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Posts posted by tsupra

  1. Could you post the ways you acquire the pvp/pve gear? I.E., I'm coming up on 50 - how do I get the centurion credits buy the first round of pvp gear?


    At the moment all goes around certain bags(at level 50)!There are two type of bags:champion bags and battlemaster bags!each bag contains commendations and a chance to drop a token to directly by a piece of gear(small chance)


    You are interested in champion bags since you are about to hit 50(since battlemaster requires valor rank of 60 to open them)!Champion bags contain 15 centurion coms and 7 champion coms,with a low chance to get a token to directly exchange for a piece of gear


    There are two ways to obtain these bags :1)by doing your daily/weekly pvp quests that are available from your fleet 2)By doing warzones(for wz commendations that you can use to purchase mercenary coms) and stocking coms to buy a champion bag(cost is 200 wz coms and 200 merc coms)



    If you are about to hit 50 use some coms to buy one champion bag(its uniche so you can have only one on inventory) and stock up to 1k/1k coms so you can buy an extra 5 bags once you ding !


    There gonna be some extra trades when it comes in commendations in next patch wich you can read at public test server forums.

  2. If they decide to put a penalty for leaving wz's they have to add a minimum requirement on gear in order to join 50's wz's!This is the only thing i really care and the only reason i ever left a warzone(2 times in countless wz's i played)!When people join a 50's wz with lvl 40 gear i feel insulted and cant help it but leave!They are not even good for callbots since if an op/sin jumps on them they wont know what hit them
  3. why different gear for pve?


    Because there is a pvp stat that is usefull in pvp only(expertise)!However is usefull till a certain amount so you add up more pve gear for more damage!In pve ofc you want more damage so you go full pve gear(you dont put that battlemaster pieces that contain pvp stat wich has no use for pve)

  4. Agree with op,tanks should be able to defend a turret /door for at least 5 minutes or beeing able to carry the ball through entir huttball map without needing any heals or defensive cooldowns!pff developers
  5. There is no comparison between the games when it comes to gameplay,features,content,develpment!Thats what people are talking about!if you think that is better cause of b-movie voice act questlines then i m happy that you enjoy it,but as you mentioned its your first and you will soon understand that in a game this is the least you need
  6. I m just paying the sub to be able to write on this forums on how this wow killer failled to be on rift level at least!will just be around having fun watching the biodrons crying that they want free transfer cause their servers are slowly dying!This fun worth more than 15 bucks a month imo
  7. How is this bias towards tanks/ healers ... ?


    Maybe hybrids.


    If anything, they're biased towards DPS especially due to all the DPS/Heal or DPS/Tank hybrids.


    Pure healers or pure tanks get shafted in this game when it comes to medals. Have a healer in my guild who regularly breaks 500+K healing total and usually ends with 4 Medals.


    Healers are in bad shape,but tanks or dps specced tank arcetypes get free medals!anyone can taunt twice a game and get 2 free medals and even more if he actually bothers

  8. this would be an awful "fix" to something thats not really broken. Theres plenty of valid reasons to fight away from those points that are helping your team win. If you want a real fix, dont award valor/medals to the losing team.


    I always thought that i have wild fantasy but this beats me!could you elaborate?

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