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Posts posted by Selvetarm

  1. Your point about sharding seems a good one - though given that my server usually has a maximum of around 12 people on Ilum, at least half of which are by the shuttle duelling, I actually pray for the day I personally have that issue, even if I'm in the 30 rather than the 70!


    But joking aside, yes a faction cap of 50 each (or whatever) will at least allow for a balanced game, even if there will still innevitably be times when more of one side turn up than the other.


    I think the major thing that's missing is a timer. I don't propose a Wintergrasp-ish binary battle/no battle system but perhaps a specific time every few hours or so where there's some particular reason to be there - perhaps double Valor gains or each kill counts for two on the Daily or whatever. As things stand there's not really any reason to go during prime time over, say, 3am.


    It's hard to talk on other issues as my server seems to have a fairly unique problem in that the Republic are about as popular as the Empire but the "big two" Republic PvP guilds appear to have all rolled alts, leaving us with Huttball and armament collection, even though there's easily enough geared 50s to compete should they wish.


    Ultimately I think the revised Daily/Weekly have done a decent enough job of giving players a compelling reason to go to Ilum. What's now missing is a compelling reason to go to Ilum all at the same time. When players literally have all 24 hours in which to pick their hour of armament grabbing it just leads to there being very few people most of the time - with the possible exception of patch day where you might see a couple of dozen folk trying to grind out their Weekly early.


    I mean heck, I've even whispered players to let them know I'm done so they'll have the place to themselves and we've effectively generated our own "armament farming queue". While this has been great from a community-building standpoint (which my growing friends list will attest to) I'm not sure waiting in line and whispering each other to come take over is really the epic open world PvP that was envisaged :p


    I realise this is more a catalogue of what's wrong on my server than a list of suggestions that you asked for but it is, at least, some context on how it's operating on my realm and I'm at a loss to think of much more than incentivising specific times for both factions to turn up. Maybe one Champion Bag to each player in that zone (must have been active in combat to stop AFK, blah blah, I'm sure minimums can be placed around this) to the faction that capped all five objectives first - run every three hours? Something like that anyway.


    I'll stop rambling now.


    i think your idea it's actually a good one, at the moment there's a lot of players on ilum only @1pm CET, (the time when dailys gets resetted). keep posting guys :>

  2. It's been a while since 1.1 came out, i think there are a few things to fix in order to make it even better then it is now:


    One of the most important things to notice, is that even by adding shards on ilum, the balance it's still ****ed up. Why does this happen?

    The answer it's quite simple: the cap for every shard, it's something like 100/150. the problem is that the cap it's not related to faction, but it's a global number.

    I'm assuming this because this morning we (repu) were 30, while the imps were at least 70. and other players couldn't change from ilum 2 to ilum 1 to join us ("the istance is full").

    So, what's the point of sharding? giving us more imbalanced shard?

    I think that it might be a good idea to put a faction cap. Instead of (let's assume the cap is 100) a global cap of 100 players/shard, it might be better to have a 50 imp-50 rep/shard cap. This way we would be able to actually enjoy playing ilum, instead of getting ganked right in front of our base.

    Another big problem is the FPS issue that we are still having. It's currently almost impossible for a melee class to fight in ilum, when there are more then 20 players on the screen.


    other ideas?

  3. Wrong, next.


    The new patch just dropped, there were major changes in this area. If you rolled a low population faction you have to cop the negatives just as much as you happily suck up the benefits. Same goes with people who roll low pop servers, or for that matter people who roll high pop servers and have to sit in server queues.


    I chose republic for the short wz queues and less wonna-be trolls filling up my chat window - on my server at least. I was also well aware when i chose my side, and was also pretty obvious while playing the game that id chosen the underdog side.


    If you cant handle it change sides. Then change back when you loose a few warzones, then change back when you get ganked a few times and so on.


    breaking news: even the imps can't play ilum anymore with these patch, cose of the unbalancing

  4. I just unsubscribed, and i will not play again untill i see some proper answer about the ilum situation.


    1: Where you high when you took the decision to change the daily quests?

    2: Where you high when you decided to change them, before working on a sort of balancing system (like, for example, different shards with maximum 50vs50 players) ?


    I invite every rep. player that feels that this patch is so stupid that it's offensive, to cancel subscription untill we have some news.

  5. Didn't think it was possible to make Ilum even worse than it was before the patch, but it seems like that may have been accomplished.


    We need something to fix this, as in immediately. With Republic being outnumbered at least 5:1, it is completely unplayable for us currently. The Imperial players recommending we "bring a group" are hilarious. There aren't even enough Republic level 50s that if every single one of them came to Ilum, the population still wouldn't be balanced against the Imperial players already there.


    Either put a population cap on Ilum, give some incentive to playing Republic other than not constantly getting Huttball (as in massive bonus Valor and Commendation rewards for doing Warzones), or just remove the daily quests entirely until they can be fixed somehow.


    Honestly I don't know how Bioware didn't see this coming before the patch. They can see the population imbalance just as easy as we can.


    i'm not sure about that

  6. There's a hell of a lag. As a melee I need to force sweep very direct in the target, can forget that.


    They farm you like hell and get valor like hell. I tried to farm to valor lvl 60 on my rep char. I got like 5k in an hour playing warzones. Now every Imp noob will just have to stand near the zerg and get carried to lvl 60.


    Do you even know what you are doing? This is a joke.




    it's a joke. a complete and TOTAL joke.

  7. OMG this will be the 1st time in about 4 years I am on the faction that has more #ers!!


    No more 200:1 ratio. Ohh ya it was that bad in wow and we didn't QQ.


    Try leveling when there are more opposing players than mobs...... After you do that your QQ is allowed.


    why should i care about the situation in WoW?

    i have quest to do, in order to obtain PVP gear. i can't do that, because imps are way more then us, meaning that they can easily outgear us now, wich brings and EVEN MORE unbalance.

  8. OP's of 12/15 imps all around the map, ganking costantly, while we (republic) have 40 players on. Server name, Legion of Letthow, one of the biggest.

    So, the game was incredibly unbalanced before, as you can see here:




    This is the situation NOW:



    now the situation is that you can't even get out of your base, without getting ganked. i'm telling you, if you don't fix this TODAY, or tomorrow, you are going to lose half of the rep. player.

  9. OK. my last post got closed, ya.


    In accordance with Allison berrymon's rules posts must be








    I construvtively say that Sorcs are OP and need to be toned down. They do way too much dps couples with their heal and CC abilities. This outmatches them against almost every other class.


    I helpfully submit that Bioware consider reducing their abilities


    I respectfully ask that Bioware (i'm sure all your employees play sorcs) consider bringing their powers in line with other classes..



    I am saying this as someone who has a 50 sorc and a 47 marauder and have been evaluating the playability survivability and offensive and defensive capabilities of both.

    wrong forum section

  10. define packed?


    I've never seen more than 95 people in the Republic Fleet at peak hours. I play on a server that is always full with a queue, Iron Citadel.


    Usually the fleet has about 20 people in the evenings and averages to about ~50 throughout the day.


    I dont bother looking for people in other planets because usually its below 20.


    in Legions of Lettow we have 250 players on the repu fleet in the peak hours (evening)

  11. when you beat KOTOR what did you do? you made another character or stopped playing. why is this game any different. make a new alt, that is how this game is supposed to be played


    you know, because KOTOR was a single player game, and this is an MMO. So you are basically saying that after you hit the level cap, we should reroll OR unsubscribe? do you realize that, if we do that, the game will die in less then 2 months?

  12. Which leads me to wander about two things...


    1) Is it not selling nearly as well as they would like us to believe.


    2) They are going to keep producing them as long as they sell to keep grabbing $$$ and rarity be damned. That also implies the entire pre-launch shortage was a manufactured shortage to drive up demand. It's an old...but unfortunately effective marketing trick.


    I suspect it's the second, which just shows them to despicable and pretty dishonest. Didn't they say there would be no more CEs after launch? But another run seems to have magically appeared on virtual shelves everywhere.




    bro, story cool

  13. Yeah i was number 2 best dps Paladin in the world in 2 WoW firelands bosses just before 4.3 came out and i quit.


    Oh wow... you werent expecting that were you? Someone that is good and isnt whiny?!

    Yeah, its called maturity. You might want to take the hint.


    i once traveled to mars naked using farts as propellant.

    yep, this statement is as rilevant as yours

  14. It is obvious that the devs of this game and any MMO need to listen to the hardcore players.


    Too those players already 50 and beginning some of the endgame.


    These players win the loot and achieve the goals that the casual, poor and part-time (these are not the same player) players drive to emulate, they ride mounts and hold titles that pull the masses on to play the game.


    Now you are going to see ALOT of responses from players saying they DONT want this, that they dont look to players that play insanely long periods, or succeed with less time played. They will say that the game does NOT need these players.


    They are flat out wrong


    Without the hardcore, uber players staying here neither will the casuals and masses. They say they will but if there are no top end players playing SW:TOR then it will become a bit of a joke in the mmo world.


    Please I beg you BW, listen to those players that are already 50, already beginning endgame operations, these people KNOW what makes an MMO succeed and what will keep them playing.


    Ultimately KEEP THE HARDCORE/Elite PLAYING = Keeping the masses playing.


    i completely agree with this guy

  15. I have tried numerous cleanup, fixes, tweaks etc. (most of which i have found in these forums which i thank this community for). my wifes computer is unplayable and from what i can tell our computer are pretty close in terms of performance and above the min req. my computer runs the game very smoothly at all times.


    I am hoping by listing the specs of both someone will have either a guess on what the problem is, or at least what upgrades i could make so we can play the game together.




    AMD Athalon II X2 215 2.8

    NVIDIA GT 430 1gb

    2gb RAM

    Windows 7 64bit





    INtel Pentium D 915 2.8

    Nvidia GT240 512

    2gb RAM

    Windows Vista 32bit


    If there is anymore detail i need to provide please let me know, thank you in advance for your help in this matter.


    your wifes problem is the cpu and, most important, the ram, since vista takes almost 1 gb itself

  16. i do agree in some of your statements, BUT:

    the project of this game started in 2006, as a different mmo (not star wars).

    Clearly, the amount of time spent on creating the "single player like" stories, for each class, it's huge. therefore, i think that they did not have the time to complete the game, for this reason they have to focus on some things now:

    1 fix bugs

    2 finish and polish the game


    after this 2 important things, they will start to introduce all the NECESSARY features that this game needs to have. i guess that we'll have the complete, polished and finished game, with all the necessary features, somewhere around mid-fall 2012.


    The big problem, is another. after reaching is 1st "enemy" (sorry i'm not english so i can't remember the correct word) named, in terms of innovation and subscriptions, WoW, it will need to take an innovative direction and be a completely new and enjoyable game in 2013. If it doesn't succeed in this, it will be completely destroyed by the new mmo that activision blizzard and bungie are working on, just because they are masters of those type of games.

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