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Posts posted by honkymonkey

  1. AMAGAWD BRUH, U BEET NUSTROM DOLUOLOLOL!? U MUZZ BEE TAH ELEET, temme bruh, haow u s000 eleet? teesh meh plz, teesh meh #macrooooow wiff woudy AND u LUCKY I dunno mai daddeh bruh mai daddeh beat u daddeh 1v1 #com @ meh bruh-haime haow DRAMA #bestguildeu? i iounno bruh, me = #1 faenboey <3<3<3 #juzzaguuurl


    Learn ENGLISH. Please.

  2. Its definitely a fact that Warmonger was the Guild to beat in the first three months of SWTOR on TOFN,


    True. But lets give some credit to Green Fire as well. They had a strong team, and they had this one exeptional scoundrel DPS, Bodr. Haven't seen DF/Lethality played with such success since.


    Don't think it will happen.

    With you and Buttran back, Drygt & Adam ready and waiting for 4v4, maekor playing on and off together with the dutch. All you really need is Fade, that guy I miss, and possibly Razor. Even old GM Serrapphine is back :cool:

  3. Alarm! Gyrekke told me you were average players with a good setup, true?


    They had a good setup with a couple of good/great players. But more importantly they were one of the few teams that had, and used, any sort of thought out strategy for the different maps. And lets remember one important thing: when they were playing half the server took part in rwz, forming pug groups 24/7 in general chat. The road towards a 3k rating isn't that long when you can steamroll pugs to get there.


    Warmonger was good because they didn't carry dead weight. You were slipping, you were out, although from the previous screenshots you can clearly see Raydra somewhat lagging behind Feta and Imperialtrooper in every way. Since those days guilds cannot afford this as there's not enough exceptional players to choose from anymore.


    Depends on your definition. And if Imperialtrooper is an example of exeptional, then exeptional is in fact average and there's plenty of average going around on the server. And Jhina/Crousti was good, but exeptional? Warmongos were a good team, but their reputation far exceeds the reality.


    Good old Impetus. There were a lot of rage wars on forums but those were still fun times ^^


    You need to bring Impetus back!

  4. just as you said, there will be no competetion for teams like us, and it is NOT because we are gods or smth, it is because this game literally has not got hardcore pvpers (anymore).


    it is going to be another casual **** :(


    The game (and server) has plenty of hardcore pvpers that has zero, or close to zero, interest in the cc and stalemate dissaster that was 8v8 rwz and zero ,or close to zero, interest in testing **** out for BW on the pts.


    There will be competition; even for the godlike, awesome, terrific, beautiful and fancy factor team like yours.

  5. Hey


    I would like to start of with that I really appriciate the option to use legacy bound armor. It makes life easier and more enjoyable as an altoholic. Great addition by BW as it brings so much when it comes to the quality of life. I do however feel that it's boring and uneccessary to be forced to use a certain look to take advantage of the this perk. I, for one, always get tired of the look on the Sand people, Gree event, Czerka (etc etc) legacy gear after a while and I can't do much about it as the system is today.


    You can argue that the price you have to pay to share gear across characters is to look a certain way. However, I don't feel that's a valid approach.


    So my suggestion is that you introduce a sorf of "legacy patch" that I as a player can slap on any sort of gear (perhaps exclude cc items due to what that would to the market) and make it bound to legacy and adaptive. Make it avaible throw reputation, legacy lvl or on cc market, I don't really care. This would be a small but yet fantastic tweak to how legacy armor is used. The upside of bound to legacy without the downside of being force to look a certain way. And I'm sure that you make a fair amount of money putting up something like this on the cc market.


    So, pretty please BW, give me the option to use any gear as bound to legacy.

  6. First they came for the concealment operatives,

    and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a operative.


    Then they came for the Mercenaries,

    and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a Mercenary.


    Then they came for the 8 man ranked games,

    and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a factor.


    Then they came for the nightmare mode operations,

    and there was no one left to speak for me.


    That quote is about the Nazis, Bioware at this point is LITERALLY Hitler. LITERALLY.



    Grow up, get real, and get some perspective on things.

  7. Progress Raiding team LF permament SKILLED TANK for clearing TFB/SV Nim. Required 72~ gear and experience /w Imminence. Rep side


    We are hardcore team together more than 1 year already, successfully cleared full pve content pre-2.2.2, at that moment our tank died o_O


    Gear is not a problem what matters is SKILL.


    Not to be a ********, but you start of saying that 72 gear and experience is required. And you end things with that gear doesnt matter, it's all about skill. So, please tell me. A really skilled tank without experience and gear... should he look elsewhere?

  8. Best commando world: Drygt (and isn't it weird that that all the good merc/commandos seem to be swedes?).


    EDIT. Need to give Xzarnyan the title as Best sorc/sage healer World (and isn't it wierd Drama is able to keep up with ND, Superpugs etc with the best healer on the server sitting on the sidlines?).

  9. I have been streaming over the past couple of days without sound . Also devoid of schoolboy errors. I pushed people to gerikee's stream as I let the trolling get to me... some of the comments were simply retarded and there seemed to be no real benefit for the team/me to stream.


    I'm not professing to be the best sorc/operative on the server (well maybe sorc) :) and I was not streaming posing as an elitest ****, everyone can improve and I don't often make the same mistake twice. I'm quite a modest guy, my lack if forum posts and trolling is an indication of that. If you want the stream back I'll sort it tonight with sound and ignore the comments ;)


    Yes please, want the sound back.

  10. Dear Octans, I realize you had somewhat of a bad night yesterday (read: friday). But I do already miss your stream, you need to bring it back to life.


    I can't promise that people will be nice and decent, but they will have a better and more fun experience.

  11. Because you couldn't predict what Raz would do? You know what Evo would do, pop out of stealth, do his rotation then vanish. Rinse and repeat (kind of :p), but with Raz he might do something crazy that can end up working!


    The upside of randomly using abilities, you will never be predictable. And every now and then, the stars will align for you.

  12. That just sounds like a lag issue for you and him. People need to know what the difference between a hack and what Bioware has given us with this ****** engine of theirs.


    This is the real problem.

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