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Posts posted by SoupyNuggs

  1. There is a difference between falsifying reports and misleading data. No one says they are lying in what they said but are instead giving misleading numbers as to appear to have better numbers than they actually do.


    You're probably just trolling the decent people in this thread, but here:




    That link is a transcript of the EA Q3 earnings conference call, Page 5, top of the page:


    "FEBRUARY 01, 2012 / 10:00PM GMT, EA - Q3 2012 Electronic Arts Inc. Earnings Conference



    Let me offer some metrics on purchase and subscription that will help you understand this business. As John stated, we have sold through 2 million units of the game

    since December. We currently have a little over 1.7 million active subscribers. The rest have either not started playing yet or have opted out."


    I've highlighted in yellow the clarity of EA's statements. Currently... as in current for the time of Feb 01, 2012, 10:00PM GMT. What about this is "misrepresented"?


    Do you have any citations/sources/evidence to refute this? Or are you going to keep spouting your ignorant drivel?

  2. It's on the OP to provide proof of his statements and he has not. Just words, no citations.


    This. The burden of proof is on the OP.


    Multiple posters in this thread and countless others have already pointed to the original quarterly earnings statement (which I'm sure someone can link, I'm in no mood to find it and link it myself) which stated 1.7 million subs at a given day in Feb. As in a time that comes AFTER 1/20/2012, or the end of the free period for the vast majority of people who bought the game at launch.


    Emeda you accuse people here of using ad hominem attacks instead of facts, when in fact, you're the only one here guilty of that... calling all of us "fanboiz" when we've pointed to the facts over and over again.


    Sit down please, Emeda, you're done.

  3. Read through this carefully, I think you'll find it quite interesting. Above all, it's all facts.


    They sold 1.75 million copies in December. 1.7 million activated their accounts in December.




    The financial statement cut-off date was 12/31/2011. The first subscription could not end before 01/20/2012.



    Where is your source/citation for this? I saw the official quarterly earnings report back when they first released it a week or 2 ago and it stated explicitly 1.7 million active subs as of Feb. xx, i.e. after 1/20/2012, i.e. after the end of the 30-day free period for everyone who bought the game at launch.


    Until you provide credible evidence backing your claims, you are nothing but a lie-mongerer, a harbinger of false information.

  4. I just think that Arena is an outmoded Blizzard concept of PvP


    Bioware need to do something new.


    Some kind of rated-war zone fusion with more warzones might be the way to go.


    My 2 cents.


    It's not exactly a Blizzard only concept. The difference between arena and rated warzones is in rated warzones, dying has very little consequence (outside of failing to complete an objective), which allows for very zergy strategies/styles.


    However, at the heart of arenas/ladder-based PvP lies the idea that you are only allowed that 1 life during the entirety of the match. This increases the competitive stakes a lot more and really enhances PvP gameplay, strategy, teamwork, and decision making.


    To say I only do arena for the "shiny gear" is entirely untrue. I enjoy PvP in strategy games like SC2, and in FPSs like Counter-strike, and in DotA. In those games, no one has an advantage over another based on gear/rating. Everyone is equally "geared" at the beginning of every match, and winners are determined by skill. If SWTOR arena could follow a similar design implementation, it could be very fun and very successful.


    I will agree with a lot of people on this, BW need need NEEDS to address ability delay before anyone can seriously consider implementing arena-style PvP.

  5. OK I dont know how to post from the last thread but on one of the last pagers it had a Q&A about how many people were needed to break even.


    It was someone saying they needed 500,000 customers to break even and then he said if they had a million they would make a min profit.


    So 500,000x15 = 7.5 million dollars a month and thats min profit?


    Looks like they are just making us covers to why they cant afford to add new content in the future because they are barely making a profit.


    Gross revenue != Net PTI


    Basic stuff here.

  6. I've come to realize that haters play their part. Irrational hatred for SWTOR has actually generated a lot of interest in the game.


    What I'm trying to say is when you have a franchise this big, by a developer this big, in a genre this big, about intellectual property this big... and then there's a large community of people who, for whatever reason, absolutely HATE the game and make it their mission to make sure everyone who may/may not have played also hate it...


    Well let's just say in this case, any publicity is good publicity.

  7. A disclaimer first: Burden of proof is on you, the naysayer, to come up with facts more credible than EA's own IR report, so don't "riddle me" anything.


    But I'll humor you anyways because I think your ignorance is amusing. 8k players avg across 215 servers, I'll grant. 2k players on at "all times"? Are you kidding me? Since when has any MMO been able to claim 25% sub activity at any time except peak hours?


    I'll do BETTER math for you. Let's assume out of those 8k subscribed on server x, 10% play over 10 hours a day, 80% (the vast majority of working/in-school player population) play 4 hours a day (i.e. that 7 to 11PM block), and 10% play 1 hour a day or less.


    Still with me? Good, gold star for you. Now let's factor in any given hour over a 24 hour day.


    So if 800 people play 10 hours a day, that's 800*(10/24), in other words, that 10% of the server pop will show 8000/24 or 333 players online at any random hour in a 24-hour playing period, assuming no outside variables. Keep adding it up like this and we get:


    333 + 6400*(4/24) + 800*(1/24) = about 1,500 players online at any given hour. You've overestimated by at least 25%.




    Keep in mind that the 80% (people like me. I am still at work after all) will have a near 0 probability of being online at any time except for peak hours (that 7PM to 11PM block). Which means then we are calculating for what servers look like during the rest of those 20 hours.


    800*(10/20) + 800*(1/20) = 440 players online at any given time other than peak hours.




    Quick, distracted math shows that at peak hours, assuming EA's figure of 1.7 million is semi-accurate and not an overexaggeration, assumes that about 1,500 players will be online for BOTH factions during PEAK hours.


    At any other given hour besides peak hours, we can assume that about 400-500 players will be online for BOTH factions.


    I for one, don't find that so hard to believe.




    Just quoting myself again. I had no idea what my estimates would've shown while I was haphazardly making them, but it seems that based off of these simple assumptions, and based off of what I see on my server during peak/off-peak hours, there's nothing inaccurate about EA's 1.7 million #.

  8. Ok then, riddle me this?


    If the game has 1.7M subs with 215 servers that mostly show light or standard, do the math? k?


    If you have 8,000 players for 215 servers with say 2000 to 2300 online at all times on each server - where the F are they hiding? Go find me more than 10 servers that currently have over 2300 players online dude. Go ahead.


    You won't. Because those #'s are total BS.


    A disclaimer first: Burden of proof is on you, the naysayer, to come up with facts more credible than EA's own IR report, so don't "riddle me" anything.


    But I'll humor you anyways because I think your ignorance is amusing. 8k players avg across 215 servers, I'll grant. 2k players on at "all times"? Are you kidding me? Since when has any MMO been able to claim 25% sub activity at any time except peak hours?


    I'll do BETTER math for you. Let's assume out of those 8k subscribed on server x, 10% play over 10 hours a day, 80% (the vast majority of working/in-school player population) play 4 hours a day (i.e. that 7 to 11PM block), and 10% play 1 hour a day or less.


    Still with me? Good, gold star for you. Now let's factor in any given hour over a 24 hour day.


    So if 800 people play 10 hours a day, that's 800*(10/24), in other words, that 10% of the server pop will show 8000/24 or 333 players online at any random hour in a 24-hour playing period, assuming no outside variables. Keep adding it up like this and we get:


    333 + 6400*(4/24) + 800*(1/24) = about 1,500 players online at any given hour. You've overestimated by at least 25%.




    Keep in mind that the 80% (people like me. I am still at work after all) will have a near 0 probability of being online at any time except for peak hours (that 7PM to 11PM block). Which means then we are calculating for what servers look like during the rest of those 20 hours.


    800*(10/20) + 800*(1/20) = 440 players online at any given time other than peak hours.




    Quick, distracted math shows that at peak hours, assuming EA's figure of 1.7 million is semi-accurate and not an overexaggeration, assumes that about 1,500 players will be online for BOTH factions during PEAK hours.


    At any other given hour besides peak hours, we can assume that about 400-500 players will be online for BOTH factions.


    I for one, don't find that so hard to believe.



  9. Well, at least someone isn't totally blind. Glad you see it. The entire report is based off box sales with 30 day subs as "active subscribers" /quote. What happened post Jan 19th up to this point is not part of that report.




    Wrong, read the report again. Or 72 pages of people clarifying that the report is accurate as of today, i.e. after the 1st 30 free days since launch.


    You haters can at least organize your naysaying a little better, instead of running off the same defensive "it's not accurate!" argument.


    I mean a figure like 1.7 million, even if they lied by 700k subscribers (which is at least 700k x 60$ or 42 million $ of fraudulent quarterly revenue released to the public, meaning Brown and a lot of people would go to jail for a long time if that were the case), that's still 1 million active subs playing the game. :)


    Keep those insults, the fear-mongering, the wild accusations of conspiracy, the defensive grandstanding up. My day at work is almost over and the entertainment on this thread really helped me pass the time.

  10. The stupidity is so strong with this forum..


    The REASON SW:TOR made us put in a credit card number before even getting the first month is two-fold..


    1.) To release these incredibly faulty, inflated numbers to appear successful


    2.) To purposely "remove" the Unsubscribe button the day before and day of the point when the free month ends, thus scamming thousands of people into simply staying without choice.


    Take those two things out and we're down to easily 500k.. if not less. Dwindling by the day.


    What do you have to gain spouting off this nonsense?

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