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  1. Hey guys, I just resubscribed to swtor and I´m wandering if you could give me a quick and short head-up on what has changed. I´m playing an Assassin with full t3 pvp and pve gear. Do I have to grind dungeons again or is that sufficient to go straight into raiding content? What about the pvp gear? Have there been HUGE changes in any regard? (like complete assassin overhaul, removal of a key game element or anything of the sort...) No need to go into detail. Cheers
  2. Was the shield-pvp bug fixed? I´ve tried anything one can think of. I agree that you have an easier time in pvp with madness and especially with fulldarknesfaceroll1-2-3-spam fest, but most fun, and at least equally worthwile is deception. If I got a pocket healer I outdo any performance I reached while playing any other spec but full deception... if I got someone shielding me, god beware.
  3. Never met a well played deception sin, eh? Hard to play, super hard to master (in pvp). If played correctly: Biggest burst ingame (yea, greater than operatives for sure.), and awsome sustained damage.
  4. Dude, he´s level 11. Thrash-Shock-Thrash-Shock-Thrash
  5. http://imageshack.us/f/543/screenshot2012012519312.jpg/ http://imageshack.us/f/846/screenshot2012012715262.jpg/ http://imageshack.us/f/46/screenshot2012012520341.jpg/ Random screens from today. Also died a few times. I see tons of assassins pulling this off. No one super famous... just random guys facerolling with darkness spec.
  6. You can faceroll as an assassin aswell.. go 23/0/18 or 31/0/10 and you´ll roflstomp anything. 300-500k each warzone, zero deaths, ~100k deff, ~10medals ... get the gear and go rampage. Seriously guys... handling an Assassin in this game is nothing too complicated. If only those freaking icons were bigger than 5 pixels...
  7. I have no prove, I actually thought it was common knowledge. I read a thread concerning this issue and several people have claimed to have tested it. So I´m not 100% sure if it´s correct but the tests sounded empiric.
  8. I came up with this build since the shield effect is about useless for pvp. It doesn´t activate if crits hit you and since crits are the incoming attacks that matter... For the average 23/0/18 you spec much into shield deff which is as stated, pretty useless. In this build the only things you are really going to miss are forcepull and 15% shock damage but you´ll win a strong maul, much more force regeneration for fights against tanks and more stealh strength. 12/13/16 What do you think?
  9. You simply have to learn really using all of your 20 or more skills at the right time and most important if you don´t have a pocket healer with you: Running at the right time. I barely die at all because we have all options to flee from any situation. Maybe every second BG I die once get ~10medals any game and can also deal average damage compared to others. This is in a not as often used spec (3/7/31) http://img703.imageshack.us/img703/7573/screenshot2012011102134.jpg This is without a premade group so no pocket healer. I even missed 2 easy medals (solo kill and 1000defender points. I have a little pvp equip but not too much ~250expertise. What I´m trying so say is: Get used to your character and the overwhelming amount of skills to use in this game (That´s not sin only, everyclass uses alot of keys) and practice!
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