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Posts posted by trussasp

  1. Hi OP:


    I think most games do that stuff, yes?

    (selling overpriced collector's editions, with a few things in them)


    Unless specific promises were made about updates, I don't believe you have a leg to stand on.



    But at least... going forward, you now know NOT to buy collector's editions for video games.

  2. My subscription expires today, I believe, so here're my top 5 reasons:


    (1) Nearly complete lack of open world PvP. To me, open world PvP is I'm out and about, see someone of the opposite faction, and one of us dies. On average, this happened about 10 times per day in WoW on a PvP server, and has happened 2x total in SWTOR, en route to level 50. They cannot redo the zones, etc., but this one thing is the most important reason to me why SWTOR is not all that fun.


    (2) Game feels dead, lifeless + (2a) Plays like a single-player game. When you're out and about, it's cool to see other players, whether they are same or opposite faction. In SWTOR, you don't really see anyone very much at all.

    Also, during the levelling experience, there's no real incentive to group up, or interact with others, plus, I have a companion who can fill in with roles I may need anyway. So, why should you group up or interact, anyway, you don't really NEED to. So, people don't.


    (3) Levelling curve/speed is way too fast. It took several months to max. out a character when I first started WoW, and it takes a matter of days (if you want) to max. out in SWTOR. With the lack of "endgame" (whatever you mean by that) content available in SWTOR, they really ought to have slowed down the levelling speed.


    (4) Space combat is on rails. Not that they could easily do this anyway, but changing space combat/travel so it was NOT on rails, and you could interact and fight with other players would attract a whole new group of people.


    (5) The dialogue on the instances. I know that, for many of you, this is possibly the BEST thing about the game. But playing The Esseles for the 8th time, and running it with someone who has never run it before and wants to see all of the dialogue is torturous. I have suggested this (in the black hole of Suggestion Box), BUT... they really ought to remove cutscenes from one server's instances for a month, and watch how much of a bump they would get in instance runs per player. Of course, now that they have maybe 6 servers TOTAL my suggestion is not as doable, I realize. Oh well.



    Anyway, if you are still having fun in SWTOR, I wish you the best...

  3. Hi OP:


    Yes, the game is in trouble.


    I doubt we will even hear any more subscriber numbers.


    SWTOR'll be F2P, relatively soon, my guess is before the end of 2012.


    I'll come back and check it out when it does go to that model.





    Hi, the rest of you:


    F2P can't or won't happen here, you say?


    Yes it can, and here's my eerily-similar example of another hugely-overhyped MMO with a very strong IP doing exactly the same thing, in 2011.... DCUO (DC Universe Online)


    I can't be the only person here who watched DCUO go down, in exactly the same way, can I?


    The chatter on the DCUO forums was amazingly similar, as well, heh heh.

  4. Unless torstatus or some other site gets new and updated population monitoring tools, not sure we'll accurately know what has happened to server populations since the merger, but something to maybe throw into the mix...


    The people who are now on The Bastion represent 14 servers from a week ago.




    And they're still not done merging, right?


    You think they over-created servers by a ratio of (at least) 13:1 at launch?


    That's not a bit scary?

  5. Hi OP:


    While I respect your opinion and you are entitled to it, it sounds like you are at least touching upon role playing, yes?


    While that's well and good, and certainly CAN add to a game experience, I would respectfully say that the majority of MMO players (SWTOR is at least advertised as an MMO) do not want to partake in that, generally speaking.


    Nothing wrong with it, it's just, speaking for myself only, not what I'm looking for.



    And on that note, I've read plenty of posts from role players, indicating that this game is lacking a very many basic things which would make the game more immersive. Things that have been around for a very long time in much older games, (just a few examples...) weather cycles, more environmental noises, music, clickable objects, etc etc.


    And the design of the game is such that it basically eliminates organic open world PvP, which for me, and apparently many others, is a very large drawback. You never see players of the other faction.


    I'm not even touching on content, or endgame content, etc. (but this was huge for many of those who are already gone, so it is difficult to just leave that out)


    So, while the player himself can indeed role play, or flesh out events and things, such as have occurred on a few (generally RP) servers at this point...


    In a game that cost ~$300 million to make, should the onus REALLY be on the player himself?



    Shouldn't there at least be some things designed into said game to at the very least encourage this?



    Not to be mean, but no matter how much you love this game, clearly, it is lacking in many things, and in every aspect, MMO, role playing, story, end game content, open world PvP.




    Because, you can role play with a sock puppet, but it's 2012, and this game is way LESS immersive than games which were made 10 years ago, or more.

  6. Hi OP:


    I'm pretty sure you are correct.


    I've noted many of the crew skills in this game are relatively useless, compared to other MMOs.


    I mean, they're all time/gold sinks, but here most of 'em really don't add much value to your guy.


    From my perspective (which could of course be wrong), I don't know why'd you'd want any other crafting profession than Biochem on all of your guys, except for having Cybertech. (on just one, of course)

  7. Hi OP:


    It was for me, but maybe I'm doing it wrong....


    I made the double-bladed L400 lightsaber from Artifice.


    In that item, you can place 3 different things, Hilt, Mod?, and something else? I forget what the other two names are.


    Whatever those 3 things are, I made all 3 of the L400 craftable items, from the Artifice guy (Hilt), and maybe my Cybertech guy (the other 2 slots).


    Anyhoo... after combining all of them, I noticed that the resulting double-bladed lightsaber was a bit WORSE than the Recruit L50 double-bladed saber I bought for (I think?) 38,000 credits.



    Can anyone tell me what I did wrong, if anything? I''m asking seriously.



    Based on my results, the answer to the OP, is yes, it is useless.

  8. Hey OP:


    ****, my bad!


    The limit is only EIGHT characters per server.


    I was thinking of Warcraft, my bad, which allows TEN.


    Forget everything I said, or if it makes sense, subtract TWO from the numbers I mentioned.


    Again, stupid me, my bad!

  9. They designed the game and it's areas to AVOID open world PvP.


    That's the only reason I've come up with for this design anyway.


    I've played both sides to 50, and my guys almost NEVER go through the same geographical area at the same level range as the opposite faction.




    TLDR.. There's no open world PvP because they designed the game, and it's levelling experience, away from that. This was a serious design flaw, in my book. I don't think I'm the only one who thinks this way.

  10. Hi OP:


    Now, I see that transfers are available from Perlemian to Drooga's. However, I'm not sure what will happen...do I just transfer 3 characters to fill up my Drooga one?


    ANSWER: You can have up to 10 character per server, so you can transfer up to 5 characters to Drooga's, assuming you have 5 there already.



    What happens to my remaining 5?


    ANSWER: At this point, nothing happens to them.



    Do I need to wait and another option will be given to me?


    ANSWER: YES, you wait, assuming you do not still want to play any remaining charcaters for now, on Perlemian.

  11. I chose PvP, because for me, the open world PvP aspect/possibility is the most exciting/fun thing that happens in an MMO.


    In SWTOR, sadly, that part of the game basically does not exist, or is extremely rare.


    If unclear what I mean by open world PvP, go sign up for the free trial of Warcraft on a PvP server, and after you level past The Barrens, you will likely experience open world PvP.

  12. Hi all:


    As the title states, the forums were better before transfers.


    I don't believe any amount of ************ or whining in the 99% of posts now containing something related to the transfer process would make any impact in the schedule of it, or change it's course.


    I'm pretty sure you'll just have to see what happens in terms of your server, and whether or not it is a destination or origin server.


    They'll probably just continue on with this process, correct hiccups as they occur, see more and more and more subscription loss, then, at some point in the relatively near future, roll out some sort of F2P business plan.


    I'm only pretty sure, though, so who knows?


    Maybe YOUR new post complaining about some aspect of the character transfer process will turn the tide or make a difference in some way.


    So, on that note... Keep at it guys!



  13. Hi OP:


    You are correct, they are not super-informative about this process, and information is trickling out, in different places.


    If you actively monitor the forums or website, however, you should get an idea of what is going on.


    Here are some of the possible places to check:









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