strength, 1090 Power. My mainhand hits for 907-1069, Force Bonus is 926.9, Crit is 26.95%, and Crit Multiplier is 72.88%.


    You can show me all the math you want... I think I'll stick with my Power Augments! At least for me, they're clearly the way to go. Even switching two of them out made a noticeable difference!


    (By the way, can someone illuminate the difference between the Warzone and Operations Dummies? It would be interesting to run this test with my PVP gear on the Ops Dummy, just to compare... Perhaps tomorrow!)

  6. I sure wish that the Unify Colors option were just a tad more user friendly. Some suggestions would be:


    1) Retain the individual settings for each armor piece (ideal, but probably not practical)

    2) Give us the option (in preferences) to make it ON by default instead of OFF

    3) Add a command like /unifycolors that would act like the toggle switch in the UI. I could program an appropriate macro on my Logitech G13


    I think it's a great feature, but I find it a pain to do repeatedly when switching from PvP te PvE gear!

  7. May I humbly submit that fresh 50's are not only dying because of their gear, but because they are, in fact, still learning to play the game? I know that the difference in my skill level between when I first hit 50 almost two months ago and now is huge.


    Yes, I have better gear now, but I've also studied (i.e. read guides and forums), gotten smarter about my use of defensive cooldowns, gotten more strategic about who I attack and when I attack them (as well as more and more situationally aware of the match around me), talked to the other players of my class who were doing better as well as good players of other classes to learn what THEY were doing, adjusted my keybindings and WHERE on my toolbars things were located to keep certain abilities more visible, rolled and played different classes to better understand them... All after I turned 50.


    I had all the basics down when I first hit 50, but I'm pretty sure that if I could go back in time and go 1v1 against MYSELF with completely equal gear, I would completely devastate Fresh-50-Me every time.

  8. Oh wait, I just realized you're a mara/sent - nevermind! My post doesn't mean anything to you then, all you gotta do is log in queue apply face to keyboard, repeat.


    Not to derail the point of the discussion, but I had to respond to this...


    My main is a 50 Sentinel. I'm in mostly Champion gear... I hit Battlemaster about a week before 1.2 and was able to acquire two pieces of BM before the patch, and have gotten a few more pieces since. I have rolled one of each kind of advanced class now, though my highest alt is a mere level 34. Most are in the 25-28 bracket. I did this partly to experience all the different class stories, but also to better understand my opponents and what they're trying to do.


    Since 1.2, I agree that well played Sents/Maras are Godlike (ironic, given the number of posts in the Sentinel forums early on complaining about how UNDERpowered it was!). However, if you think that we achieve that by simply applying our faces to the keyboard... Have you tried playing one? Have you ever read the Sent/Mara forums and seen how many people struggle with this class?


    I do understand your frustration as a healer with the new patch, but I definitely don't think your assessment of the difficulty of playing a Sent/Mara is well informed.


    Side note: You know what would be interesting? To do some sort of experiment where one actually DID just roll face on the keyboard for about 10 WZs, with different classes, and compared the results. Or if we chose ONE attack to use, and saw what kind of results we got over time.

  9. Fact: you can hear the influence of Prokofiev, Stravinsky and Bartok in John Williams' work.


    Incorrect! Incorrect! For, you see:


    Fact 20: John Williams' music transcends both time and space, enabling it to RETROACTIVELY influence the work of not only Prokofiev, Stravinsky, and Bartok, but also Holst, Vaughan-Williams, and countless others.

  10. Our sniper rifles not having the extreme range of a real sniper rifle is just as ridiculous as the lightsaber classes not being able to kill something with a single successful strike from their LASER SWORD.


    Exactly. How about this: Snipers can be given a 1000m range. They will also be able to drop targets with a single well-placed headshot. However, all jedi classes will be warned through the force that the attack is coming, and will instinctively block the shot with their lightsaber. They will then do a force-speed burst (and all force-using classes will now get this ability, along with saber throw, force push/pull, and force leap) to close the gap, and decapitate your sniper in one slash. All without breaking a sweat. After all, anything else starts sounding unrealistic.


    Seriously, though, I think a 40m range would be OK, but only while you're in cover.

  11. I'd love the ability to call out not just my companion, but one of my alts and a companion of theirs as well. Even cooler would be the ability to fill out all four party slots with alts, all scaled to the appropriate level. This wouldn't need to be ALL the time, but perhaps for any area designated "Heroic," the option could become available... As soon as you left the Heroic area your alts would be automatically dismissed.


    I have another thing that I'd like to see, though I recognize there are some serious flaws to it. Let's say I have a level 50 Sentinel, and a level 50 Juggernaut. I have now played through the class story on both Jedi Knight and Sith Warrior, and obtained the skills for playing those two advanced classes. Then let's say I decide I'd like to roll a guardian... At this point t's a story I've already seen and a skillset I as a player already have. I'd love for there to be some system in place that would let me reroll a new 50 of either faction, provided I've completed the class story for the main archetype AND played to 50 on one of the mirrors for that advanced class.


    I realize that this would be tremendously unfair in that I'd have a whole new character that could then do Ilum and Belsavis (and soon Corellia) dailies etc. for insane amounts of cash without the time sink of leveling up first, but perhaps there could be a creative solution to that...

  12. Please please please, don't take this post as trying to bash you as a player. I mean utmost respect. But the honest answer to that question in your first sentence is, truthfully, most of them. There is no one in this game better built for 1v1 than Sents. Sins are close, but the sheer damage we do plus our survivability makes us a force to be reckoned with. You said you were Focus specced, but have you tried Watchman? As a Watchman in Cent/Champ gear, I regularly take down BM BHs, Ops, Sorcs and other melee classes with half my health left. It's not that they're bad or undergeared obviously, or that I'm an amazing player. It's that the Sentinel is perfect for 1v1s. If someone doesn't have a pocket healer, then they have no chance against me. Now, of course, ranged players can prove more of a problem, but if you save your leap and Force Camo for when you get knocked back, you negate most of their advantage. Snipers and Mercs do a lot of quick burst damage, but then they're yours for the picking.


    Sents are awesome. We don't need heavy armor or more CCs. I'd be OK with better CC immunity or breakers, mostly for Huttball, but we are honestly fine the way we are, in my opinion.


    Just checking back in, and since this question was originally directed at me: How many of my solo duels do ai win? Most of them. Not all, but most. I'm actually pretty confident taking on two at a time, though that's by no means a sure thing.


    I've never done 650k in a warzone... I tend to be mid 300s. But solo duels? That's where Sents live. I don't care if the opponent is ranged or not.. My gap closing and defensive cooldowns are up to it.


    I, too, truly mean no disrespect, but I do think you're doing something wrong if you disagree. Playing a ton of PvP does not automatically make you good, and until you admit that you might be part of the problem you wil NOT get any better!


    I suggest you give Watchman a try. I know some people swear by Focus, but to me it feels much more clunky. Some nice Watchman perks are a reduced range leap (mine is 5m, but you can take it all the way to 0m) and a shorter CD on Force Kick, perfect for shutting down Sorcs and Tracer Missile Launchers.

  13. Awesome idea! For that matter, some cultures put family names first anyways (China is the first that comes to mid).


    Only problem I see is that then people wouldn't know who to friend. They'd try to friend Mean and not Joe.




    What if friending a legacy name friended the whole legacy?




    Then you couldn't have legacy names that matched any character names.


    Still, I love this idea!

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