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Posts posted by Selvetarm

  1. You're allowed to download the game client starting the day before launch. It takes you the better part of a day because everyone and their grandmother and their dog are all trying to get the game installed before launch.


    You finally get the game installed and fired up. You log in. You're #785 in a queue. It takes 3 hours to get into the game.


    You get into the game, but the server lag is freaking terrible. Like you can't even move. You get disconnected.


    You have to log in again, but LUCKILY you don't have to wait in queue again. You get into the game, but then the server crashes.


    2 hours later you get an update on the game launcher from an hour ago saying that they'll have an update in 30 minutes. Ho hum. Servers down. For forever. Wasted Pizza Hutt and Full Throttles. Never really know *** happened.


    When the servers do finally come back up (the next morning), you get in and everything seems good. Except there are 20 people sitting on a quest giver, making him unclickable. And then you have to go fight over mob spawns against 20 other people. Then you get to the part of the quest where you kill "the big guy" and you're stuck waiting to get your quest kill of ONE MOB, while you're getting ganked, and that stupid warrior's charge tagged the mob before you could get off a moonfire.


    You finally get your quest kill and you have to go digging through a stack of players AGAIN to turn in your quest.


    And then you get a game announcement saying that they're doing a server rollback.


    So an hour later after they finally get the servers back up when it should have taken 15 minutes, you have to deal with 20 people camping the same mob YOU ALREADY KILLED while you're getting ganked and that stupid warrior's charge tagged the mob before you could get off a moonfire, and then you have to go digging through a stack of players again AGAIN to turn in your quest AGAIN.




    Am I a little frustrated that other people are playing the game that I'm DYING to play? Yes.


    Am I frustrated that BW apparently decided to call it a day early and stop sending out waves for 16 and a half hours? Yes.


    Could they have done this some other, better, way? Probably.


    But "the worst launch ever"? I'm sorry, but no. BW made it known from DAY ONE that not everyone was getting into the game on day one of early access. And if it means that I don't have to sit for four hours in a queue so the servers can crash before I have to fight 50 people for the same respawns so they can rollback the servers and I have to do it all over again, then... Okay.


    i'd like to hug you for this post

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