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10 Good
  1. Assume that numbers would be adjusted to make things work better and be more fun.
  2. Ranged can already unload at a 30m range on melee. But why would they be moving at full speed? You have to think outside of the box. Melee should have the mobility and snares to even the playing field. They are re-balancing things with all of these changes, so solutions to minor problems like this shouldn't be an issue. The most important thing is to have fun gameplay and work down from there. Instant cast abilities are more fun and now is the perfect time to open up some customization for the players. Also, imagine upgrading Tracer Shot with a reworked Mag Shot in the Ability Tree. And in the same row of talents that choice is put against say Thermal Detonator, Fusion Missile or another ability with a utility function. There are many ways to make things work. My point here is that we do not need 3 different healing abilities. Having Emergency Scan and Rapid Scan makes the most sense thematically. What and how Rapid Scan works is up for debate. If Rapid Scan works exactly like Kolto Shot, but with extra healing, then go with that. Jet Boost deals some damage and knocks back enemies. Not sure what else you would call it? Explosive Dart does the same thing except from range. There is no reason to have both. So it makes sense to me that we would have Jet Boost baseline and then Explosive Shot as a ranged upgrade in the Ability Tree that deals increased damage with a similar function.
  3. I love Star Wars and I keep trying this game every couple of years hoping to see changes to class design because there is one thing that prevents me from sticking around and that is ABILITY BLOAT. After checking out the PTS it seems nothing has been done about it. When you have too many abilities, nothing feels special. You're just going down a checklist during combat. That's boring. And then you also have too many utilities which could be combined with other things to better streamline things. I've always liked the Bounty Hunter class and the Mandalorian series really excels at presenting that fantasy. Using Mercenary as an example, here is what we need: Note: Abilities with an activation time sucks. "Casting" abilities is not fun, especially when you are using guns. Everything should be instant with the few exceptions that make sense to channel. If you don't want to do that baseline due to legacy class design, then at least offer instant cast upgrade abilities in the Ability Tree. SINGLE TARGET: Rapid Shots - Filler ability Power Shot / Tracer Shot - Main ability Heatseeker Missiles / Incendiary Missile - Secondary ability Unload / Blazing Bolts - Powerful ability MULTIPLE TARGET: Missile Blast - Main ability Death from Above - Powerful ability OFFENSIVE COOLDOWN: Supercharged Gas OFFENSIVE UTILITY COOLDOWN: Electro Net Jet Boost ABILITIES MOVED TO ABILITY TREE: Rail Shot / Mag Shot - Power and functionality upgrade / replacement for Power Shot / Tracer Shot (No cooldown) Thermal Detonator Explosive Dart - Power upgrade / replacement for Jet Boost ABILITIES REMOVED: Priming Shot / Serrated Shot - Boring. Bloat. Power Surge - Not needed with an instant cast upgrade available in Ability Tree. Sweeping Blasters - We have Missile Blast already and this infringes on the feel of Smuggler/Agent gameplay. Fusion Missile - Bloat. Kolto Shot OR Rapid Scan - Merged into one Instant ability
  4. I was here for launch, but didn't stay long for multiple reasons. I'm a big Star Wars fan and avid MMO player, so I am the target audience. Here is my initial feedback after reacquainting myself with the game: 1. Quickbars are awesome. UI customization was a huge improvement. This was the #1 reason I didn't stay the first time around. Good job! 2. When having two word names for your character, the second word is not capitalized when using chat in game. For example, Han Solo turns into Han solo when interacting with other players. This is annoying and breaks immersion. Especially when its hard to create a single word name for your character that reads like a real word and not giggerish thanks to server mergers and the general age of the game. This should have been addressed yesterday! 3. Love the gear customization. Ability to unify colors and such is awesome! Well done. 4. Still no normal option for male character size. Currently we have the option of two anorexic models and then the Superman and Cartman choices. We need an option between 2 and 3. 5. Ability bloat is still a thing and will only get worse as the game ages with the current design. But I do realize different people like different things. So why not improve the class discipline paths by changing it to work just like the utility ability selection. For example, four groups of six or so abilities. Some active and some passive with a little synergy sprinkled between certain choices. This way players can better customize their character and not feel forced into an uncomfortable playstyle due to too many active combat abilities. Having an ability that does 15% more damage than my normal ability but on a 15 sec cooldown is just not very interesting to me. Thank you for your time.
  5. This! Let me first say that I am really enjoying this game. I'm so very immersed into the storyline and plan on playing every single class eventually. But the need for addition visible UI bars needs to be addressed quickly. I come from WoW and am accustomed to the Bartender4 UI addon. Now, I can deal with all the other problems everybody else is complaining about. And I understand that there will be improvements to the game coming down the line. And I'm not even asking for a complete customizable UI right now such as Rift. But as the OP has pointed out, we need at least 3 bottom bars. 4 would be ideal. This has to happen soon. I almost didn't even try the game because I knew the UI limitations going in. I am glad that I did though. But this problem has already started to hamper gameplay on my level 14 character. Please. Please make this happen. For the love of the game.
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