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  • Location
    Vancouver BC Canada
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    Gameing, Skydiveing
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  1. Find some way to have more than eight on your family tree. How about keeping deleted characters available for the tree, but not for play??
  2. If nobody knows, where is the right place to ask?
  3. I have 5 characters in the game now. What happens to my family tree if I delete one or two and add more? Can I have more than eight characters on my tree or is eight the cap?
  4. I understand that I can get a blue schematic from reverse engineering green items and a purple from reverse engineering blue items. I also find that I am able to reverse engineer purple and orange Items but I don't know if I get anything but some mats in return. are there any schematics higher than purple and orange? If not, Why would anyone reverse engineer a purple or orange item?
  5. I am working on a Trooper with armor-tech as his craft. While I was making armor for Elara Dorn and Aric Jorgin discovered that they can not wear "Trooper only' armor. I then went to the/your codex to find out what class they really are. To my surprise they are both designated as Troopers. IMHO you cannot have it both ways. If they are Troopers they can wear trooper armor. If they are not troopers, change the codex, and say what they really are.
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