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Everything posted by BattleCorgi

  1. Good point. I guess the chances of getting a good group that listens from the internet is less likely than RL though for sure. Ahh internet.. how I love and loathe you at the same time.
  2. Soooo... are you saying premades are being punished because random players don't want to play with them yet still want access to content they pay for? I don't see how choosing not to play against something with stacked odds is punishing the people stacking those odds.
  3. I hear my roommate who plays hockey in a C league complain about when the other team gets an A league group mixed in there all the time. It just destroys the game balance and they all wind up upset that they had to pay for it and the company who manages the pairings let it happen. So it's not limited to MMOs either. And the team with the advantage never complains of course. Unfortunately they're usually more polite and well spoken than people in MMOs.
  4. The problem with that argument is in most FPS games you can chose your server. As a random player I wouldn't go logging onto a clan server and expect not to see premades. So I can choose to face them or not. In this game you have no option to select anything, not even the warzone. Thus it's apples to oranges in that respect. Also with FPS games you don't usually have to pay for a subscription. Since we all pay for this most of us expect to have some say in how things operate as a whole. Which means yes the premade people do too and if Bioware chooses to listen to them then so be it. But most of the arguments always seem so polar and disregard the other side completely before turning into insult slinging. I should also say your post was well done. I'm not harshing on you, just bringing up a counterpoint.
  5. I love you. A premade guy that wants to fight other premades. I tip my hat to you good sir. A lot of it they ignore is what people want from the PvP too. I enjoy premades myself, but sometimes I want to PvP but not have to organize all my friends together. Maybe they're at work, maybe they're not in the mood. But I think there should be a way to have the option to jump into something that will still be competitive but not stacked against you. There's no way to do that with premades and random being in the same queue. So there's the complaints that premades waiting for other premades will take too long? The solution is easy and Rift got it right eventually. Why games never seem to take such approaches from the start is beyond me. 1. If it's a premade group then while doing group matching match with other premade groups first to make a game. 2. Fill with random players to fill it off if there's no matching premade group of count X. 3. If no premades are queued, you get random. There you go. Premades fight premades if available, randoms fight randoms if premades are running, else you get just what you have now which is premades versus randoms. Even being a random in a matching of premade/premade as just filler still fixes things because at least your team has some organized grouping in some manner which balances things out at least a bit as opposed to 8 random fellows against 2 well organized groups. But the matching now as is where you can get 2 premades of 4 against a group of 8 randoms isn't really competitive. Those screaming to keep it this way with the "L2P. GET DRIENDS. K. THX." 1. Need to learn to use full words. 2. Destroy any credibility of their arguments IF they had any besides the trolling in doing so. They're just deflecting so you can pretty much ignore what they said anyways. They're deflecting because they don't have a valid argument and they know it. Just as bioware wants class balance for PvP they should want team balance as well for PvP. Any good game developer of competition based content would want this.
  6. Just remember. While you use carebear as a derogatory term it's people frothing at the mouth screaming like you that make PvPer into a derogatory term. It used to be the case that PvPer was associated with someone who just liked the challenge of fighting other players. Now I get dirty looks when I say I'm a PvPer thanks to guys like you who paint the image of a Red Bull swigging guy that screams at his monitor and rages on the forums when someone dares to challenge your L33T view of the world. Damn. I'd rather be called a carebear if it means I get associated with folks like you for saying I'm a PvPer.
  7. This sounds like a spoiled child who crams down their chocolate cake, complains about stomach aches, yet still wants more cake. Have you ever heard the saying "It's lonely at the top"?
  8. I have to admit the one thing I wish you could do is get your energy displayed under your nameplate. How much force/ammo/points you have instead of having your name and your GUILD NAME there. Uhm.. I know what guild I'm in. Why do I need reminding constantly? Heck, just let you put health and energy over your head just so you can track it without having to glance down at the bar to know how many points you have left. The visual queues for skills are fine for telling you when stuff procs, but points is a bit frustrating to track all the time.
  9. I think dual specs would ruin the immersion factor of the game. I felt the same way at first after playing Rift but getting more into the game I like the consistent feel of the character during the whole thing. No POOF I'm a healer.. POOF I'm a warrior! POOF... I'm a whatever.
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