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Posts posted by NO_Walking

  1. This is a legitimate issue that I see with these forums. Since there isn't a designated forum for this kind of stuff, I put it here.


    Bioware must have some crazy rules when it comes to forum moderation, and this is the only forum where I have seen this taken to this extent.


    They will close ANY topic that is anywhere near a duplicate of another. This is fine, but it causes a huge issue... I have personally seen topics stay on the front page for weeks at a time, this should never be allowed to happen...while a person who comes in and is simply looking to start a new thread, gets pushed to page 2, literally within a few minutes. This isn't fair to the people who come here just to post, especially when the front page is full of topics that are like 10 pages long.... I understand that you want a single thread for each topic....but when a person has to post their opinion on page 10 of a thread...they might as well not post it at all....I myself rarely go past page 2 or 3, and I believe this is the same for most forum-goers.


    Let people post what they want to post...and honestly....who cares how many duplicate threads there are? I believe a lot of people will agree with me, when I say that I prefer 2 or 3 threads that are kind of on the same subject, rather than a single thread that is MANY pages long. Peoples opinions get lost after page 2. No other official forums over-moderates their forums to this extent, let people post the threat they want without knowing that it's going to get closed in 5 minutes, or bumped to page 2 in 3 minutes.

  2. As a person who has actually done arena in SWTOR....I have to say that it is very balanced, very easy to implement, and should become a priority...I mean it's 100 times easier to make a simple deathmatch arena than it is to make a whole new WZ....get to it BW!!!!


    How did I do arena in SWTOR you ask?


    1) My entire guild gquit, so we could attack each other in the FFAPVP area on Tatooine.


    2) We all got into groups of 4 or 8, then proceeded to the back of the area, where there is that little sunken pit.


    3) our groups got on opposite sides, all the spectators lined the ledges looking down into the pit, then a person counted down from 3, and on go the two teams began the EPIC FIGHT in the pit.


    4) GM re invited us all to the guild :)


    This continued for about 3 hours...and is by far the most fun I've had on this game yet. Arenas are fun, and easy to implement...I mean hell you already unofficially have implemented them through FFA PVP areas.....GET TO IT PLZ!!!

  3. Oh look another pointless thread talking about doomsday threads and about people who dont like the game.


    Do you have anything to say which could IMPROVE the game? Thanks for telling us your opinion.


    Forums are for voicing opinions......and ironically not for trolling and flaming. So........you should probably leave.

  4. SWTOR is a great game, and no matter what anyone says it will continue to go on for a very long time. People who say that it will be shut down and Bioware will cut their losses are very ignorant, and are just saying that because that's what they want to happen. Here is what I think will really happen...


    Server transfers will be made available, and then server merges, undoing the damage caused by making tons of servers on the games release to decrease que times. Servers that remain will be populated again, and all who play will be happy between that and the LFD tool.


    Subs will probably continue to decrease, and level out around 800,000-1,000,000 people who love the game/franchise and will continue to play this as their MMO of choice. This is by no means a failure, and still will be making Bioware a huge profit. People only think it's a failure because it doesn't match WoW's sub rates. There are plenty of games out there with far fewer subs that are doing great.


    There are a lot of doomsayers, but they are simply too ignorant to see how an MMO works.

  5. Wow, that's just so reasonable! You'll be happy if the class can't heal in PvP at all. How generous of you.


    When they're able to damage me, HOT themselves up, vanish and heal to full, then reengage with another massive opener.......sorry....that's OP.

  6. News Flash: You should not be able to Solo a Healer dead if they are decent and concentrating on keeping themselves alive. And if two dpsers cannot kill one healer, you need to step away from PvP.


    As for Ops: We have Two HoTs, not 3 or 4. One we have to apply twice to get it full power. Please do not pretend that is two different HoTs. We have ONE instant and we have to have that prepped with a TA. It is certainly not enough to keep someone alive.


    If you are going to protest for a Nerf, at least have your facts straight. Exaggeration only make people ignore you. It sounds to me that you just want easy kills in PvP.


    A HOT that stacks twice is as good as 2 hots....And welcome to the minority, enjoy your nerf in 1.3

  7. Pre 1.2 Merc healer was OP. Now 1.2 - Operative is OP. Insta casts and on the run with medium armor.


    This....you Scoundrels and Operatives aren't going to complain of course...you know why...cause you like being OP and don't have to constantly fight yourself. Take away your insta casts, or you're ability to move while free casting and I'll be happy.

  8. Could you please name these 4 HoTs?


    I edited it cause I made a mistake. Kolto probe stacks twice, then recuperative nanotech. Not to mention Kolto Infusion and surgical probe....two more insta cast heals.


    I know what I'm talking about, I recommend you do the same research.


    EDIT: I'm not sure what the Smuggler mirrors are.

  9. It actually only takes one person who knows what he's doing.


    Lol, what? Once they shiv you it's all over. They can throw 4 INSTA CAST healing dots on themselves then just focus on stuns/damage. Being able to put 4 HOT's on yourself within 4 GCD's isn't anywhere near fair.


    EDIT: srry, 3 HOT's and 1 insta cast heal.

  10. You're joking right? There is no way that you guys don't deserve a nerf. High insta cast healing while moving.....No way. It takes 3 people to take one down cause they just run around and heal themselves/vanish/stun......I never complain about classes, but these guys are way to OP right now.
  11. Bioware, enough with the backpacks on trooper armor, and the containment officer republic armor. Seriously...why are they there? The armor without them looks awesome, and they all have those stupid little antennas on them.


    I hope you release the other set of containment officer armor as well, the one without the shoulders or the backpacks. It would be so much better. Take these out plz.

  12. So far I've seen 2 types for this chest piece on NPC's. One with big shoulder pieces and one of those ugly blocky backpacks, and another that is much more simple and better looking. Which do you think they'll give us? I hope to got it's the more simple one. Considering these are light armor, and that 1/2 of people who wear light armor use double bladed lightsabers, that lightsaber would clip through that backpack like a mofo. It would be ugly as hell...and have wasted me all this money I've been spending to move mods over. Please Bioware, give us the simple one. Sages and Shadows don't need an ugly *** block attached to our backs.
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