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  1. they're green.. and i have two of those 8700's in my comp.. still sitting on low fps with terrible resolution and low/off graphics settings.. game looks terrible like this and it's jumpy due to the fps... hard to play to the level i'd like. edit* am i missing something integral that's keeping my computer from functioning to its capabilities or is it just outdated?
  2. I updated all my drivers, so everything is up to date. It's actually slower in full screen mode. I've even gone to the lengths of closing all processes through the task manager before opening the game and it's STILL **** fps. I don't understand. In the past two weeks i've defragged twice, even gone to maxmyspeed.com to try to maximize my performance, and deleted all programs that aren't essential to my current lifestyle.. i.e. word, internet applications, and my anti-virus. I've come to the point where I might be buying a new computer... but will a new GPU get me above 60 fps? When I go into PvP i get like 5 fps due to all the particle effects.. I just don't understand because I ran WoW pretty well, averaging 40-60 fps without all this effort i've put into trying to play SW:TOR :/
  3. HI, I'm currently running: Intel® Core2 duo CPU T9300 @ 2.50 GHz processor with an: NVIDIA GeForce 8700M GT SLI (2) GPU... is my GPU completely outdated for this game? I've changed the resolution down to 1024X768 and altered all graphics settings to "off" or "low" and I still maintain 30 FPS on my ship...10-20 in the populated areas... Do I need an entirely new computer? Or just a GPU. *yes, I'm aware this is a desktop forum but I looked for a longtime to find the laptop one and couldn't find it. Sorry for the inconvenience and please don't flame me for posting a laptop question here. I'm very disappointed after waiting for so long to play this awesome game and have it essentially unplayable past the starter areas *
  4. So I'm currently running: Intel® Core2 Duo CPU T9300 @ 2.50Ghz 4 GB ram 32-bit Operating System with an: NVIDIA GeForce 8700M GT driver model 285.62 Why is it i can't run this game full screen on a higher resolution than 1024X768... and even on that low resolution i'm only getting 30 fps.. Am I out of date? Hard to believe but I guess it's possible... Please help me out i'ev been struggling with this since my early access began. (edit) I have the shadows off, tree and grass sliders all the way to the lowerst, and all graphically adjustable settings down to either low or off... still having all these problems, even in "windowed" mode, which in the past has helped with my performance. Thanks!
  5. /win /bump watch as a lone trooper turns the tides of epic battles... on a speeder of epicosity... or whatever.
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