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Posts posted by honkymonkey

  1. Today I got a Rakata main hand hand drop from a boss in a MM operations boss, when I went to go and upgrade a line of text keeps showing up saying no items are available which is untrue because I have it either on my character or in my inventory I tried both of those, Then I went to swap said main hand with another character via legacy cargo bay just to see if it was just that character being buggy and the same occurred, I heard from a few friends that this was a known issue but I have not seen it on the forums recently, This is a bug that needs to be fixed right away because it locks you out of gear progression and given how RNG it is to obtain the gear pieces that you need for your stats to be the most optimal.


    Now this isn't just for the main hand, I heard that this bug also affects other pieces of gear like armor/implants etc. anyway I hope this is something that is able to be hot fixed amongst other things that is currently plaguing this patch.

  2. I would very much like to know the reasoning behind starting a new ranked season, after the massive overhaul of balance and skills that came with 3.0 , without any balancing done.


    Ranked is, at least in my opinion, supposed to be fair, competitive and balanced. There will always be a fotm, there will always be a ”best” class. That I understand and can live with. But the balance for ranked is ludicrous at the moment, and that's to be expected after reworking the entire skill system. But starting a new season without addressing this, without doing some tuning and delivering needed buffs and nerfs, tells me BW themselves don't take ranked seriously at all.


    Why would you start a season knowing, because they know, the mara/sent discussion is at least proof of that, that some classes are under performing and others over performing. Individual skill and team play should decide ranked games, not what class and spec you play.


    So why don't you postpone the season until you have something resembling a balanced game. As it''s now, no one can or will take Season 4 seriously.

  3. But that didn't stop you from using it, did it? Or do you seriously have enough geared alts to farm Nefra 16NiM ~5 times per week? Something else that looked funny, was how 3 DnT members were in a their own instance of DF just now. One of them went in with one Dread Master implant and one Dread Forged. Comes out a bit later, goes to vendor, then to fleet and to augmentation station, takes out augment of his/her Dread Forged implant, and suddenly has 2x Dread Master implants equipped. Magic!



  4. What you think is bitterness is my general distaste for bads and the things they post. I don't care what they think about the things I post, never have, and will continue to be vocal about calling bads out on their badness.


    This is a non issue. Wasting Dev attention/time on what is a fraction of a second difference which has absolutely zero impact when you consider latency factors, is bad.


    If you are missing knockbacks, it's because you're bad and you missed it.


    As someone who plays both merc and commando let me tell you this it NOT a non issue. And as someone who actually got both said merc and commando to 1500+ I'm atleast better than you. Calling out bads on their badness is somewhat epic comming from you all of people.


    The classes are supposed to be mirrors, and this would be a much needed fix. It's not gamebraking as it's, but it sure as hell affects gameplay.

  5. It really is pointless queing as a melee now. Shame, love my sentinel, but my time on target is ridiculously low due to all the crap you gave sorcs/sages, and with how much range is in the game. Bubble stun, stun, root, snare, knockback... obviously not enough CC tools for a class that has uncleansable dots, and tremendous burst. And we are talking about good players, not the usual scrubs who try to play the class, those are never the problem.


    Well, the obvious response is L2P. It's not a bubble stun, it's a bubble mez. Any sage/sorc will uncleansable dots will NOT have tremendous burst, you get one or the other, never both.


    Was planning to keep going throw your "issues", but realized I would just waste my time.


    Happy Easter


    Ps. A good sorc/sage is now in a position that he/she can kill you, imagine that...

  6. The problem is that the ED "charges" last for to long. Any other defensive cd in the game you can ignore by switching target, kiting, or avoid in some other way. The fact the ED last for 30 secs is what makes it broken and overpowered. The amount of healing I can live with.
  7. "We are happy to announce the creation of a daily and weekly quest that will provide you with extra incentive to queue up and dominate - in both Solo and Group flavors!"


    This will make life interesting. As if we don't have enough people without gear or augments already.

  8. I've been here since launch, have had rakata, champion, centurion and tionese gear. Thrown it all away due to OCD behaviour when it comes to keeping cargo bays clean and organized. Would love to have the shells back.


    Bring them back as a "founder" vendor so only the people around when they where in game can get their hands on them.

  9. shouldn't the only reason to spec one dps tree over another be preference, shouldn't players have the choice to play the spec they prefer instead of forcing everyone to play a cookie cutter spec recently buffed to over powered status... or is balance and choice also unacceptable in NIM tier LOL


    And one could argue that it's a good thing they want to give vanguards and shadows atleast ONE viable dps spec.

  10. Theres a reason I said it would be crazy :D


    An idea that someone who cant post asked me to post: What if some kind of life-steal mechanic was added to some of Commando's cast/channeled abilities to reward it for actually getting those abilities off?


    Make the "hammer/rapid shoot heal" proc down the cd on emergency scan/bacta infusion and I think heals should be in a very good place.



    EDIT: For pvp. Will perhaps bring commando heal over the top in pve.

  11. Bottom Line... I would say my request for whatever this new game becomes are:


    1) ...For it to have options. I hate being forced to use the same strategy over and over. I guess this is why I like Huttball and Ancient Hypergate.

    2) ...For it to not only have options for playing (winning), but also a rotating (random) set of winning conditions so the same match happening back to back would be somewhat rare.

    3) ..For the new game to ALWAYS be possible to win regardless of the current outcome. Civil War has a mathematically consistent ability to basically be done and over once a certain point has been reached. I would rather it be "it can still be anyone's game" type of scoring similar to Novare Coast, or more realistically like Hypergate.

    4) ...If the new game requires people to guard a node, then that job needs to be something other than just sit and wait. I honestly have no idea what that could be, but something. Perhaps interacting with, or even mounting, a turret and using that to aid your team from longer-distance whilst still "guarding" the node.

    5) ...I would prefer the map to be a bit on the smaller side too. (Just think, that means less development time which = less money). I tend to spend a bit too much time just running from place to place. If not smaller, than there needs to be a way to "warp" to another spot on the map via interacting with some sort of gate.


    This! And I can't stress the importance of point number 4 enough. In CW, AH, NC and to some extent Voidstar you need to have atleast one team member stading around doing nothing for most parts of the match. This is in my opinion poor game design.

  12. I thought the operative/scroundrel flashbang will only affect 1 target as well but you can spec it to affect more people from the concealment/whatever rep skill tree. Haven't read the 2.7 patch notes in a while thou


    When you pick operative/scoundrel as your ac you get a passive skill/ability (higher energy regen or something like that), this passive skill will in 2.7 grant aoe flashbang as well.

  13. And no that is not me wanting to be OP, thats me wanting to be viable. To be an equally valuable option as lets say an assassin or a marauder.


    And I agree that all classes should be viable, in their own right in their own way. But straight up comparing "oh **** defensive cds" is however not fair. How do you then value a spammable aoe heal, a secondary cleanse, heavy armor etc. The classes are different and should play different, but they should all be viable.


    With the changes in 2.7, a slow that will actually work on full auto/unload, a low cd on power surge and no pushback I finally feel that mercs are in a good place.


    And when it comes to giving feedback "after the fact". I keep an eye on the dev tracker, the pvp section, the pve section, the general disussion section, from time to time on the pts threads, I read whatever concerns me in the CS section. I DO NOT read class sections, (since they are almost exlusive "how do i gear", how do I spec", How do I etc etc". Hence, I only know about the questions being asked when Musco puts a yellow dev post in the thread. So, here I am "after the fact". And while it's to late do anything about the questions, I don't think that disqualifies me from having an opinion about them.

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