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Everything posted by Foogakei

  1. I am starting to build my warhero pvp set with augmented orange gear. And can’t decide if I need Power or Strength augments.I currently have 3 power and 1 strenght. I am crit capped at 35.03% and surge is fine. Just don’t know what does me more good? Strength will up all my stats including crit ,so not sure if I need that and I heard power has no cap. Any one that has incite on the true mechanics, please chime in. I am constantly in the 1-3 in dmg in most match’s but can’t come close to an evenly geared Jedi Guardian or a Power tech Trooper<(OP’d in my opinion) Trooper went from spamming grav round to spamming flames. Also how important is Expertise? is it the main PVP stat now, is there a cap? I heard no but figure if any one knew it was my fellow Jedi’s And i am a watchman build 32/5/4
  2. I am starting to build my warhero set with augmented orange gear. And can’t decide if I need Power or Strength augments.I currently have 3 power and 1 strenght. I am crit capped at 35.03% and surge is fine. Just don’t know what does me more good? Strength will up all my stats including crit ,so not sure if I need that and I heard power has no cap. Any one that has incite on the true mechanics, please chime in. I am constantly in the 1-3 in dmg in most match’s but can’t come close to an evenly geared Jedi Guardian or a Power tech Trooper<(OP’d in my opinion) Trooper went from spamming grav round to spamming flames. Also how important is Expertise? is it the main PVP stat now, is there a cap? I heard no but figure if any one knew it was my fellow Jedi’s And i am a watchman build
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