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Everything posted by Qvasar

  1. This is not true. Story mode can cater to 60%, Hard mode to 39%, and Nightmare mode to the 1%. Everyone will be happy (made up figures obviously). /rant on I will grant you a point though - quite a few people think just because they pay for the game, they are entitled to experience all its content and collect all the rewards. However, these people will sooner or later learn that the world is not theirs by birth right, neither is this game its content and rewards. /rant off
  2. The current level 55 nightmare mode operations are not tuned for casual players (and I am including "semi-casual-hardcore" here). The operations are tuned for hardcore dedicated players who enjoy a challenge and don't mind raiding for 4+ hours every day for weeks until they get the entire team working flawlessly. They are tuned for those who have best-in-slot Underworld gear, know how to play their class perfectly to maximize DPS/HPS/TPS and minimize damage taken. These operations are also unforgiving - if a single player forgets a small detail during a fight he will most likely cause a wipe. Just as an example... Our guild has been raiding for 4+ hours a day, 5+ days a week since June 12th, working on these nightmare mode operations. No one quits and goes enjoy summer. You can argue this is insane and we should get a life, but the fact is this is our level of dedication and we finally have the challenge we desired for so long. We also do NOT feel the operations need to be nerfed since both of them have been cleared already.
  3. It is fixed until you mount and dismount... after that it's broken again
  4. Seriously? Also do you even know how the achievement system works? Do you not see that the remaining three boss achievements are not completed? Anyway... Also why don't you identify yourself? What's your in-game name and guild? Or do you just like to come into the forums and falsely acuse others concealing your identity and with no proof whasoever?
  5. Agreed. Nostrum Dolus will not participate in a progression race where a guild can claim kills after cheating their way out of one boss.
  6. Not arguing with any of what you said. I did post earlier ina reply to another use stating how we do things where I work. Just to sumarize (and we're not running MMOs here so stuff is of coure different): If we were to find a critical bug on a feature (in this case TfB NiM) on a software already scheduled for deployment, the decision would either be to release with the (non-critcal) bug on "know issues" or to pull out the feature (critical bug). Next on-cycle patch would fix the bug or restore the feature. EDIT: Also you talked about critical bugs, those we all dread to see live, but if they made it to live, they would be fixed asap in na out-of-cycle patch (so no 5-12 days with critical bug). Anyway, and I cannot emphasize this any more: There are many strategies for software deployment and each fits its own scenario. Bioware has their own strategy with which I largely agree with the exception of the final build - announce - deploy timeframe. It is of course not my place to lecture them on how to do their jobs - hence the word "suggestion".
  7. Been here since this started. But you are right. People complain about everything, it's impossible to keep this entire community happy. I even understand how Bioware may feel frustrated that whenever they think they did something right someone QQs about it. I also believe noone is more pissed at this patch being delayed than the developers. I was merely offering a suggestion that could mitigate this in the future. Unforseeable events happen, just try and ensure their consquences aren't that great. Announcing a patch delay 1 week before patch = meh; Announcing it 24hrs before = forum-wide QQ.
  8. Because it's a guild signature. I've not played ranked warzones in over 6 months. Everyone at TRE knows that. EDIT: Anyway I fail to see how is this relevant for the patch 2.2. discussion. Just start a thread about it if you feel so strongly about this.
  9. It's not my rating, it's the ranked team rating. And you are right it needs to be corrected to ~3200.
  10. @ Yaanos (didn't quote not to clutter the thread). At the moment I'm working on research projects as a software engineer. Our team is nowhere near as large as Bioware of course, but we do have clients and we do have deadlines. Some projects have such stricts deadlines that we lose 10% of the contract value for each work day we are delayed. You misunderstood me because I didn't explain myself throughly. When I said "mark it final and don't touch it" I wasn't saying not to fix bugs or to sit on your hands for a week. What I meant was that development is running a week (for exemple) ahead of deployment. Meaning what is to be deployed next week is locked. Whatever bugs there are can only be fixed on the new patch. This is a valid work strategy and of course it has pro's and con's. Here we found that it's better to release something with "known issues", some of them which are already fixed on the next version, than to delay na entire release. Mostly however we don't release with "known issues", we postpone features. Like in this instance if the problem was TfB NiM, then TfB NiM would be pulled out of patch, and patch would still be released without it. The pull would have been done as soon as there was reasonable doubt it would be ready, and announced to the clients at that time (for exemple last week).
  11. Eric thank you for the reply. I still think it is a terrible practice to schedule an update which isn't finished. Why not make sure it is final and then schedule the update? You would avoid these kinds of situations. Anyway, one question still remains. Does this mean transfers are delayed aswell?
  12. That is not the issue. If they found the bug a week ago they could have delayed it for as long as needed. But right now the damage is done. What needs to be weighed is the severity of allowing said bug to go live vs messing up everyone who scheduled their lives around this. This is why many people are asking what the bug is. If it's something like "unify colors isn't working" or "TfB NiM first boss can't be killed", or "ranked warzone queue is broken".
  13. Noone can schedule vacations with 24hrs notice. I think it's fair to assume that when a major patch has been scheduled with a specific date and time for maintenance they are no longer working on it. It is final, ready for deployment. Whatever issues arise are for the next patch.
  14. You know this patch has the first progression race since EC NiM (11/15/2012). You know this patch has the possibility to revive ranked warzones by allowing server transfers. Both PvE and PvP guilds have invested a lot in preparation for this patch on this specific day: PvEers took vacations days for progression and to race for a spot on world ranking, PvPers took vacations days to have their strongest setup available for what was expected to be the most active ranked warzones week ever. Whatever bug you may have found, please make sure it is worth destroying all these efforts made by your most dedicated players by postponing the patch/transfers. You can always deploy 2.2 as planned and deploy a quick bug-fix patch a couple of days later.
  15. Eric is there still any chance 2.2 will be implemented tomorrow, even if not at the announced time? Some of us actually took a vacation day for TfB NiM progression, and are (very) angry at the moment.
  16. When you are crafting you are doing so with a purpose - earn credits. This is the very definition of GREED. However if you NEED the resource to craft, or get crafted an upgrade for yourself....
  17. Miniboss Yellow circles... this can't be good, let's avoid them! Kill! Droid *** was that?! Ok guys... we really got to interrupt that incenerate thing! S***! S***! S***!! There's nowhere to move!! Let's decide on a path to move this guy... Ranged/healer you can't stand where we're going to move next, try to stay back, k? Kill! Savrak That was a hell of a knockback... looooool! Let's all stand on the edge of the platform. Uh.. that didn't work either, it seemed worse... Let's stack underneath him. Click the console! Damn he leaped! Go to the other!! Quick!! S*** Ok, each one takes a console, healer stays mid, all click! Kill! Lorrick Cleanse! Cleanse! CLEAAANSEEE! Nevermind... Don't stand on green! BOOM! BOOM! BOOM! BOOM! ... OK, if you are NOT the tank don't stand in front of that guy, and tank try to wiggle around Mmmmkay burning rakghouls = bad. Kill!
  18. Will you let this thread die already? LI is easy, doesn't need nerfing, pugs are bad. /thread
  19. Materials are so rare and expensive that I don't see a point in this. If it was endgame gear sure, but it's a tier below. Why spend 1mill on a hilt/barrel if it isn't even the best (and yes I kno some people do, but still...)
  20. Sorry I assumed it was a guild run since you talked about being on mumble. I understand you clicked it because you were trying to help and that you informed the leasder you didn't know the tactics (something that many people don't bother doing). But still, taking the shield is the offtank's responsability, unless the raid leader says otherwise. When you click it you are assuming that responsability. It's pretty much the same as you see a guy chocking in a crowded room and you yell "don't worry I got this" when you have no idea what you are doing. Better stay still and let someone handle it. But just to make it clear, they were jerks, I agree with that 100%. I'm just pointing out what I believe to be your mistakes so that this doesn't happen again to you or anyone else who reads this.
  21. Honestly I think Elite Commendations are there for you to gear companions only. Every rock you kick in game seems to drop a few of these and most hit the weekly cap by Thursday It's not endgame gear, doesn't have a set bonus, so what use are you gonna give it except companions? .
  22. Regardless of what you've done their reaction is unjustifiable and moronic. If you pick up a random player from fleet general chat you must be prepared to whatever may come out of it. It is a risk, either you are willing to take it or not. However, I don't think you should have responded to their LFM since: You had no knowledge of the tactics. You had never done S&V. If you are not in a guild doing progression it is common courtesy (and sense) to learn the tactics before joining anything. Furthermore it was a guild 16man, you were a pug, and you didn't even know the tactics. Why click the shield at all? There seems to be a "if it's blue I click it complex" in this game
  23. The quick answer (assuming your gear is in fact correct for your AC and role): This game is littered with skilless players who usually need gear two tiers above the recommended to clear the content... and still struggle. So when they see someone who isn't way overgeared they panic. Proof (seen on Fleet general chat): "LFM for EV HM - MUST BE LEVEL 55"
  24. But I can put them all on my (very extensive) ignore list. Point is: Stop destroying the game by making it laughably easy so that clueless people can feel awesome and heroic. Stop rewarding mediocrity.
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