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  1. I am truly stunned. I've been gaming since the Atari 2600 in the late 70's. I saw the original Star Wars as a young kid in the theater. I've been quietly filled with the wonder of it all ever since, along with millions of other fans. My first MMO was a little space game called "Megawars 3" on Compuserve in the early 80's. Multi-player gaming. What a concept. All I can say is, I've been unable to get away from this experience you have created since I was granted access. Quite a stunning universe you have here. The game mechanics are quite interesting, and it has that sort of feeling...this thing is a huge hit. What a pleasure to experience the early first few days of release, whatever else happens. What an honor to share it with all of you as well. We can all tell everyone else for years, that "we were there" when it all started. So cool! Thanks guys.
  2. (DEC 9TH) just got the game delivered from amazon, got the invite email, and off we go!!
  3. December 9th here. I bought a copy of windows 7 and reformatted the mac pro with a windows partition just to play this...sheesh;)
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