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Posts posted by Onnya

  1. Very disappointed with the harder difficulties. Only a few fights even add mechanics when you increase difficulty; it's just the same fights with more boss health and damage. The "challenge" is to beat the clock on the hard enrage timer that every boss has. Can't we come up with more interesting mechanics? There are plenty of ways to design an encounter so that it tests dps without just adding a hard enrage...


    For example: Bonethrasher -- Instead of the Gamoreans rushing to be eaten by the boss and giving him a short damage increase, have the Gamoreans try to run away and the mechanic is to pull Bonethrasher over to eat them, clearing a stacking damage buff on the boss (he's getting hungrier). The enrage is eventally Karagga runs out of Gamoreans to toss in.


    Already pretty bored with endgame right now. Boss mechanics are too easy and don't get harder with increased difficulty. Karagga's Palace is a least a step in the right direction compared to EV. With the exception of Foreman Crusher, the fights in KP are fairly unique and fun.


    I agree with you. The hard enrage is a lazy solution and makes the end-game content not only boring, but inflexible, forcing players to have a certain group composition. It definitely doesn't fall under the definition of "fun".

    If you guys want to read more opinions on the matter, there are two other threads on the forum that you might want to see: "Hard mode bosses need mechanics, not unfairness" and "HM Flashpoints with "Enrage Timers" only ... why? ".

  2. Well, I have seen such a fights :). Only two days ago I have downed one of HM Bosses as a last standing Tank, with 1 HP for last 4 seconds of a fight (he missed me twice :) ) and we succeded.


    This week also we had a situation where Tank and one DPS went down due to enrage and healer and second DPS managed to stay alive for few GCD and finish the bastard off.


    So it is possible and you are about to see it yet.

    it is not changing the fact that:

    - fights lack flexibility due to short timers,

    - not so well geared players who need those pieces most are major drawback in HM, especialy if their class isnt well suited for that fight (ie melee vs Bulwark),

    - the elitist efect of this mechanic - it realy scares me, and you can see it on every step (restrictions in PUGs, general lack of confidence towards newer 50s due to their lack of throught knowledge of FP bosses and their mechanic)


    Nicely said and precisely to the point!

  3. Using "FUN" as a grading scale is foolish. Fun is SUBJECTIVE. As is difficulty and challenge in this case.

    When it comes to MMO's FUN, DIFFICULT and CHALLENGING are determined by the majority and NOT the minority.

    It's painful and annoying to understand and admit, but its the truth.


    If fun is subjective, it cannot be determined by the majority, but by the individual: what you said is simply a contradiction in terms.


    Uninformed ignorant people who pass their opinions as facts is a whole other matter however.


    So I guess you know for a fact that the majority in this game appreciates enrages and it's not just an opinion. It's interesting how you got that kind of information... Because judging from what I've seen on the forums I am inclined to think people are not happy with this and see it as a lazy, unimaginative and frustrating solution.

  4. I still don't understand why there are so many people here giving advice on "how to" kill bosses in HM, most of them being: get geared up and get a proper party structure? This is exactly the problem with enrage timers: it's not that we can't do it, but that we are forced to have a certain gear (usually better than what you get from that HM) and to have certain classes in the group. And this is not happening for a few bosses, but for all of them.

    Why bother do a HM if you already have better gear? And what's the fun of doing HM if you have to leave friends behind because they're not the right class?

  5. It takes 6 days of doing dailies (1 day per piece of modable gear) to fill up all your modables minus belt/bracer if you happen to have those. A very small investment at the GTN will get you a top of the line earring and implantx2.


    At this point ALL of your gear (minus belt and bracer unless you buy those off the GTN as well) is better than the Tionese gear dropping from HM Flashpoints.




    IF you have the time and disposition to do all dailies, you will get the following:

    17 marks from Belsavis/day; 11 marks from Illum/day and 2 from space mission = 30 marks/day

    2 implants + 1 earpiece = 360 marks so you need at least 12 days of grinding for these.

    True than in the meantime you get some armoring/mod/enhancements, but if you have these, there's not a big difference from the gear you get from HM, as you pointed out yourself....so why bother?


    You want to do HM modes when the drops DO make a real difference.

  6. To those that keep saying "learn to play" and the like, I would like to point out that most people complaining about enrages have done the HM modes, have managed to make it in time (so the skill and the gear are there), but they just don't like it, as it is restricting and you can only do these with a certain group composition or with gear that is better than/equal to what you get from that flashpoint (so what's the point and where's the motivation?).


    I think it's exactly the opposite of "fun"to have to tell one of your guild mates "you're not coming with us because you are not geared enough or the wrong class/spec", and then you don't do anything because the "right class" is missing at that moment. And you don't even have dual spec... And how is a guild supposed to help its members, if taking a mediocre player along, or a player that is not very well gearerd simply won't let you progress through a HM? Where is the team spirit? In saying "go grind your dailies, get geared, learn how to play and only then we can group"?


    What I'm trying to say is that debates like this one can go on like forever, because people are (fortunately) different, each of us expect something else from a game and think it's fun to do different things. So, if an MMO like SWTOR wants to get more players or keep those they already have, they should give more options, a little something for everyone. So why not have more options, flashes scaled to the number of players and dual spec? Not to mention that, if one day I really feel like doing somehting solo, why not? If I'm willing to spend 4 hours in HM solo (with my companion), it's better for BW because I spend more time ingame and good for me because I'm doing what I want. This is a win-win situation.


    From that to enrage timers that wipe a whole group in seconds and make flashes a dps rush...there's a looong looong way.

  7. "if you cant make it in time you are just bad and dont have the gear or the skills for it, Enrage timers are there to make sure you got A) the skills to kill the boss or B) the gear to kill the boss, L2P ****, ppl like you are the reason Operations and raids is getting nerfed back to the *********** stoneage.............................. "


    Sorry Xanxari, but I think you misunderstand: most people postig here have done the HM modes, have managed to make in time (so the skill and the gear are there), but they just don't like it, as it is restricting and you can only do these with a certain group composition.


    Just try doing it with two tanks or with two healers or with a companion (since they do count against party size) and you'll see that you are incredibly limited.


    I think it's exactly the opposite of "fun"to have to tell one of your guild mates "you're not coming tonight with us because you are the wrong class/spec", and then you don't do anything for the night because the "right class" is missing. And you don't even have dual spec...


    I don't want ops and flashes to be nerfed, I just want to have more options, to have flashes scaled to the number of players and dual spec. From that to enrage timers that make flashes a dps rush...there's a looong looong way.

  8. Honestly, adding timers is the laziest way possible the devs could have chosen for HM and it does not actually add any difficulty, but limits the group composition and makes you feel like you reach a dead end. Timers could have been used as bonuses, in special rush modes, to motivate players to get something extra, and not as penalty: you don't do it you don't get anything and you are not allowed to go on. Anyways, I feel the mechanics lack creativity and instead of the group thinking of special tactics and trying to adapt these to the group composition, all you have to do is to get the right classes then dps rush. Not to mention that companions (that normally count against the party size number, so you might be tempted to think they equal a player) are out of question for the HM.

    I've been playing with three friends, but two of us have chosen healer classes, one tank and one dps. We've chosen classes that we thought might be fun to play and characters we wanted to discover, not what is "required"to form a group, so, when entering a HM we obviously got really disappointed. So why continue playing if I can't play with my friends? And I thought that is the whole point of a MMO: to play with friends with characters you like and to have fun. Dead ends and timers are not something we consider to be fun.

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