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Everything posted by Sukothai

  1. Seeing as how we can't create a whole lot on SWTOR, I decided to create a starship on STO in honor of Carrie Fisher! Please tell me what you think, by commenting here or on:
  2. And for all actors, actresses and anyone else in the Star Wars universe!
  3. What is the best way to defeat Malgus?
  4. I know I can get Malavai Quinn and Jaesa Willsaam on my companion galaxy finder. But does anyone know if I get to re-recruit them?
  5. Did they get rid of this power, because my bounty hunter is missing this power?
  6. I could have sworn last year, we could purchase Alliance Specialist Supply Crates, from a vendor on Odessen. Is this true or did I imagine that?
  7. So where is the Victory tablet? I see three tablets I never heard of, but do not see the Victory tablet.
  8. Treasure chest? When did they add treasure chest, and which planets are they on?
  9. I have been gone for 9 months, and I notice I can tune my weapons. Where do I get the items to tune my weapon?
  10. So I am trying to turn in my Mission contact to Hylo Visz, but I cannot enter the Odesson Base anymore. I did start Chapter: 14 Mandalore’s Revenge, but I don't think that should keep me out of the base. Is anyone else having this problem?
  11. I've noticed you need range type powers or weapons to defeat Daruula Grah, but how would I defeat him with a Sith Warrior Marauder?
  12. If this game is not turning into a full PVP game, then why is there no information on PVE areas, but adding more PVP Warzones?
  13. Here is another example: On some Planetary Conquest, you used to be able to repeatable Craft War Supplies, now it has been changed to "One Time Objective. But, it was replaced with more PVP objectives!
  14. So, if each encounter is suppose to be harder, does the mean the conversation choices will be different or the same? Because, it seems it was the same outcome, for all roles no matter what choices were/
  15. Is it my imagination, or is this game turning into a full PVP game? Because, I feel everything we have to do, now requires PVP. For example, Pierce and M1-4X, you cannot aquire these as alliance companions without doing some PVP mission. When I logon to the game, I play to get away from other players, it is my world away from real life. And doing PVP missions does not get me away from real life. Not to mention, I do not have a cluue about PVP, and I dont care about it! I don't even know what the best mods, hilts, and enhancements to use for PVP, and when I do end up in a PVP area by accident, some layer jumps me and kills me, before I can figure out what happened. So please Bioware, could you limit PVP to PVP areas? ........and now here comes all my haters to this post!
  16. First we lose David Bowie on January 10. Then we lose David Margulies on January 11. (AKA Ghostbusters NY Mayor) And then today, we lose Alan Rickman and Celine Dion's husband and Manager René Angélil. Not a very good start for celebrity deaths.
  17. Well, we had the Rakghoul event broken on 12.17.2015, they did not fix. Then the Bounty Contract Week broke - 12.22.15 they did not fix. Because they wanted to have three week of vacation time!
  18. With broken events and all servers crashing, the game will end this week!
  19. It kind of sounds like the theme song from "Independence Day."
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