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Posts posted by Zootskyqua

  1. Faction interaction is little to none. ---------- Um, because you are enemies.


    You only interact with them in warzones. ----------- Again, because you are enemies.


    You can see them in certain planets questing, you can attack them if flagged, or chat with them locally. -------Yet again, because you are enemies.

    What's the point? -------- Because in Star Wars the Republic and the Empire are enemies.

    Besides having the OPTION of choosing another faction with new stories/characters.



    Why would you talk, hang out, run missions or anything else with an enemy?

  2. Other games? You mean the only game. This is not SWG 2. This game does not have Bounty Hunters available to both factions. You can't change factions in this game. There are no guild houses & buff houses with transporters. Each side has a Fleet, where you can never go if your not part of that faction.


    So you're surprised SWTOR isn't like SWG. :rolleyes:


    Good point. We would have bounty hunters whining because thier mark is on a planet they cant travel to or because their mark is on the faction fleet and cant get them. Or countless other whines just like th BHs of SWG.

  3. General Chats in MMO are just not my kind of thing.


    I play for the game not for the other players. TBF I hate MMOs (specifically for I hate the average MMOer) I'm just in it because I love Star Wars and liked KOTOR.


    Pretty much this. I dont talk because Im busy playing the game. If I wanted to chat Id go to a chat room or text someone.

  4. If the classes are balanced enough 1v1 would not be an issue, same can be said about the 2v2 where you come up against a better pair. As long as they are somewhat equal and people know how to play you’ll be good. Current PVP is fun but I hate being attacked when I just got done killing someone and I have half health left. That wouldn’t be an issue with 1v1 or 2v2 or even 3v3 PVP…


    The classes are NOT balanced for 1 vs 1. The are not even designed for 1 vs 1. The are designed around groups of at least 3. Tank, DPS, Healer. If they do a 1 vs 1 arena, the forums would erupt even worse with nerf calls because people get beat by a class that counters them. The crys for nerfs are already rediculous enough.

  5. Your ship is your player house.


    We don't need ghost towns like SWG


    Agree with this. I played SWG and all the dead abandoned houses around caused more problems than anything. From lag to missions being blocked to just making the planets look like a jumbled mess.


    Maybe if it were designated areas in already existing cities and instanced, other than that....please no.

  6. im not a big fan of playing alone as i use to be, i loved oblivion and morrowind and gta 4 and red dead redemption. but after getting use to mmos i realize i like playign with others and single layer games even with great npc acting still makes me feel like im playing alone


    Im the exact opposite. Been playing MMOs since Ultima Online and Im to the point of being tired of dealing with most peoples crap, I'd rather play alone and not be forced to group with others. From people who gripe and complain if you don't play how THEY feel you should play, loot whores, whiners, people who constantly cry imbalance, those who think they are the premire player and are never wrong about any aspect of the game,


    I realy wish TOR would have been KoTOR3 single player but, it wasent so I play it. I love the fact that I can do alot of the content by myself. I dont care about PvP or raiding or having all the best gear and crap.

  7. The "grind" is what sucked for me in other games. Mindlessly repeating the same thing over and over.


    I like the fact that pretty much everything you do in SWTOR "gets you somewhere." Either progressing your class story or progressing the planet story. A vast majority of this game feels like it has a point, not just the boring, repeatative grind.

  8. The only way to achieve true balance is to make one class so everyone has the exact same abilities, make all weapons have the exact same damage output and, all armor have the exact same stats.


    Even then would people complain because someone is better at using thier abilities than they are.


    Games like this are balanced by GROUPS, not for 1 vs 1. Untill people understand that, the rediculous whinning will persist.

  9. Thank you PvPers for your incessant whining that brings major changes to yet another game.


    I imagine it will only get worse when combat logs are added and people think that 1v1 fights are the be all end all of balance.


    Really, thanks alot.

  10. I stopped watching when he said "perfection is world of warcraft". /puke


    Pretty much. He keeps saying how "fun" he thinks WoW is. Well, then he should go play it and let the rest of us have fun in SWToR.

  11. tldr- people play the game cuz there's lots to do, they avoid multi play because most people suck.


    I hope that is not the attitude you get through life with-otherwise good luck to you...


    Actually, its more true than not. Ive had more bad experiences trying to play with other people. Between crying over getting beaten in a game, screaming because someone else got the piece of loot they want and flipping out because people arent playing thier class they way they feel they "should" be played. Etc......etc.... I'd rather play by myself anymore.


    Basically, alot of people do suck. No offense....heh

  12. I've played a ton of MMOs in my years from Planetside and CoH to DaoC and WoW. I even played that short lived Richard Garriott space trip fundraiser Tabula Rasa.


    Not a single one did I participate on the official forums. This was the first MMO that i've actually taken the time to look at and even participate in the official forums and i'm glad I never did in the past.


    This place is full of those people that throw tantrums and piss and moan about the smallest things like spoiled entitled children.

    In my job we work with small businesses who purchase product from us in orders of upwards to 25-30k a week. Sometimes there are problems that cost people hundreds if not thousands of dallars and they complain less than these spoiled gamers crying about a game they spent 60 bucks on like they are some high profile investor.


    Totally agree.

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