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  1. I swear I'm going to make a level one Sith Lord and call him Procrastintus Rex And level one he shall remain..... until I get around to it.
  2. Wow are the whiners screeching bloody murder in the other threads. Lets keep it positive December Crew, we're all getting in today!!
  3. Well if nothing else their forums are getting one helluva stress test.
  4. My mailbox just popped!!!!!! WHOOT!!! NOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!! Damn you netflix and your free rental offer damn you to hellllll!!!!!
  5. OMG! OMG! OMG! I got........ !!SPAM!! Again, Dammit!
  6. Certainly not, WOW is a pink elephant, there is no simple explanation for why its user base grew so large. It is highly unlikely any single MMO will ever capture such numbers again.
  7. But, But, But I thought the world was flat too?!?!
  8. Keep in mind folks those same servers that are light and medium today were high or full all day yesterday. This more than likely means they have raised the capacity for those servers, presumably its all part of the testing and staging process to insure server stability.
  9. Heres a funny thing, click last post, now click it again immediately, and again, notice how this thread is growing about 2 pages per second? LOL
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