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Posts posted by amcdoog

  1. Hello! I have noticed an interesting phenomenon on my server. I recently created a new Sith Warrior to replay the story in a new way (light side) opposed to my other Warrior, who went full dark side. From the get-go I quite enjoyed the new outlook on the story and typed in chat, "Man, LS Sith Warrior is pretty fun," to share my enjoyment. However I then got many whispers and posts in general chat saying how I was a wuss, should go play the hello kitty MMO, roll a Jedi and that I should quit the game. I really found this funny how the other people really took offense to that. Later in Black Talon I was cussed at for making the choice to spare the captain and once again told I was a carebear, while said player left the group. Does this happen on every server? I never noticed this before...it almost makes me laugh how people get angry at a Sith who makes light side choices.
  2. I've done HM Xeno 6 times, and have seen it drop once. Due to my luck I rolled a two on it. I guess it is just random because some of my friends have run about as many times as me and either have not seen it drop or have seen it drop 2+ times.
  3. I think the idea here is you have to choose between letting innocents who can't protect themselves (children) and soldiers who put them selves in harms way knowing full the risk.


    Right, but it is not truly a dark decision, only dark by comparison. There are many more choices that could be made in that situation that would be evil. I wish they had a wider range of options for that quest and changed the "help the troops" option to neutral at least, while adding a dark decision, such as selling it on the black market.

  4. Definitely agree. I had issues with the quest on Coruscant where you have the option of turning in damaging evidence on a politician in league with the Empire being a Dark Side choice vs letting the election for him (being popular because people didn't know about that stuff) run its course. At least that's how I recall that quest going, been a year and more since I did it.


    That one bothered me too, along with turning in the deserters on Taris. Republic side is littered with these "not really dark" choices.

  5. Technically a republic patriot doesn't require that you follow the light side of the force. Plenty of what Garza has done has been both patriotic and dark side.


    Still, I don't understand why that is a DS decision....it is giving medicine to the troops so they can protect the civilians and curb the separatist movement...which is good in the long run. I don't see anything evil about it. It just may "seem" dark from the perspective of you could have saved a few civilians, who would continue to suffer injuries without the military to protect them. I think it should be rated on the LS/DS scale on how the action truly is, not as a whole "black and white" morality deal that puts it as a "dark" action because it counterbalances the "light" action. I think that it should be a neutral action. A true dark side action may be keeping the medicine for yourself, or selling it on the black market. Both of the 2 options for the quest revolve around your character sacrificing their personal benefit for others, regardless of which option they take, which I believe is not dark, only "less light" by comparison. I feel a lot of the LS/DS choices are subject to interpretation and shouldn't be presented as a black and white choice. /end rant

  6. I have an issue with my trooper who I have created as a Republic patriot.


    The quest on Ord Mantell, where you retrieve the medicine. The quest giver explicitly states that Republic troops are dying with the lack of medicine and helping them would go a long way to helping the war. So I give him the medicine for DS points.... I know the other option was to give it to some civilians who stole it, but giving it to the Republic soldier should not be a DS decision.

  7. This would be awesome! I loved Manaan in KOTOR and was upset when it was not in the initial release of SWTOR. I have even been thinking of different class stories :p and some flashpoints/operations revolving around Manaan.
  8. I could live with an early AC swap (maybe pre-30) but I would oppose one at or near the level cap. With all the threads around about "Noobs in endgame" and personal experience I think that a swap that late would be chaos, with all the people in endgame content playing basically brand new toons. They should have at least the 30-55 experience under their belt before endgame at least. I would rather not see one at all, but whatever, I just think a swap around 30ish could qualm some of the arguments in this thread, with both sides compromising.
  9. Based on the 5 I have finished:


    1) Warrior

    2) Agent

    3) Smuggler

    4) Consular

    5) Bounty Hunter


    Warrior and Agent are almost interchangeable IMO, I slightly prefer Warrior because it was my first character. Smuggler is not far off from the top, I quite liked that story. Consular and Bounty Hunter are also almost interchangeable, though I prefer Consular because of the act 3.

  10. Hammer station HM, on my shadow tank.


    I get put into a group with a commando heals, sage dps, and a gunslinger dps. First thing upon entering the FP the commando heals says "*** why is the tank in light armor, he must have BSed the queue." To which I say "Shadows are fine tanks." He replies "Heck no, you can't tank in light armor, let me tank I would be better." The sage facepalms and the GS laughs while I tell the commando that I have a tanking stance. He was in utter disbelief and could not comprehend how I could be a shadow tank. He even wanted to kick me and get a "Real" tank at one point. I go ahead and pull while the commando tries not to heal me, instead the sage uses his heal skills to heal me. We finally convinced him I was a tank and we go through the FP pretty easily except for the bonus boss which causes the commando some trouble, but we down it. He never said another word after the first boss.


    I was just shocked how someone can get to 55 without knowing shadows can tank.

  11. I didn't really check the tank's gear, I just assumed with 36k he had to have tank gear. It did feel like the fight was moving very slow compared to my last runs it seemed like we got many more rampages. Even on trash it took the dps quite a while to kill. When I healed this with 2 marauders they stacked on tank and popped their CDs. I guess it was our positioning that made it a real challenge. Thanks for all the advice, I'll try it all out.
  12. Hello everyone, today on my 55 Op healer I queued up for Hammer Station HM and was put into a group with a sin tank (36k HP) sin dps (27k HP) and a PT dps (24k HP). We blaze through the first part of the FP, until the bonus boss. I have healed the bonus boss other times without wiping, but today, we got utterly wrecked. It may be a gear issue (I'm in mostly 66s) but everyone seemed to take a TON of damage, way more than I remember. Tank started a bit early, before I could HoT everyone up, but every rampage, he and the dps would just get smashed. I would try to heal the dps up, but when I stopped healing the tank for just a little time to focus the dps, he would lose a ton of health. I would then have to work my tail off trying to keep everyone at a good HP margin before the next rampage, while keeping the tank up, which was a challenge, due to his rapidly diminishing HP. This became very taxing on my energy, and at about 35ish percent the tank gets destroyed and we wipe. Our positioning may not have been great, tank tanked with back to console, sin dps stood behind the boss, and the PT stood about 10m to the left of the boss(from the tank's perspective), causing my nanotech to only hit one person at a time. I tried to stay at 30m and run out during the rampage, but still got the stun :(. Am I missing something tactics wise as to why we wiped? or is it a gear/composition issue? I have done it plenty of times but this time it was bizarre how hard it was :( After that try, the Dps did not want to try again, so we moved on and crushed the rest of the FP. Its just a bit distressing for me to fail at healing that fight.
  13. Had another odd group yesterday.


    I queue up on my Scoundrel healer and get matched with a group in progress for Mandalorian Raiders HM. I walk in, and the group had just started. This immediately worries me, whenever a group had a healer who left at the very start of the FP. I don't ask the nagging question of why he left, so we begin to pull. I notice the Sage (dps) is wearing a mix of leveling greens and a few BH pieces, netting him just nearly 19k HP, along with quite low willpower. The Guardian (tank) was new to the FP (he stated in chat) and probably newer to tanking in general (but I applaud him, because he tried his best to learn the new things in the FP.) He was decently geared, in 66s (some blue some purple) and had about 27k HP. The Vanguard DPS knew what he was doing and was well geared. We proceed through the trash without problem until the pull in the hallway with all the dogs (ugh I hate that one.) We start off and the tank leaps to the Mandalorian ranged adds (No ccs) while the Sage and Vanguard begin to destroy the group with AoEs. The Sage (being the first to hit) pulls agro from the dogs, and I have to spam heal him to keep him alive, wasting some resources. Then the Vanguard pulls and I have to spam heal him to keep him alive. I have to devote some of my heals to the tank, whose health bar is dropping, but during that time, the Vanguard died, and I felt absolutely horrible for letting him down. The mobs agro on me next, forcing me to use my CDs, and heal myself. The Sage again gets agro (I used my agro drop) And I have to spam heal him to keep him alive. Then the guardian pulls the dogs, and I am out of resources to heal him (And myself who was at about 25% HP) so we wipe. I explain to the guard to get agro on dogs too, but during the next pull, the reverse happens, he gets the dogs, but leaves the ranged to destroy me and the Vanguard. The next time we try, we beat it though.


    The last dog pull before the 1st boss, goes perfect, the tank gets all the adds on him and we breeze though it. I was surprised. We wipe the floor with the first boss, and all the trash up to the second boss, again much to my surprise. But on the boarding party, we hit a brick wall. the tank gets agro on the Inquis, but the BH and Agent are on me and eat me up, while the Warrior runs around hitting people. The squishiness of the Sage was hard to heal with here, as when I tried to drop agro, he picked it up first, and it was a nightmare trying to heal him, and I felt so bad when he died (I always blame myself whenever someone dies for whatever reason.) The Sage quits, and we get a Gunslinger replacement. With the GS we mow through the boarding party with no issues, again I was very surprised.


    We then go effortlessly though the next trash until we get to Gil. We explain the fight to the Guard who gets the tactics down, but we hit enrage at 20%. I say we should just skip Gil. so we do, but almost comically, someone (Including myself) pulled Gil while we walked to the final boss. It was almost funny, except that we fought him a million times, most of which when we were not ready, but nobody dies, we just reset on the wing. We get to the turrets, and the Guardian pulls when we are not ready (GS isn't even there). And he is almost dead by the time I get back, which I try to spam heal him, again wasting my resources, when I pull agro from the second turret. I die, and we pull Gil one more time (This was the time it was my fault) And the turrets start shooting when the GS is behind a wall, they shoot THROUGH the wall, I had no idea what was up with them. We explain the final boss, and on the second jump, the boss is hit before turrets and he does the third jump, leaving the turrets to kill us. We reiterate to kill turrets first, and we breeze though the fight. I guess the weird thing was that every pull/boss was either a brick wall or a snoozefest, mechanics/gear make a huge difference.:)

  14. Another strange PuG today :p


    Get queued for D7 HM on my scoundrel healer. I begin by asking if everyone know the place, everyone says so, but then the tank drops immediately (no clue why) and we go through the first pull with Bowdaar and do decent. A new tank comes and we proceed through the trash everyone knew the shortcuts except a sentinel who kept pulling random trash. We don't really have a problem with te extra pulls its just a bit annoying. We get to the assassins and I refresh everyone's memory by stating not to hit shielded droids ( I suspected it was the sentinel's first time) right off the bat he charges the orange shielded droid and got knocked back. The weird thing was that he kept attacking and charging the droid despite getting knocked back. It was quite funny to watch actually. And once he figured out to stop hitting the droid, (after getting knocked back 20+ times) he attacks the blue shielded droid. The tank typed "***" while the sentinel continues to attack the droid. He finally gets on the right target and we complete the fight. Later he also did not attack adds on the Interrogator droid, and did not disable consoles or attack/cc droids on bulwark despite us telling him to.

  15. If you did it today, and not before 2.0, the assassin didn't break cc in this fight. These bosses can't be cced anymore. Your cc just failed because the bosses were immune.


    Guess you are right, I was healing so I didn't look to see if they were immune, besides the 2 seconds it took me to cast whirlwind, which I ignored any buffs I saw, assuming we could still cc ( I have not done sm in a while). I just saw the merc mark a cc and the assassin attack that target right away, almost right after the merc casted his skill. I guess we just assumed he broke all our ccs :p

  16. Awesome thread! I thought I might share my group finder experience today.


    I join the queue as my 27 sorc healer and get put into a mandalorian raiders group with a level 30 sniper, level 30 merc (both of whom are well geared) and an assassin who is supposed to be our tank. The assassin walks in with lightning charge active and with the force regeneration in stealth buff up (the name escapes me :p). Seeing this, I ask him to switch on tank stance, to which I get no reply. He stands in front of the first pull for about 5 minutes before saying scavenge droid and then continuing to wait. He finally pulls and all the mobs except for the normal he is attacking go wild and hit random group members. We proceed with pulls like this for a while, we even mark cc, which we explain and he breaks without hesitation, until we arrive at the first boss, to which he tries to sap and knockback. I end up kiting the boss while the assassin deliberately focuses on his dog that he is attacking, and miraculously, we survive.


    The other group members are beginning to get fed up at this point, as we have pull after pull of broken cc and no aggro. The assassin even gets knocked off the bridge at the top and sits on the bottom for 5 minutes until our merc had to jump down and show him the way back up. We mark ccs on the boarding party, which, to nobody's surprise, the assassin breaks, leaving the knight and consular focusing on me. After this we stop progress and ask this guy what is going on (we tried many times before but no answer) he says that his role here is dps.....even though his icon specifically has the blue shield which means tank. We try to explain this to him, and tell him to look at the icon below his portrait, to which he says "That is one of my skills." Face palm moment. We proceed through more of the FP and encounter the dialogue, to which the assassin continues ahead and pulls a group while we are in the conversation ring. The assassin, throughout the run, had been using the /angry emote for whatever reason. At the final boss the assassin goes into stealth and tries to sap and knockback the boss repeatedly. As the fight continues, we make it clear to attack turrets first, to which he attacks the boss first. We somehow finish without a single wipe.

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