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Everything posted by Tarilliux

  1. Very late Dec 9th AND FINALY IN, good luck to all! Cya In game:)
  2. So two and a half hours for next Wave then again I guess......... Good to know they mix it up abit from day to day so we can sit here and be on our toes. Well I used to be on my toes, but then I took an arrow in the knee.....
  3. Dec 9th NOT in again. Seems they are doing it one by one to day....grrrr....
  4. Mine is Dec 9 late like 23:30 NOT in hoping for wave 3 or 4.... at this rate anyways. Looks like they did 7th and some of the 8ths.
  5. Here: http://twitter.com/#!/SWTOR Cya tomorrow all "Final Wavers"
  6. To redeem, or not to redeem ..... your preorder date is not the question.... But if you didn't redeem your code, tough luck I guess.
  7. Dec 9 here:) Well just as good I didn't get in:) Have exams tomorrow and wouldn't have gotten any sleep if they let me in:) Good luck to all tomorrow:) New round of forum monitoring, lol:) May the force put you to sleep tonight.....
  8. This used to be like watching a very slowly developing horse race, but then the horse took an arrow in the knee........
  9. Seems like BW sort of underestimated the European market. Seeems pretty packed. So downtime is probably to go out and buy more servers:) hehe Hopefully December will get in tomorrow then:)
  10. Did you remember to redeem or did you buy it on the 18th? Redemtion will set you free:)
  11. Looks like europe servers are taking a hit. Lets hope they hold:)
  12. Go into your Account -->> Under code redemtion tag in right menubar. There it should say what date you redeemed your code:) Hope this helps.
  13. Mine is 12/9. So I'm guessing they get to 12/8 with my normal force luck:)
  14. What is this? A positive post? I must be in the wrong forum.....lol. My preorder was registered on dec 12. Oh and guess what? I'll be happy to get in sometime before the 20th. And If I get in on the 19th, I'll still be happy, cause I got in EARLY:) Just what I expected and paid for. For some reason apart from all the whiners I actually read what the adverticement said "UP to 5 days early" beeing the key issue here. That means, to me atleast, from 1 to 5 days early. And I acctually think the staggering invite idea is the best kind of launch I've seen so far for these kindes of games. And yes I've been at the launch for quite a few over the years. Kudos to BW/(even EA) for this aproach. Just my two cents:) Good luck to all of you. And may the force be with you for to days waves:) Pardon my spelling errors (English is not my native tongue).
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