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10 Good
  1. Aye me too, should be in on the next wave or so. But kudos to a great launch
  2. Can someone pass what this kid's on? D; it seems to be effective!
  3. Haven't looked much into classes etc, i want the MMO to still feel new upon arrival ;D will let you know as soon as i decide lol ;D How are you enjoying your class?
  4. Welcome to SW:TOR ;D Hope you enjoy your stay! I don't have my invite yet, should be coming through later so i may see you around on your travels
  5. Sites looks awesome, will be using it for future reference! Thanks ;D
  6. Everyone else should be in today so huzzah! No more QQ'ing, if so the doors that way -->
  7. After all this time i've had extra waiting for the invites i still haven't decided what class i'm going to roll!
  8. Just go to sleep guys and try again tomorrow! Bonus wave ain't happening, they all left the office for pizza!
  9. Next waves are tomorrow at 2PM GMT time for those wondering ^
  10. Because they like to troll that final percentage waiting to play. o/
  11. Oh well, congratulations to those who got in! To the rest of you, i look forward to seeing you tomorrow! 2PM GMT first wave starts have fun!
  12. I feel like the fat kid who has to sit in the classroom, on a sunny day at lunch with the dinner ladies because of severe hay fever. Everyones out there playing bar me D: Boo!
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