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Posts posted by Acupunk

  1. I was a Operative all through Beta, you are not considered a healer. You sneak up, stab, and whip out your rifle for people just out of melee range. You have heals but it's more to cover you and maybe a friend.


    If you want to be a healer + non-Force look at Trooper-Commando or BH-Merc.

    If you want to be a healer + Force look at Consular-Sage or Inquisitor-Sorcerer.


    Also Cover is not Stealth, it's hiding behind rocks for additional cover. If you want Stealth you need to be a Operative, Scoundrel, Assassin, or Shadow.


    wow so much phail. just because someone played something does not mean they did it well. I give the poster the short bus rider of the year award for not understanding what they played "all thru beta"

  2. For republic it varies (even if its just a difference in name not abilities): The two times I played republic smuggler seemed less popular then the sith counterpart of Bounty Hunter. I guess the names do influence selection a bit.



    Smuggler =/= Bounty Hunter

    Bounty Hunter = Trooper

    Smuggler = Imperial Agent

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