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Everything posted by toperswtor

  1. well prety much the same flashpoint but with an increased difficulty and better loot.
  2. alors il faut appuyer simultanément sur control,shift, F Tu auras alors dans le coin inférieur gauche tes FPS ainsi qu'un autre chiffre entre parenthèse, si on peut me dire ce que c'est sa m'interesserais
  3. how about you didnt waste time because you had fun ^^
  4. You can't block all healing spells dude thats just silly.
  5. You sir are a great man, but be mindful compassion can lead to the darkside Don't worry and have fun for us!!
  6. You sir are an evil, evil man. I bet you're playing a sith warior force choking everyone right now
  7. let him go, he has been taken by the dark side of the force, we cant do anything fo him now, it's too late!! BONUS WAVE!!!!
  8. I wanna surf this bonus wave so bad!!
  9. it's a way to see it. But i doubt that post like bioware ****ed us or bioware lost my respect makes them happy. And those are real post!!
  10. Talking about feedback, what kind of feedback did blizzard get to choose to add pandas in their game???
  11. i kind of agree, it's nice to have some people to laugh of in a community. Well there maybe a bit too much of those people on this forum but we'll see
  12. Seriously everyone on this forum is so uptight. There are the people whining about not playing and the others complaining about the people whining. I find the situation quite amusing. And just reading the forum is enough for me. I pree ordered only recently and i have made my peace with not having much early access but you guys are making it worth the wait
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