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  1. thanks for the replies, I was looking at Assualt because a mid range trooper just seems right to me. something odd about haveing a blaster rifle for what is essentially mellee in the Tactics tree gives me some hope anyway
  2. Ok firstly I don't care about PvP. not my thing and I suck at it. When i look at all the classes in SWTOR the Vanguard is the one that grabs me and I have had a great time up to 42. The Guild I am in has more tanks than you can poke a stick at, so I am interested in knowing if an Assualt spec Vanguard can put out enough dps to hold down a spot in Operations? thoughts from those up around 50 would be appreciated cheers
  3. Ok I am in a guild that is full of tanks so i am looking for a PvE DPS builds, I am not interested in PvP and that is where all the discussion on dps builds seem to be. For PvE I don't care if I am top DPS but i do want to be doing enough to be a viable dps choice in a group The Tactics tree seems to be Melee focused, so in with all the sentinals etc is it competative dps with a class that is designed to be melee? The Assault tree is more range based on plasma cell, Inciniery round, HIB, Ion Pulse, this is where I am now at lvl 38 but the glow sticks seem to kill things waay quicker than I can. I may be be running a poor rotation. so far I have Brutal Impact 2/2, focused Impact 3/3 and the rest in the Assault As a play style i am leaning towards Assualt and range damage. Any thoughts or Advice.
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