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Posts posted by AwesumPossum

  1. Clearly you can't make an MMO to appease the masses. You cater to a very very small boring and bland group of people who can't handle all the going-ons of an MMO in the year 2012.


    They want this slow placed, monotonous voice acting because they got bored with movies or books or whatever. Games are meant to be played, not listened to or to be told a story from.


    So please, from a hardcore gamer's fingertips to your eyes, please please please!!! save this game and let someone who knows how to make an MMO take it from here.


    Maybe they should give it to you. Seeing as how you clearly know how to develop a MMO.

  2. We are all sad about these two items. But being insulting is likely to get your thread locked.


    Sad faces, everywhere. These topics have been beaten to death and so far BW is not inclined to budge. Not sure what happened to the search function. Supposedly it was disabled due to placing too large a load on the site server or some such.


    I find it ironic that it was disabled due to load on the server... Doesn't that tell them something?


    You try to use their "Guild" section and it's a cluster of guilds on every server trying to recruit. Imagine sifting through all those manually to look for a guild on your server. I tried, I think I got to page 3 and gave up. Most threads don't have what server their on for the topic which makes it even more difficult.


    We are forced to spread out over several different forums which DO have "server forums" but since the community was forced to make them there's multiple websites. With that, it makes all those forums half dead with no activity since the community got spread out.


    I commend whoever took the initiative to make a forum for this but without Bioware making their forum actually usuable it's a losing battle.


    Out of all the things Bioware enhanced or used for SWTOR, they seemed to have forgotten about one of the most important things... Community.


    /endrant lol

  3. Is that a baby gator? O.O


    haha it's a Raptor gator or it could have been a baby gator. It was shot in Cuba so who knows lol.


    The thing on my head is a Tree Rat, that's what he called it. People could take photos with it on their heads and the guy would sneak behind and squirt a little bit of water down their neck to make it seem like it peed on their head. It was pretty funny to see my friend freak out lol.

  4. So I'm looking for a guild and I go to their "excellent" guild section and finding a guild relative to the server I play on is like finding a needle in a haystack. You know what makes it worse, there isn't a forum search button! If there was at least that some sort of tool to help the user it wouldn't be as bad but still pretty bad.


    I loving the game but come on! with everything BW learned from previous MMOs, BW should know community is key to success.


    I guess it's back to sifting through Imperial Fleet's mundane trolls, stupid arrow to the knee jokes and general "barrens chat". Ugh.

  5. Because even if I got 50, like I said, I don't want to just demolish people, I want a challenge and a fair fight, on even-ish ground.


    Sure, but you are a casual-ish player? by the time you hit 50 there will be a lot more 50s. I just think you jumped the "unsub gun" a lil too quickly but that's just my opinion.


    GL HF! (Good Luck, Have Fun) :p

  6. Cross realm could cause more problems than it solves in my experience. it ruins a realms community and just about halts any personal rivalry with people from your realm. While it would make queue times shorter, I'd rather wait longer for balanced, fun and over all fair game, ans randomly get a level 50 premade team chewing my level 14-30 team apart.


    I'd love to keep playing, work on community, set up world events like I have in other games, but it can't be done the way the game is now. 50s destroy anyone who isn't 50 (which is totally fine for world PvP, not for warzones) and I haven't found a realm forums page yet, maybe I just need to look again though, because admittedly I haven't spent much time looking for realm forums yet.


    Why don't you do so then? instead of being negative and try to look for the positive. Sure it sucks now to get wrecked by 50s but when you hit 50 the battle is more even and you may enjoy it.


    What you do with your money is your business but I would give it a chance to at least 50 before totally writing the game off. And if you're still unhappy then move on, at least you will have a feeling like it wasn't a complete waste since you hit max level.


    Or even start a PVP guild and build your own community since you said you'd like to work on one.


    Oh and I asked in the general forums about the realm forums and got the answer of no. Which is rather stupid seeing how this is an mmo and community is a huge aspect. Not only for finding decent guilds but also smack talk lol

  7. I'd rather wait and have a fair chance, as they don't have to remove bolster. And waiting 15 minutes for a fair fight is better than fast queues with so many 50's, be it my side or not, totally throwing the balance of the fight.


    You can quest or even just chat between warzones if the times were longer, but right now you can't. And while I understand everyone would rather have more games of lesser quality, I'd rather have more fun in this virtual world, which means a fair fight.


    And this goes the other way. If I was 50 I wouldn't enjoy destroying people who had no chance against me. Warzones are a team game, anyone seeking personal glory isn't helpful to the team.


    Fair enough. I guess brackets wouldn't be all that bad if they had cross server BGs as in that other game... ;)


    But if it's just server based BGs the ques may be a while depending on the population.

  8. So you think it is entirely fair for any PvPer, new to the game or not, to just get steam rolled by 50s, at the games level cap, even if they are only level 10?


    This is a terrible way to think. PvP brackets would solve half the PvP problems. I understand a 50 should beat me, higher level and better gear, I cannot and will not dispute that fact. My issue is that while leveling I must face people twice my level, with gear that has stats purely for pvp that, at my level, the stat doesnt exist. The PvP has some major issues.


    Would you trade the bracket it is now for a longer que time level bracket? Honestly if BW decides to change it and the que times are lets say 15 mins for example. You get a BG at 30 and the majority is 39. Wouldn't it have the same sort of feel as it does now? The level 39s would be the big dog.


    Would you trade longer que times to a BG which may offer the similar feel if you were lower in the bracket?

  9. The game is still in it's first month, some people need to lower their ridiculously high expectations.


    You're an "avid" pvper? aren't they supposed to learn and adapt better to un-scripted events compared to pve players? If your getting own'd by level 50s then get to 50 and become the big dog in the yard. The 50s put in more time in the game to get to 50 and they beat you what did you expect?

  10. I used to loath Huttball but it's starting to grow on me. Most players have the mentality of if it's "red it's dead". So they fight off to the side, no where near the ball nor provide protection for the carrier. I like to call it the "Call of Duty" syndrome, they only care about k/d ratio and damage.


    I've yet to see an organized team vs organized team huttball game. I imagine those would be a lot of fun.

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