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    Video Games, Music, Coding
  1. We are an age 18+ Republic guild looking to start a group of close-knit players who want to enjoy everything SWTOR has to offer, with a focus on ops. We're a fairly new guild, so we have only a handful of 55s, but we're looking to change that. We don't require hardcore players who know everything about each fight, just those who are willing to learn to play better through trial and error, practice and a group effort from other members. I am an experienced MMO player, with most of it coming from WoW. We have all the stuff a guild should (website, bank, chat server, etc.), plus more, such as healthy doses of silliness, an unnatural obsession of video games, always-present accompaniment of music and endless amounts of awesome. If you're looking for a guild to play new content with, or just a guild to replay through old content while making friends doing so, please apply on our website (at the bottom) or send me a message through the forums or in game to any of my characters listed here: -Maticus (main) -Kayline -Amaelic -Maarbron -Rei'ard -Amylith I hope to see you in game soon! May the force be with you!
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