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Everything posted by Bytemite

  1. Corso ate my dinner. Corso fumbled the ball. Corso stubbed my toe. Corso drank all the rum. (You know you want to)
  2. I don't hate him, but I don't really mind if his sensitive ears are bothered by my cynicism. Earlier on, I was a lot more negative, because seriously, guy, I could see you coming a mile away with your "oh I have a soft spot for the girls, I'm going to treat you like a fragile vulnerable mess who forgot to bring a blaster to a firefight and can't shoot her way out of a bag." I don't need someone to wipe my nose and call me pretty, thanks. Now I guess the dynamic has settled into something like grudging tolerance or something. I oscillate between wishing he'd run off with my credits already and feeling sorry enough for him when he dies that I'll revive him. I thought that offering different looks for a non-mechanical character after they've already been introduced was just BIZARRE, so I also have never used his customization.
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