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Posts posted by amcdoog

  1. The EE-3 is not around until about 20ish BBY (Way too far ahead in timeframe) and the BH mirror, trooper already has a cryo grenade, and having 2 hard ccs on 1 class would cause balance issues. That said, blaster rifles in general for the BH are a thing I support, as well as the continuing of class-based stories.
  2. they both moved up so one was as good as another. and the insult came around after the kickvote.


    Of course, if that reason wasn't good enough, could always use the reason of him pulling before tank (me) on 90% of the mobs... :p


    It's BT, there is no reason to kick people for pulling ahead of you....it is not like you can truly tank. Marauders also get 2 good defensive CDs pretty early, so he in fact may have been able to resist more damage. On the other hand about the bonus boss, it is not something to kick people over skipping, and I still don't understand why you vote-kicked the marauder instead if the sorc. Needing on that piece for spite was also quite rude. Just relax and don't work yourself up over a level 10 FP.

  3. I completely agree with you on every aspect! My main at the moment is a Vanguard and one of the main problems i have is in WZ. almost everytime i get into a WZ its always the sith ****** y team in full sets of pvp armor. These ideas would help out imensly to improve gameplay as a pub. we would get more great players and more support in open world pvp.


    Dude thread was dead for a year and you necroed it like a boss.

  4. Had a TFB SM GF pug that went really well, 1 shot all the bosses, but on phase 2 of TFB one merc just sat there pounding away at the boss, the whole fight. I had to try to kill a tentacle solo, but we all had a good time and beat the fight anyway.


    Also did TC HM, the tank (guardian) kept turning the boss to face the dps for whatever reason, in addition to losing aggro on multiple occasions.....that run didn't end up so well.

  5. I have horrible luck with healers.


    My 24 guard tank gets a queue for mando raiders sm, with 2 commando dps, and a sage healer. Seeing as one commando dps is quite well geared (almost has same HP as me, with his aim high as well) I put guard on him. As a guardian I find commando dps tough to compete with for aggro, due to their aoes and good single target. It makes sense to me to guard him over anyone else, due to threat reasons. Immediately, before we even pull the healer cries out for a guard. I tell him the dps is more likely to pull threat. He then says he will quit if he does not get a guard. I really dislike people who act like that, so I continue to try and reason with him rather than giving him guard. He drops group before first pull. He then sends me rude messages calling me "a fcking horrible tank," and "dumber than a pile of rocks" and tells me that guard does nothing about threat all it does if reflect damage to me. Before I could respond he ignores me. It's things like this that make me hate grouping.

  6. Honestly you shouldn't have let him get away with those kind of actions. If he doesn't learn that he has to fulfill his role in a group and can't need on items he has absolutely no use for he's just going to keep inflicting that kind of play on others.

    It's a community game and the more the community allows such behavior the less justification we have to come in threads like this and complain about it.


    Not meaning this as an attack on you amcdoog. I'm just seeing more and more posts where actions like this are talked about but still allowed to happen.


    We told him to heal....numerous times, but he did not listen, we really did not want to wait for GF to pop another via kicking him. Not sure if the merc would have wanted to heal. All in all, yes, we probably should have booted him, but for the sake of time we did not. We attempted to enlighten him to game mechanics.....but he just didn't listen, we all just ignored him, the dps and I were on the same page.

  7. I quite possibly had the worst healer in the galaxy today.


    Hammer station story mode, I am tanking on my new juggernaut, and get into a group with a 19 sorc healer 19 merc dps and a 15 sniper. We greet each other and go on to the first pull, which the sorc pulls, not bothering to wait for me. We go through a few pulls and I have not received a single heal....and died 3x. I ask for heals and point out to the sorc (who was attacking a target with his saber) that he heals. He says he knows. We wipe on some more trash (sorc was overloading every.single.pull.) We get to first boss where the sorc types "WAIT FOR MY FORCE TO COME BACK" we wait while he sits there doing nothing. I tell him to seethe to regen force and he does and seems amazed. On boss he lets me pull, but then runs up, overloads and thrash spams until he is out of force, causing me to die to the laser. He then says "sorry was outta force" and the dps clean up the boss. We keep going with his overloading and meleeing and remarkably nobody dies. We then arrive at the second boss where he types again "WAIT FOR MY FORCE TO COME BACK" despite him being at full health and force. He stands there and then rapidly types "go" and pulls the boss, making my job even harder. He runs around with his rotation and magically we do not die.


    The boss drops a cunning vibroknife meant for the sniper, but the sorc needs on it. We ask why. He says Khem needs it. ./facepalm. We tell him Khem does not use a knife. The sorc continually says he does. We just let it drop. Mostly the same stuff with trash until some before final boss, in which the sorc commands me to heal (during combat) because he is out of force. He has no idea that I already blew my stack of medpacks due to his lack of heals, and rages at me when I do not use my magic heal skill that all level 16 juggernauts posess. Rest of the run was uneventful, besides his standard "NO FORCE" cry before each battle. He still managed to keep up his massive dps "thrash/overload rotation, and even ran into the sweeping gunfire (I had boss turned around and was sidestepping it.) He was promptly added to ignore.

  8. There's your problem.


    Anything said in chat is likely to get ridiculed, specially if it's seen as different from the norm. My main is a light side Sith Warrior and I think I have more light side Sith than dark and I've never had an issue. But I don't talk in chat about how grade light side is.


    You are absolutely right. I did not really think it through before saying it in chat, I was just having so much fun that I totally forgot about the lack of brain cells exhibited in starter planet chat. It was literally filled with "Yo momma" jokes and people typing in spoilers in all caps in chat, as well as level 30 "pros" spam asking all the lowbies to duel them all day. I guess I expected a more civilized response than I had hope of getting.

  9. I try to make my toon not really a "goody two shoes" like a Jedi, more of a pragmatic anti-hero in a way. He does not kill people for fun or kick puppies, but seeks to serve the Empire as a whole rather than sitting with the Dark Lords and their power struggles and cruelty. He does make some DS choices like killing (Super tiny spoiler) a certain Vemrin, or deceiving the Jedi prisoner on Korriban. For the most part he is merciful to his allies and a nightmare to his enemies, not killing when it is not necessary, and priding honor above all else, seeking to serve the Empire, not the sadists who run it. It's really hard to play a neutral character the way I want to because the relic alignment system really hurts neutral players, kinda strange in a game that champions building a character the way you want to, forcing me to lean light side.
  10. Yes, you are a wuss. Without a shadow of a doubt. You are an embarrassment to the glorious Sith Empire.


    Now, we true, evil Sith are going to go to a wonderful garden party, and you're not invited. There will be cakes and finger sandwiches and lovely rounds of croquet.


    But you cannot join us.


    Because you are a wuss.


    *sweeps cape*


    Oh and when you're evil, wearing capes is cool. When you're good and wearing a cape, you just look like a ninny.


    Oh noes! Can I have some wussy cake at least?

  11. When I made a dark knight....nobody really cared. I just found it exceedingly strange how negative reactions are to LS Imperials. Guess it's a community thing with more examples from lore of "evil maniac" Sith Lords, and not too many Sith Lords with at least semi-decent morals, barring Vader, who was redeemed.
  12. An assault on the starting planets would be cool in theory, but would need a lot more depth and complexity (To the fights and story) and should relate to the Republic/Imperial war as a whole, rather than being disjointed (ex. Having some prelude missions, reason to strike the planets, significance of striking the planets.)It would also be more fit to put later in the game because (this is just my opinion) I feel the whole conflict has not built up enough to warrant a strike at the home worlds of the Jedi and Sith. And to answer your other question, you can give it to your low level toon, providing you have not used it on your higher toon. If you already have, you can purchase it for your low level toon via collections, though your toon would need to have the ability to pilot speeders first to use it. Also, Satele as you implied would be the boss for imperial side, would not fit well as a boss this early in the game due to her lore significance.
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