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Everything posted by Gazamataz

  1. For some reason the Chapter 3 achievement on my Jedi Knight did not pop and since I obviously wanted the decoration, I submitted a support ticket. Within a week I got a response and they fixed it. Pretty good, right? Considering there's people on the forums with unanswered tickets for weeks. It maybe shows that some problems are much easier to fix than others and some people will have to wait if they've uncovered a unique problem. I also got 250CC for my "wait" which I was surprised about. It seems customer services are capable of doing their job well. Or do I have low expectations
  2. It's frustrating, I've only recently re-subbed and I'm close to finally finishing my first class story, I'm not even at the KotFE content yet
  3. Spare a thought for me, I was going to finish a class story tonight, for the first time since recently returning. I subbed at launch and all my friends power levelled and got bored before I had the chance to finish the story. I've resubbed a few times over the years, starting a new alt, only to never actually make it to level 50. Recent changes to the game have made the levelling experience more enjoyable rather than a chore and I AM SOOO CLOSE....... extended downtime!! Oh the irony!
  4. I get your point but I'm basically thinking (NOT MOANING/TROLLING) that since there are subbers now that didn't buy the game, F2P'ers don't pay a dime and there was MASSIVE OUTRAGE about it, now there's the same uproar about this. Maybe EAWare can still save themselves?
  5. I don't PvP nor do I have a level 50 character yet...but I understand what your saying. I'm hoping, with all I've read about World PVP and Ilum, that these problems maybe a coding issue that they can't fix with out altering the performance of the game. This expansion might be coming so early in a "normal" AAA MMO lifespan that it's going to lay proper coding foundations which to build on in the future. The fact that they are charging for it is down to all the action we've seen on the cartel market: *****EA BOARDROOM*** "what's another $9.99 on top of what they've already spent on gambling for one item?"
  6. First of all let me clear this up: I have not pre-ordered the expansion nor will I buy it, UNLESS I reach level 50 (currently level 34, 31, 9 characters) - I'm a casual gamer due to work commitments. I have no problem with EAWare charging for this. In my book a new planet, increased level cap is an expansion of the game. The price reflects the amount of content compared to other MMO expansions. I do not want this thread to become a moan fest of everyone, like the rest of them. I would like to discuss an idea, it's too late to change it and EAWare probably won't even read it I know but here goes: Anyone in (one of) the category of CE preorder/BETA tester/ DDE Preorder/Preorder/bought boxed game gets this expansion for free, everyone else subbing pays with cartel, F2P pays $20. Discuss!
  7. I am levelling a new character, my main is only 31 so either way it's difficult but I'm in no hurry to finish the storys, thats pretty much all there is, or so I'm led to believe. No big deal, I have plenty other things to do in life. Although to me this is a game breaker in a way, I'm not crying about it because I have other things to do. I don't just sleep, work, play TOR, sleep, work, play TOR. If others do, then great and I do understand why you'll be angry but me, I think I'll go write some music
  8. Yup thats why I posted, I really did laugh when "main assets 1" pops up with a download bar...... I'm like, you little evil son of a ******, screwing my game. I was powerless to stop it tho
  9. Whilst chaos grips the forums, a few threads on the issue containing arguments over coding, softwares, bugs, etc etc Just take a moment............................ Think............... I've just opened the launcher and I'm watching the very thing that's broken, install on my game!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Seriously, I really do have to laugh!
  10. it would be possible for f2p players to tie up their credits in assets. I don't really have a problem with that since it would rely on them selling back the GTN at the same price
  11. Agreed, navigating your way through the fleet with 200 players is tiresome! Lag-fst at around 7fps on very low graphics. I move to a planet and I get a solid 40fps on medium graphics. This alone would drive people away!
  12. Seems that today on the internet, anyone expressing an opinion that someone doesn't agree with is a troll, I have never called anyone a troll for this, nor do I expect to be called a troll.... A troll is a mythical goblin-like creature that supposedly lives under bridges, what it has to do with the internet I'll never know!
  13. Obviously Subbers will be a higher class in the game,since they are providing a stable income for the game, every month!
  14. No, crying about having a ugly speeder that goes 10% faster!
  15. My game client takes for ever to close after i stop playing. So much so that afer I logged out last night, i shut the laptop down and closed the lid - it would normally just shut down when ready. BUT NO!!! i come back to the laptop around 24 hours later, open it, the swtor client is still trying to close and preventing the system from shutting down. So i just switch it off!!! My point is - I dont care how the game performs when im closing it - as long as it works when I actually play it - which it seems to at the moment!
  16. I aint trolling, im just sick of mostly everyone whining on these forums, your complaining that the devs must fix fix this so you can have a NICE LOOKING speeder, when there are more obvious problem with the game. BUT AS LONG AS YOUR HAPPY!!!!
  17. I love how people just demand the devs fix this or that, yes it sucks that you cant have a nice looking speeder but at the end of the day you'll still have a speeder, just 10% slower for a few levels. You think demanding that they fix it will do anything? They are busy trying to figure how to make all their money back that they wasted!
  18. it's just the suggest price for one my items changed after I posted it. I doesn't seem like the suggest price is stable. Maybe its just me that's unstable?
  19. I'm a relatively new player - I pre-ordered and played for a month but now I''m back. I'm struggling to get to grips with the GTN and finding a price level. Would I be right in saying the suggested price is the current lowest live trade price? Because that leaves me feeling that there is no real economy. Someone could innocently post an item up for little more than the vendor price(for a quick sale or whatever!) Then a few more people use the suggested price and boom everythings gone wrong! I know some power-sellers would almost likely buy up the items and repost, but surely a little indication of what something is worth, as an average over time, would be useful? Maybe this has been brought up before many times, but we all love to share our opinions here!
  20. Sounds like they have messed this up! A month to month subscriber with a key should get 600CC - (500+100) A 6-month subscriber with a key should get 700CC - (600+100)
  21. Hi all, my first post here! I pre-ordered SWTOR and enjoyed early access to the game. I was excited about playing a SW MMO, I had played WOW in the past but didn't get into it. A few work colleagues were getting the game too, they had a guild from WOW and invited me to join. Less than a month later they all decided to leave SWTOR and return to WOW, I regret following them. I found SWTOR quite slow to level at first, many of my guildies had early access/beta and were power players, reaching level 50 in a matter of days. They soon became bored with the supposed lack of endgame content so they left. This is why I think this game has struggled since launch, BIO put in so much effort into the story content, but many players would just spam spacebar all over it to rush to level 50. So they could either enjoy SW endgame, or brag about all the cool stuff they had. Either way they didn't give BIO a hope in hell of keeping them happy by rushing through all the content, no time from them to work on endgame and then boom... subs fell, money stopped coming in, and dev would have slowed. Admittedly, I was one of these people but for different reasons. So when I spotted an email saying they were launching F2P, I thought ***!!!! I payed £45 for this game (even bought a new pc, not just for the game but it helped) and I can't imagine how the long term subbers feel! I launched the game and saw all the restrictions... no brainer.... I resubbed and I'm enjoying the game at my own pace with no pressure from power users/guildies to level quickly. Started a new alt and I'm gonna take my time, take in the story and maybe try a few different classes. Hopefully once I have a few level 50s and a good grasp on PVP/FP/HM, group up and enjoy the endgame, there will be more/better/fixed content. If more people did this in the first place, this game may have done alot better than it has.
  22. How do you judge what an items worth for trade? Do you go a little higher than vendor price or do you price according to effort/ item level?
  23. I agree, looking forward to getting in, a bonus for me is its friday tomorrow, if im in then i come home from work and i can play all weekend if i want! Bioware is being decent in the first place by having and early release, I'm sure if they could then every one would be in by now but its only fair to reward the longest serving preorders first! But i BETTER get in tomorrow, I bought a whole new pc for this game!!! Haha
  24. Lol, you all know that when we get access, whether its early or just a day early, it's going to consume us. Bioware are effectively giving us an extra day or two to actually live our lives before we go AWOL for months maybe years!!! Joking aside, I'm not really complaining about this EGA though, I preordered on 11th Dec after I decided to buy a new pc (not only to run the game) but my old pc was very old and slow. A friend at my new job was talking about this game, i didn't realise it was coming so soon. The problem I do have however, I'm still fairly new to MMO's only played WOW in the last year. It was good but because i joined so late, all my friends who played WOW were already at a huge level so I couldn't really play with them. So we come to SWTOR, my work-mates have probably been playing for 2 straight days now (they took holiday for this game) and by the time I have access, they will be so far infront that they aren't likely to want to play with me. I'll have to power level to catch up and it'll take away from the experience of playing my first character. Rant done - Note: I'm not ************ about not playing the game yet, its just everyone else playing will be so far infront that many players will have to just solo level even thought we've been looking forward to exploring the game together
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