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Everything posted by Voodooi

  1. One more thing - Looks like this is a sign of things to come. Here's the reply from my complaint letter: "I apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused. As for your inquiry regarding server merge or free server transfer, unfortunately, at this time server transfer or server merge is not a service that we offer. While this may change in the future, currently we are unable to offer assistance with character transfer requests. Thank you for your patience and understanding, and we apologize for any inconvenience this may cause." The support reps don't even care. They use premade reply templates to anyone sending a complaint (besides what I bolted, which reps fill in). A logical question should be answered with a logical, human-typed reply. @ Forum Support: Do you have something to add regarding this? I used to stick up for your company because I believed in it once. You do realize that if customers are on a steady decline, it's only a matter of time until you and/or your associates at Bioware/EA are laid-off.
  2. I should of never resub'd yesterday - what a waste of 15$. It's like paying a monthly fee to do single player quests or profession grind - nothing else. Bioware: It's time to follow Blizzard and either merge servers and/or offer free transfers. I will not reroll on a different server - ever. Neither will any of my friends/guild-mates. So fix it, please.
  3. Greetings, I have been playing on the VEELA server since day #1. It's transformed into a complete ghost town. 10-49 Warzones = 45 Minute to 1 Hour queues 50 Warzones = 30 Minute queues Flashpoints = I never find a group, ever The above is during PRIMETIME. There's usually only 50~ people or less in Imperial Fleet. What's the point of maintaining my subscription if I can't experience any of the content? I've canceled my subscription because what's the point? Convince me to stay.
  4. I've spent the better part of 2 hours on this quest trying to locate Zale Barrows. Some comments regarding the quest says there's a ramp I'm supposed to find that leads to the Signal Monitoring Center, which leads to Zale. I'm extremely frustrated with this quest and was hoping someone could give me a hand. I'm currently in The Tombs - Belsavis. Thanks
  5. I didn't believe at first when I began reading the PVP section of these forums, but you guys are absolutely right. I started PVP'ing as a healer and found myself getting half the medals if I'm lucky compared to if I DPS'd. I always top the healing meters (#1), follow objectives and throw a little damage when I can and yet I get barely any recognition by your PVP system. So now I'm forced to play a spec I don't really enjoy in order to advance in PVP. Fix this game. Perhaps you could copy WoW's system where healers can get a piece of the pie too? People always MVP first place (which is DPS) and rarely any healers. Do you really want healers to beg for MVP every game in order to get an equal share?
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