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Everything posted by Bdatik

  1. So then the set-bonus argument is irrelevant. You can swap out 2-3 pieces without losing the the set bonus. Is the set ugly? Some would say so (it's not to my liking either). All I'm saying is that part of your argument is irrelevant.
  2. Then why didn't you say that in your OP? Don't blame others for responding to what you write.
  3. But he only posted about one age group?
  4. SWTOR never claimed it wouldn't be a WoW clone. In fact, the Devs specifically said they got a lot of inspiration from WoW.
  5. I was correcting someone elses numbers. You provide number that prove him wrong. I should be thanking you.
  6. I didn't realize that 125 - 200 was between 200 - 300. Silly me.
  7. Awesome job of spoiling the story for some. Anything else you'd like to be a douche about?
  8. They didn't spend 200 - 300 million dollars on the game. Figured I'd point that out, even though you won't believe me.
  9. Proof of decline in server population?
  10. No, what I am saying is: Is flat out false and you know it. Go look up the definition of hyperbole.
  11. Seriously, what is with all of your hyperbole? It only hurts your arguments.
  12. Rift lost a large amount of their playbase due to their shoddy security.
  13. Just stop, no one has been banned for flying anywhere at anytime.
  14. And that type of behavior is not limited to one side. A person in favor of the OP had his post removed because he told people they should die for disagreeing with the OP. How is this not an ultimatum: "Bioware MUST implement the following (a consolidated list of fixes that I have heard demanded by numerous people within the community) before the free 30 days game-time period ends." And I have no problem with this view.
  15. The number of people in this thread simply posting due to his title suggest otherwise. Whether or not you or I believe one way or the other doesn't matter. He has had numerous people (on both sides of the argument) that pointed out (in their opinion) how ludicrous the title is. When yo ugive an ultimatum, what do you think is the natural response? A solid argument would be that none of what is posted is needed. Will it help the game? Most would probably argue that is the case. However, people need to realize there is a difference between implementing something right now to save the game and implementing something that enhances the game. Add-ons (some would argue) enhance the game, but it is not needed right now to save the game. Don't generalize an entire side simply because you want to label them "fanbois" and pretend their only argument is "ITS NOT WOW". Was statistics yours? A single sample size of 150 people out of 1.5 million is no where near large enough to quantify a legitimate sample size. That is 0.01% of the population. Now, take into account that they're all from the same guild, which means that most likely have similar interests and that further discredits your sample size.
  16. His title is nothing but troll bait. Change the title and the attitude of how his list must be completed by the end of the 30day trial period, and I would bet he would be met with a lot less "aggression".
  17. That's a pretty narrow view of the word "argumentative". Real mature. Where do you get off thinking you can tell people to die?
  18. "Bioware, You Want to Resuscitate This Game? Then Implement The Following." This is non-argumentative?
  19. Your article shows that sales from a single country outweigh the "90" people who will be leaving.
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