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Posts posted by Somewherehiding

  1. I just cancelled my sub as well. I participated in Guild Wars 2 BWE and it reminded me what a good game was. I have no idea why I have continued paying for this game after level 50. The PvP is an unbalanced joke, the endgame content is lacking (and that's being nice), and the game still has game breaking bugs. My server is dead, the game has basically become a single player game, and repeating the dailies is about as fun as watching grass grow. Fanboyism is still going strong though, it's pretty funny... how do you even defend this game anymore?
  2. You'll do perfectly fine as a combat medic as a fully specced healer. You just need to put in some extra effort.


    Sage healing is easier though, because of their massive AoE heal, shield, and a better buff.

    Usually in operations, commandos are main tank / support healers. We can heal the main tank, DPS when needed, or help out the sages if they need help.


    All in all, if healing is all you want, go sage. Hands down, best healer... but troopers are a hundred times more fun. Playing my level 30 sage is soooo boring!

  3. 404 posts later, soon 65k views, and no developer response in this thread.... abilities still broken.


    You'd think this would be a quick, and prioritized fix. We're not asking for any skill changes, or a balancing of abilities. We're asking for our abilities to work as intended, like our mirror class.



  4. "It's a good day to die, when you know the reasons why"


    Erm... nope

    Silly light side troopers, so ready and willing to run into battle and die for your precious noblemen and politicians. I might not have the force, but at least I have a brain.

  5. You'll learn to love him

    I hated his guts as well, didn't even want to work with the guy, got pissed when we were forced on the same team... as a dark side player, he hated my choices as well.


    But, I sticked with him. Do missions with him, hear him out, get to know him... and soon, you'll be a great duo.

  6. Armstech 400 here. Chose it blindly because it made sense for my trooper (I thought). It's not terrible, it's pretty useless at the moment.

    The RE procs will be increased next patch though.



    I was stoked about crafting Havocs Fist/Ani 5 assault cannons, I thought that since we don't have any useful epics, and since they cost 3 biometric crystal alloys, they must look amazing (like the class quest one). I found a screenshot of Havocs Fist, it looked horrible. I spent my 3 hard earned alloys on the Annihilator-5 assault cannon hoping it would look epic. Unfortunately, far from it. Single barreled, boring colored, generic looking, and default sound.


    Only reason I'm sticking to it, is because I'm hoping we get some schematic drops later on... Besides that, it's purely a money sink.

  7. Do it, hands down best healer endgame, but also the easiest and most boring healer to play.


    I have a 50 commando healer with 126 rating gear and champion relic/implants, and am now switching over to sage. It's level 30, and my god is is boring compared to commando, but the AoE healing and combat res makes it worth it.

  8. I am level 50 now, all my gear is rating 126 or higher... and I regret not going sage even more.


    Sure, I get a slight burst advantage (bacta infusion & tech override)... but for the cost of what?


    - Horrible AoE heal (specially in operations)

    - The class is extremely difficult to play during difficult encounters, and needs exceptional amount of skill to do the same job a sage does

    (I have to watch the raid, where I'm standing, where I need to go, my cooldowns, the DoTs on the main tank, decide what heals to use at any given time, and at the same time, make sure my ammo stays above 70%)

    - No combat resurrection

    - Single target heals are pretty much equal compared to sage

    - Unable to replace a sage in encounters with heavy AoE damage, whilst sage can replace us as main tank healers any time.



    Only advantage I see, is that I can respecc to DPS, which might, or might not be better then then the sage dps spec.



    Today I stood next to a sage who was well undergeared compared to me, and I started throwing some heals at him for fun. He started healing back, and I got depressed. His heals were pretty much on par with mine, and he had massive AoE heals. My sage is 24 now, once I get him to 50, I will reroll DPS with my commando.

    What an utter waste of time that was.

  9. I'm not going to unsub just yet, I feel there's still plenty of stuff to do, and more to come.


    But the two things I would change at the moment:


    - Quality testing of endgame

    Last boss in Eternity Vault is so bugged, that it completely ruins the fun. How did they not quality test this? Enrage issues, floor tiles missing, no loot drop bug, invisible mind trap boxes etc. This SHOULD NOT HAPPEN in a triple-a game like swtor. We put in so much time and effort into downing a boss, just to have the encounter ruined by bugs, and our night wasted. End game encounters should be quality testet and made 99% sure that it works as intended.


    - Make Crew skills useful

    Everyone is using biochem at level 50 for a reason. Skills like armstech is a joke, and has no purpose. I was hoping crafting in this game wouldn't turn out like every other game, where alchemy/enchanting wasn't the only way to go, but... it happened again.

  10. I was excited to get to armstech 400 for the havocs fist... then, when I finally did... I saw it needed 3 biometric alloys. It wasn't even better then the weapon I had, so 3 HM crafting materials for aesthetics, LOL. Our best crafted weapon barrel is available for 8 daily tokens (far easier to just purchase one), the weapon I had by the time I hit 50 is far better then Havocs fist. With the cost of 3 hard mode materials, I am not going to build one in hope for a critical either, just so I can add an agument slot.


    I am ready to reroll to biochem, so I can make the stims I need for raids and such. Luckily, I have all the materials gathered and stored in the cargo, so I can reroll armstech and hit 400 in a day just in case it gets more useful.


    Right now, armstech is a COMPLETE AND UTTER JOKE.

    I'm kinda sick that I spent so much time, credits, and effort into getting it to 400

  11. As a full specced healer, I geared up both Aric and Fourex.

    I used Jorgan for regular mobs and questing, and Fourex for difficult fights / last bosses where I needed a hard-hitting mob to be tanked.



    Only issue with Fourex as a tank for last bosses is that he is pretty damn dumb. Some NPCs have insane AoE that you should move away from, that does tonnes of damage. Fourex just stands right in the middle of it at takes a beating, meaning I have to toggle passive on and off all the time to get him out of it.


    But yeah, basically if you're a healer, you want a nice amount of DPS to get through the mobs faster. Jorgan is kinda tanky, while still dishing out some huge damage, and definitely the preferred companion most of the time.

  12. Protips:

    - Save commendations and use them on custom gear

    - If the quest rewards aren't huge upgrades, and you get the option to pick a blue box, select the box! Has a big chance of containing an orange item

    - Keep an eye out on the global market, a lot of good stuff there, for low prices



    - Do warzones

    It's easy to farm warzone commendations. I am level 50, and I still have my orange level 40 PvP set on. Why? Because it's moddable. Once you reach level 50, you do the dailies and replace the mods with epic level 50 modifications. If you are lucky and score some champion items from the daily PvP mission, you can snap out the epic level 56 mods and pop them into the custom gear as well (better for PvE, you'll get more of your primary stats, but no expertise).



    Currently, I have 36% crit rate unbuffed, with 76% crit multiplier rating, and over 1400 aim in my level 40 PvP gear. I've just modded it up.

  13. I would be fine with Kolto Bomb if it was a smart bomb that targeted those with lowest health.


    Platform jumping on last boss in eternity vault really made me realize how useless kolto bomb is compared to the sage AoE heal...

  14. My routine:

    Log on inside the fleet, pick up the ilum PvP daily



    Go to belsavis, do the dailies, then do "A lesson learned" for epic mod

    Go to Ilum, do the dailies, then do "Darkness on Ilum" for epic enhancement

    Fly to the republic PvP base on ilum, buff the operations group, stand next to the wall, watch some tv while popping the occasional heal, and wait for the 30 kills to happen.


    Fly back to the fleet, and cross fingers for champion item after turning in the ilum daily!


    Once most your gear is above rating 116, and you've gotten decent implants and an ear piece, you can start doing hard modes. Currently, friends in my guild aren't quite ready for hard modes... so after turning in the daily PvP quest, I just run around on the fleet, occasionally join a PUG for hardmodes, and die a couple of times watching undergeared DPS and tanks try to down a boss before enrage timer hits. This is followed up by me, or the tank getting yelled at by the DPS, because they expect me to heal all the things, even though they are taking massive damage.


    You have a lot to look forward to, son.

  15. I am having huge issues with a large number of my abilities. It's extremely annoying during hard modes and operations, and it makes things a lot harder for me and everyone else (I'm a healer).


    Current issues I have:


    Reactive shield

    Will sometimes NOT ACTIVATE AT ALL. It's not a delay issue. I can stand there, or run around, pressing it several times and it won't activate. I usually try to activate it after using adrenaline rush. The only way to fix this bug is if I use some other ability, and then try to use it again.


    Bacta infusion

    Will sometimes not activate instantly after the cooldown is done.


    Auto Fire

    Will start channeling, but not do any damage at all.


    Tech Override

    Will instantly heal, but the channel bar will still come up! This happens occasionally, and completely ruins its purpose. I noticed this today when doing Eternity Vault, but I can't confirm this 100% since there was a lot going on (and yes, I didn't just press the ability twice). Temp solution: activate, and run while casting the heal, it will prevent the ability from channeling.


    Mortar Volley

    Anyone who plays trooper will know what the issue here is. Ability out of sync.


    General delay

    Abilities don't feel "snappy" as they should. Trying to use an ability right after the global cooldown/cooldown feels slow. It also happens quite often that I use AMP or MP, and start running the instant it is finished. The channel bar will give me a "failed" message, but the ability will still heal the target.




    Additional note:

    Kolto Bomb targets at random. It only targets three people, make it a smart bomb! I know we aren't supposed to be party healers, but this is ridiculous.



    Edit: I just read http://www.swtor.com/blog/georg-zoeller-gives-update-ability-delay

    Which answers the bacta infusion, tech override, and general delay issues.

  16. Great post, it has peaked my interest.


    Though I love my 5k critical heals (occur quite often when i pop my trinket), I might switch to power gear if it means sustained high heals...


    Going to be hard though, I'm really attached to my crits :p

  17. I like the new fix


    Before it was running around shooting vehicles, and calling it a day.

    Now we just stand in our base for half an hour, with hordes of imperials outside, hoping that one gets impatient and runs too far in so that we can get the kill.


    I usually watch an episode of the office, occasionally throwing a heal until I am rewarded the 30 kills.


    Champion... lol

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