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Posts posted by Fenshire

  1. Ok F2P is fine and I understand you want more people playing the game. But we SERIOUSLY need some new content in this game. The same 4 bosses for 5 straight months is beyond stupid. April 1.2 launched and it is now August. Nightmare mode should have been out months ago so please stop firing people and work on the game, you might be surprised that people would actually stay around if there is something to do.


    SWTOR launched December 20th, 2011. Since then, we've seen the addition of Legacy, Group Finder, two new flashpoints, two new operations, a new warzone, and a new daily area.


    World of Warcraft's last content patch was on November 28th, 2011. Since the release of SWTOR, WoW has not dropped a single new piece of content for their game.


    SWTOR is doing fine as far as content release goes.

  2. Yes, this is another thread about transfers and names. I know there's a bazillion threads, but I just need to get this off my chest.


    I have been a huge supporter of this game for years. I got the CE, I've read the novels and the comics, even got the art book. Darth Malgus is proudly displayed on my bookshelf. I've played almost everyday since Early Access, and have genuinely been in love with this game. Check my post history, I like to defend the game.


    But today, I'm a little upset. Why is Lord Adraas being moved into the Ebon Hawk?


    Lord Adraas was a server that Bioware selected for me and my guild. The second the servers opened on day one of early access, I logged in and reserved my character names. Our community was a flourishing RP community... well organized and friendly. But now, it's been given the death knell of being an origin server.


    Before making a decision to move or not, I wanted to see if my names were taken on Ebon Hawk. Unfortunately, my main character's name, the one I care about the most, is taken. And it's not even a common name. I'm sorry to those that think a name can easily changed... maybe it's because I'm an RPer, but my name is every bit a part of my RP and my character's identity. It's a name I've used for years, not just in MMOs but even in PnP RPGs.


    I'm seriously bummed. I never asked for server transfers. My server was fine. Why did you have to screw it up? Now, I either move and lose my name, or I stay and watch the server die. And if I stay... what happens then? What is the plan for the servers that are marked as origin servers? Are they going to close down and are you going to force a merge?


    Sorry for yet another post, but like I said... just needed to get it off my chest. Thanks for reading.

  3. http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=472600&page=35



    They're failing hard on the transfers - No choice of where to go, and during the process if the destination server gets full they can change without notice. The potential of friends/guilds getting split up should not exist at all during this process, plus those who rerolled on other servers are getting screwed since they can't reunite their legacy.


    c'mon BW, have you been reading these forums at all the last couple months?


    "Help! My server's dead and everyone's left to go to the Fatman!"


    "What? You're encouraging people to come populate my dead server? You're not going to let me transfer to the Fatman for free?? WAAAAAAAH!!"


    That's what this sounds like.

  4. Hello. I have read about the number of unsubscribes increasing from a ton of sources. As a subscriber, I'm concerned about it, as in what will come in the future for being able to play (one reason I hate about MMOs). As that said, I would like to ask the creators or who ever it may concern.


    Will SWTOR go to a free to play game without losing the developer team for new content?

    Will you supply some kind of LAN option if (god forbid) you take down the servers or a way to still play the game (SP mode or something cause I want to be able to play through the story)?


    I know its early to be asking and what not, but I have some friends who all canceled their subscriptions in the last 2 weeks. I too have canceled mine but only to start using the pre-pay cards (I wanted to stop the auto pay cause I don't like it).






    You realize that SWTOR is currently the #2 MMO as far as success and subscriber level? I doubt we'll see F2P soon, if ever.

  5. Then you are probably a casual gamer that thinks 30fps in a warzone is enough and/or probably doesnt notice it.

    However serious compettitive gamers need at least 60fps as a min. to have succes in a game.


    Nah. Time to upgrade your computer bro! Especially if you claim to be competitive!

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