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Posts posted by Plumz

  1. So after completing chapter 9 you have a chance to get few companions (the old ones) back and their influence is reset to 0? So I heard about the ship droid and somebody had him at 10k affection for crafting before diving in the xpac story...


    Is that true? Please don't post Dulfy page in replay. I simply want to know if companions lose their influence when we find them back. Dulfy says nothing about what happens to influence level of your old comoanions when you find them back. Thanks.

  2. The conversion ratio of affection to influence is hugely unfair.


    My 56 char spent over 100 blue (lev5) gifts to make it from lev 10 to 20.


    Then I started a new BH. At the end of the quest line on Hutta Mako gets some points in conversation. THAT ALONE took her to lev4 influence. After that I got on fleet and did my guest to chose AC. With Mako present that convo got me to lev 6!


    With that conversion rate lev 6 = 6k affection. As I remember correctly, I took Mako (previously) to 5k affection with gifts when I got her and then she was about 6k at the end of chapter 1 (by convo gains only).


    It seems to me a conversion of 10k affection to about lev 25 influence would be fair. This conversion is favoring very much new players (or old one who are starting new alts) and punishing all of us who spent quite a lot of effort to get our companions to max affection.


    Kinda sad. Combined with the uncertainty of what happens to companions that we got used to over 4 years of playing - seems a lot of people (not only on forums) are not happy. I think BW really underestimated how much we all got used to our companions (love/hate relation). I think finding yourself NOT having them was quite a surprise of how much you were attached to them.

  3. Well, i am not sure exactly, but i am assuming if you went into the expansion with them maxed out at 10k, then they will have 10k influence out of 250k.



    Does that mean when I find them (through questing I assume) they will start with me at lev 10 influence (as they had before starting the xpac story)? Anybody was able to actually get back at least one of your previous companions? And what influence they had once you got them?

  4. I have a quick question since I can;t find any answers about it on any forums.


    Starting the xpac we are loosing our companions. Now at lev 56 all mine are at lev 10 inlfuece. What happens to them when I will be finally able to recruit them again? Will they loose the lev 10 influence and once re-aquired I have to start from 0 with them?


    Would greatly appreciate the answer, thanks

  5. There is the legacy perk that increases the chances of companions crafting an augmented gear by 1% (3 levels). I have 2 questions:


    In case of crafting mods that have no augments (barrels/ hilts/ mods/ armoring) does this automatically transfers into increasing chances of companion making 2 of those (instead of 1)?


    Also does this crafting chance apply to running any type of missions? I seem to remember reading someone posting that this increases chances of companion returning a mission with greater success.

    Because it doesn't say in a tool tip of that perk.


    Could somebody clarify this please? Or point me to a post clearing this up? Would be greatly appreciated.

  6. We have a right to voice our opinions and in this patch crafting got the end shaft. BW devs don't care about crafting and this is really amazing not to know your customer base. Tons of people craft and enjoy the system, it is a large part of fun for them. Screwing large part of the game for your customers is not a good idea.


    What really stuns me is how bad BW coders are to mess up a rng generator on missions with 2 variables. I mean really? REALLY? A successful return from a mission gives you 6 blue crap mats and not even 1 (!) piece of what you aimed for and accomplished successfully?! Are you kidding me? Do us a favor - go back to school and relearn the idea of rng would you?


    You guys are taking fail in mmo design to new levels for sure. Noobs

  7. Just a quick question to you guys. I am getting some pvp coms to get the lev 40 gear (lev 20 PT now) and was wondering. From your experience what stats would be better to run with? The lev 40 pvp gear has kind of 2 choices (I am going to rip the mods out and put into my modable gear). Should I get the +power or +crit offering gear pieces?


    What would benefit more at that level (pvp perspective)?



  8. BW noobs apply half done solutions as other games have, but lack the proper implementations. There is a game with calendar of events that you know upfront and can plan for all yah needs. Saying "the game event will happen again in future..." is not what people expect for 15$ a month.


    On 1 side BW expect us to plan as logical adults for game events, rep grinds and such and on the other they treat us like imbecylic children. Decide already will yah? Because your actions speak all about you, not about us...

  9. So, I have been guilty of over-whining about BW incompetence and such and critizing their devs for well, everything. Time to give those guys preps for some awesome souce:)


    I heard from folks on PTS BW came up with new and improved way to do Hard Mode OP and FP. What yah need is 1 healer, bunch of dps with 1-2 tanking companions. The well geared tank companions reach 80-90k HP (zomg!) so they can easily tank bosses.


    A good healer comes around 400-600k HP (so there is no more need for stun bubbles in pvp!) and easily reaches over 1mln heals in pvp match under pressure, so pve healing HM is a snap now.


    Fast, painless and easy. No need for tanks (companions can do that) only 1 healer needed per group of 16 so every happy kid can do what they all want – pew pew!


    No more respecs! Kewl!


    Go BW! I love yah guys:)

  10. The balance (or lack of) classes will get even more out of whack. You get 5 more new levels, revamped skill trees and I assume some new skills as well. It will result in some classes being more OP as they are right now. And poor mercs and troopers will get even weaker as they are now.


    BW clearly has no idea how to fix pvp imbalance. At least now you have on each side 1 fotm class, 2 more or less decent ones that the fotm can play with and 1 neutered class that any1 can pound on (dps wise not taking under consideration tanks AC's). Since BW "designers" have no clue how to even approach balancing, they will keep status quo.


    This way they don't have to take a chance to mess things up even more, upset more people (all those merc/troops who gave up waiting already rerolled to something more playable) and dwindled their subscription base. Besides, look up history of mmomos. Once you go F2P there is not much change to games happening. Some new content from time to time, few fixes, and lots of shiny fluff so suckers spend money in game store.


    This is not 2010 when budget was like an ocean, hype was through the roof and devs were in 100s talking among themselves how great their game is gonna be and how many bazilion subs they will have:)


    Hello to the real world:P

  11. The game is not in trouble. BW is in trouble. Their expenses to run the game and pay all the royalties/fees/shares to all the parasites make it hard to survive if the game dibs below 500k subs. On the other hand BW screwed up so much and dissapointed so many people (devs are to blame for their failed ideas and illusions) 500k subs a month is a dream. They might touch that number on a wave of resubs for new patches/changes ect but they will never keep 500k subs on a month to month basis.


    If BW realesed MassEffect mmo as their own without all the payoffs needed as SWTOR does they would be doing spectacular with under 100k subs. Instead they dumped all their resources into this moloch, released beta for 15$ a month and now they wonder why subs are dropping like a diver bomber.


    The game will tank soon because there is too much expenses it needs to feed and satisfy for it to bloom. Even if devs finally optimize the game as it should have been at release and dress it with all the current mmo's features... there is already 2 things that will be hard to beat:


    1. bad rep and lack of pvp - you can't close your eyes when people who runs websites supported by those who play are asking wth is going on in BW office. The well being of their sites is tight up to well being of the game.

    Pvp is a core of all mmos if BW didn't figure that for 3 years of development than kudso. Learn to swim in big waters or sink


    2. Nothing to do endgame. I am not asking for "content", raids etc. You can't explore, you can't have a real space game, you can't craft much, you can't farm (while exploring), you can't create social events. Vacuum.


    Unfortunately, that lack of vision hits the game hardest. Because is not a bug, it is a design.

  12. I am having so much fun reading this because for all those people saying Maras/Setins are fine just wait till ranked wz are up and running. You get a team of 4-5 maras/sent with a competent healer(s) you will see how "balanced" they are.


    No tank guarding/shields will help you. Even with heals they will destroy 2/3 of your team before anything can put a reasonable dent on even 1 of them. I already saw what 3 sentinels can do (lev 20-30ish) with a team of 4x40+ And they didn't even have a healer...


    Enjoy anal **** because thats how that will end up very soon. Than you see forums truly go in flames over "balanced" classses.

  13. BW can't fix it. They can smooth it a bit but to fix it they would have to redesign the whole combat system from the scratch. There is a looong thread on forums how they fubared their own design by screwing the priotities between firing abilities and thier animations in the combat system.


    Another issue is the design of the enigine that was also a topic of a loooong thread here (pvp forums I think) about how the engine is incapable of doing a proper targeting cycle because what you see on your screen is not where your oponent (either a npc or another player) truly is.


    There are some quite experiencedand knowledgable people writing about this, you might wanna check it out.

  14. Now I'm about to sound like a complete idiot, but I thought they were giving optional server transfers and they weren't merging?


    It is a server merger dressed in server "transfer" clothing. You are going to be given 1(!) destination on your server - everybody on your server will have only 1 destination to go. Your only choice is rather to go there or stay on dead server.


    How the proccess is called makes difference to investors. "Server merger" might quite scare some away as of sign of sinking ship. Server transfer however sounds like a consolidation of a playerbase - beneficial to both players and devs. Windon dressing really.

  15. Transfers most likely will bring people back to play (or even resub for a month). 1.3 will help as well if what they say from pts about engine improvements is true. So there will be a brief period when we will see more people actually playing.


    Soon after that even those who overjoyed from finally being able to play on decently populated servers will realize what are the main reasons people are leaving:


    1.No pvp. BW can't fix Ilum and even if they did the engine can't support larger wz. Imagine 40x40 people in 1 area when this engine barely chokes on 16 together? And lets not forget what is going on in pvp right now. Go to pvp forums and read on how many viable classes are left in game to pvp for ranked wz.


    2.Boredom. SWTOR is a great game, but it is NOT a mmo. What are you going to do after you reach 50 even on few alts?


    People are leaving not only because of the state of the game. Some left because there is truly nothing to do after few solid months you put in game. Othere fames offer more stuff to do and places to explore/gather/achieve/accomplish.


    Perhaps next year after first xpac there will be more to do for more than 6 moths. As of now most pople went through content on multiple 50ies and .. left to do somethin else.


    And yes this game will suffer a lot if the subs will plunge in august. The frenchise is huge, it requires a lot of money to be sucessful but also to continue growing.Let's not forget BW is not alone in this boat, they have not only large expenses, but also large obligations to others. As I said before BW is making history in mmo market. Just not the type of history we all wanted them to make...

  16. WAR died because there was 1 FOTM class. Always one. WoW did learn this and ketp switching every xpac a new fotm class (or 2) changed roles. Your choices were either wait for new xpac and draw lottorey to become fotm for the duration or .. reroll. EIther way the game won because you continue paying your sub. I talked about it in another thread of how fotm is now a mechanics keeping more people interested in playing than quitting. But it has to change the classes or it will suffer in a long run as WAR did.


    SWTOR is under heavy influence of WAR schmucks (the devs I mean:) and it will suffer from having always same fotm class. Some people don't learn from their mistakes. Ever.

  17. Umm 400k subs? Now I got to ask.. what have they been smoking?:p Some1 leaked the pop avarege 350 per server (actually playing subs) x200 servers...


    The thing is.. even with 400k subs that will bemostly less than 100k playing people a day mostly prime time. And thats being very optimistic I would say. I think we will see less than 50k active players by end of august. The level of coninuos dissapointments BW provides is just way to much to pay for.

  18. Same-server LFG tool would have worked at LAUNCH>

    Not anymore. The population is too low now, and transfers are not going to help either.


    This. BW is constantly 3-6 months behind what is supposed to work in a game. SWTOR is still in beta except we are paying for it. I think around december the game will get to the point of how it was "supposed" to play/look at the release.

    Comments of some devs at BW clearly show this is the case.


    Unfortunately by that time.. there will be nobody to play with.

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