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10 Good
  1. I see a few comments going back and forth here. Some want it, some will leave if it is implemented. There are a few ways to handle it, and the way I read between the lines I believe I know what the plan is - namely, new companions that prefer to .. eh... play on the same team. While the Star Wars setting seems fairly free-spirited, another BioWare game went a little too far, in my opinion; while it makes some sense to have some bi/lez/gay people, it gets a little strange if everyone is bi. Also, there is the question of wether species is a problem or not. Honestly, getting across the species barrier would be just as drastic as gender, I believe, and I don't think that is addressed all that much here. (I liked how they handled it in ME2, rather maturely, I thought.). However, they've allready included some romance options and that's a first for MMO's. Expanding on it would be good, it's one of many things that set SWTOR apart.
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