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Everything posted by jbrandner

  1. Anyone know which relic is the best at the PVE daily vendor in The Black Hole? I am down to either the Boundless Ages which is 405 power for 20 seconds or the other one that has 30% chance to do 184 internal damage on every hit...but cant proc more than every 4.5 sec..I appreciate your input
  2. Anyone know of any good forums or sites besides this one to read up on PVP builds for our adv class? I checked out the one in the guide but wondering what else is out there. Thanks in advance, in the meantime, I will google it.
  3. I pulled my build from the sticky and another site so my talent tree is good. What I am currently doing is using Khem Val, mind trap one...then thrashX2, shock, discharge or assasinate. Next one I use Electrocute and repeat the rest. Then on stunned mob, I use the kick and repeat above. thanks for your help, I am on somewhat of a similar rotation. The big thing was I used maul in excess, I only need to do that when he proc.
  4. First and foremost, I am not an MMO expert so I seek help from those of you that are. I will greatly appreciate any help that yall provide. I have been researching and tried several builds recommended by some on the net. For PVE and the Deception tree, can anyone recommend what the best combos (priorities are)? I have tried Thrash2X, Shock, Discharge or stuck with the big ones and used Maul as much as possible with Shock and Discharge thrown in. I am currently lvl 34 and starting to struggle some so unless I can find out a really strong rotation I may be in trouble. It may even be in my best interest to do an alt until i study some more. thanks in advance.
  5. I am getting an error code 1002 when I try to login into the Fatman server. Can anyone tell me why and are yall having the same trouble?
  6. Im serious...go try login! Dec 11th but it was like 9PM on the 10th USA.
  7. Dec 11th no email but was able to login and play!!!! Everyone go check!
  8. I was thinking I would for sure have my invite first thing this morning after just missing out yesterday...well after only one wave and two hourly waves not launched, it appears to have been for not. At this point, I give up on EGA. The sad part is I pre'd in Aug but EB messed up by never emailing code!
  9. Its BS but its BS because EBGAMES didnt send me an email when I pre-ordered bak in Aug. For the longest I assumed they sent it when the early access was asbout to begin. Instead, I had to call and complain to get a code which was done on the 10th and so now my early access is not so early. Nobody to blame but myself.
  10. So its official? no more waves? Man, I was really thinking I would get in today, only a few days away. Woulda been epic if they finished it off....so sad. Oh well..
  11. Dec 1st just got in I read so if we get one more wave, Dec 11th or 10th should get in..fingers crossed! I pre'd in august but never got code! Finally had to call and complain!
  12. I pre-ordered in August but never got my email from EB Games so finally on Dec 10th I called and they gave me one....guess I shoulda complained earlier. I am really hoping we get it in on Friday. It really sucks for those of who did preorder a long time ago but didnt register code or didnt receive one at all.
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